Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2000: Seeking talent in the mountains,

Chapter 2000 Seeking Talent in the Mountains, Zhang Dazhuang

Chen Wanru can't say anything anymore, eat!

She found that the craftsmanship of the village master was really good. She ate two bowls of rice and drank a cup of soil-made rice wine. There was no shelf at all. This made them feel more like her, unlike some celebrities who come home with chopsticks. Do not move a look of disgust.

Chen Wanru said after the meal, saying that there are good resources here, which can be well developed to benefit the village, and the company can invest in capital and technology, such as breeding.

The people in the village laughed at this.

Chen Wanru said again: "My assistant will talk to Tang Ji about this. I can't control the specifics, haha!"

\"Great, Mr. Chen, this place needs too much entrepreneurs like you, too poor. The last year we finally had a concrete road, but still a lot of changes, we need to attract investment, but ~~~\ "

\"Tang Ji, don't worry, I will let my assistant follow up!\" Chen Wanru said.

At this time, the assistant is already on the phone. Let the branch staff see that this step-by-step implementation is really pleasing.

\"That's good, that's good!\" Tang Ji was so cheeky for the development of this village.

If this good opportunity is not seized, he will become a sinner.

\"I will stay here tonight, and I will return to Kyoto when the engineering team comes tomorrow!\"

Chen Wan said so after the meal.

Now everyone is relieved, they are also worried that Chen Wanru's words are nothing, and she will leave without saying anything.

\"Alright, my son will be back tomorrow. If the girl doesn't dislike it, let's sleep in my house tonight!\" said Zhang Fu.

\"Don’t have to be so troublesome, just spread a straw mat on the open space outside and you can sleep!\" Chen Wanru said:\"I like the air in this mountain, but I don’t want to be in the house!\"

\"How can this be!\" Zhang Mu first said: \"You are a distinguished guest! How can you sleep outside.\"

Chen Wanru said: "Eldest sister, since I am a distinguished guest, don't you listen to me?"

\"This~~~\" Zhang Mu couldn't answer.

\"That's it!\" Chen Wanru said.

Zhang Fu said: "It's good, the mountains are cold, just make a fire!"

Chen Wanru also smiled. She would not be picky about everything, just use whatever she had. Her life was picked up by the old beggar. She knew her life experience, a child from a poor family.

The sky was getting dark at this moment. If it were in the village, it would have been very quiet. At most there would be some lights, but now every house is turned on, like a small night market.

The busiest person today is the assistant, a beautiful girl who ran before and after.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the banquet dissipated, and it was quieter. Zhang Mu came over and asked Chen Wanru to take a bath. Chen Wanru didn't dislike it. She also brought a change of clothes and used cold water to make her feel refreshed.

When she got here, Chen Wanru felt that she, or a child from a really poor family, liked this in her bones.

Maybe even poorer than here.

In the open space outside, Chen Wanru lay there, and the assistant slept there.

Looking at the fire, Chen Wanru didn't want anything else. She suddenly felt that this place was very quiet and a place to calm people's minds. It would be great if we could live in this place with Zhang Feng without fighting with the world!

But this is impossible.

How did destiny change? Perhaps it was changed when the trafficker took her away.

Early the next morning, the engineering team called by Chen Wanru arrived. Twenty people, as well as cement tankers and vehicles for transporting construction materials, blocked the entire village.

The house needs to be built right away!

Zhang Mu's family panicked, are they really here?

\"Uncle, today is auspicious day!\" Chen Wanru said.

Zhang Fu said: \"Yes, today is auspicious day!\"

What can I say when I'm here?

\"Start work!\" said Zhangfu.

The whole village helped to move after having breakfast, and then digging on the excavator and dragging the truck.

After an hour, the house was razed to the ground.

A designer showed the drawing to Zhang Fu, where Zhang could understand it, but the designer used a tablet to show him the renderings. It was a villa.

\"It's beautiful!\" Zhang Mu couldn't help but say it.

The designer said: "What else do you need to add, let me say now!"

\"No more, no more, that's it!\"

Zhangfu talked again and again.

\"This is a stainless steel villa. The materials are all upgraded versions. It can live for a hundred years without a problem. The terrain here is fine unless there is an earthquake, and there is no mudslide!\"

\"Yes, yes!\"

They don't know what the stainless steel villa is like, it would be great to live for a hundred years!

So it started.

Their movements were very fast, and by noon, the first floor was finished, and the top was sealed after it was finished.

Seeing people in a daze.

At one o'clock after the meal, Zhang Dazhuang came back, a pure and anxious young man.

After he got home, he saw that there was a lot of construction work here, which was his home. He thought that his home was occupied and his father was angry and sick.

\"Da Zhuang is back!\"

Someone saw him.

Zhang mother came out from the crowd, and was happy to see her son coming back: "Da Zhuang, you are back!"

\"Mom, where's my dad?\" Zhang Dazhuang's thinking is very clear, so I will ask this first.

\"Where is it over there?\"

Zhang Dazhuang went over and saw that his old father was busy with a group of workers, and he could still carry about a hundred catties of wood.

\"Isn't my dad sick?\" Zhang Dazhuang asked.

\"Yes, it was yesterday. It will be fine after I wake up tonight. I don't know what's going on!\"

Zhang Mu said.

This remark was made by the couple on the bedside last night.

\"That's okay!\" Zhang Dazhuang breathed a sigh of relief: \"What's going on?\"

\"This~~~\" Zhang Mu doesn't know where to start: \"You come with me!\"

So he pulled him aside and talked, and after a while Zhang Fu also passed by, and no one bothered them.

Chen Wanru also knew about it here. She smiled and said to the assistant: "It's a filial son!"

\"Miss, did it happen?\" the assistant asked.

\"almost the same!\"

"Miss, you really have a way!" The assistant admired it.

Chen Wanru nodded, this trip is not considered a chore, just treat it as a trip.

\"We must implement what we have said, we have to Zhang Dazhang this life!\" Chen Wanru said such a cruel thing.


It's not cruel, it's just a part-time job, and it's not like killing slaves.

He was very lucky. Others couldn't get it for a lifetime. He got it all at once.

Next, Zhang's father took his son to see Chen Wanru.

As soon as he met Zhang Dazhuang, he said to his assistant: "It turned out to be you!"

This is not malicious, but an accident, Zhang Dazhuang did not expect the other party to make this move.

Snapped! Zhangfu patted his brain and said angrily: "How do you talk?"

\"Sorry!\" Zhang Dazhuang said honestly.

Chen Wanru smiled and said: "Hehe, uncle, you can't shoot his head, his head is more expensive than mine, and you can't shoot him if you shoot mine!\"

\"Haha!\" Zhangfu laughed.

\"Big Zhuang, how about it? Can I come to my company? I can give you a formal establishment, you are considered a clerk!\" Chen Wanru cut straight in.

Zhang Dazhuang said: "What else can I do, do I still have a choice?"

\"Hehe, of course this is your freedom!\" Chen Wanru said.

Zhangfu was angry, and raised his hand but didn't dare to hit: "Boy, if you don't agree, see if I won't break your leg!"

\"Uncle, don't say that, let Da Zhuang choose by himself!\"

Almost everyone looked at Da Zhuang, waiting for him to nod.

Finally, Da Zhuang said: "You are so sincere, if I don't agree, then it is not human!"

Chen Wanru smiled, everyone smiled.

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