Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2001: Find the traitor, come from home

Chen Wanru came out of the mountain. She spent less than 300,000 yuan on this trip, including the reinforced steel house.

The big head is the house in Kyoto, more than ten million.

This is a big deal.

But when Chen Wanru left, Zhang Dazhuang said that even if it was an advance payment of wages, he would use his wages to offset it.

This was voluntary, not forced by his father.

It's a bit ambitious.

Speaking of why he shouldn't stop Chen Wanru before, he said that he felt that he was not qualified enough. When he heard him say that, Chen Wanru smiled. As expected, he did not find the wrong person. The behavior of this kid is OK.

On the way back, the assistant said: "Miss, you still have a way!"

\"We are also lucky, otherwise it will not go so smoothly!\" Chen Wanru said.

When not at work, Chen Wanru's relationship with his assistant is like a sister.

\"Johnson and Linard have offered him higher terms than ours!\" said the assistant.

Chen Wanru thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something, so she asked: \"Who leaked Zhang Dazhuang's paper?\"

\"Can't find it yet!\" said the assistant.

\"Check, get this person out!\"



Zhang Feng and Zhuo Chaoyun returned to the compound in Kyoto. Yun Qian’s grandma came to live in the compound. It was very quiet and Haohao was there. The old man was very happy. Zhang Feng’s return made the old man even more happy. I like this grandson-in-law very much.

\"Feng, grandma does not object to you doing those dangerous tasks, but you must be careful, think about it, if you have an accident, what will this family do?\"

Zhang Feng helped the old man to sit in the yard, and the old man told Zhang Feng.

\"Grandma, I know, I don't go abroad now, try my best to let them do it!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"That's right! \" The old man said: \ "If it's your fault, you can't hold back!\"

"Hehe, grandma, do you think I am a shrinking person? I already knew my mission!" Zhang Feng said, patting his chest.

These words made the old man seem to have met Zhang Feng again and nodded heavily.

\"Zhang Feng, come and help, wait for Master to come over for dinner!\"

Yun Qian cried inside.

\"Come now!\" Zhang Feng responded loudly, and said to the old man: \"Grandma, I'm past, you are sitting here!\"

The old man smiled: \"Go!\"

It feels like home here. The old man likes it very much. Looking at Haohao who is playing with the sand over there, the old man's face is smiling, and his thoughts go back to the past.

In less than half an hour, the old beggar came with a stranger middle-aged man. Although he was wearing ordinary clothes, he knew it was a soldier at first glance, and he was well-behaved.

In Zhang Feng's eyes, he can see that this person is not simple, even if he hides his aura.

\"Zhang Feng, come, I have seen your Uncle Tang. He was your father's comrade-in-arms back then, and your father did not come on duty today!\" the old beggar introduced.

\"You are Zhang Feng, haha, I finally met a real person!\" Tang Zhongjing has the hearty temperament of a soldier.

Zhang Feng smiled awkwardly: \"Hello Uncle Tang!\"

\"Haha, you are really low-key. Many people treat you like a treacherous person, but they have never seen you. It is not easy to want to see you once. This time, if Mr. Gu Su had not brought it, you would not be visible!" Tang Zhongjing laughed .

Zhang Feng smiled and said: \"Uncle Tang joked, when do you want to see me, call me immediately!\"

\"That won't work, I dare not call you for nothing, you are precious now!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

Yun Qian shouted inside: \"You can eat!\"

She was still busy, but fortunately Zhuo Chaoyun helped. Zhang Feng just came out after helping out for a while.

\"Little Tang, let's go in!\" said the old beggar.

\"Yes, Mr. Gusu!\"

Tang Zhongjing is very respectful to the old beggar.

A few people entered the hall, and the large table was already full of dishes, and two beautiful women in aprons brought dishes from the kitchen.

\"Uncle Tang is here!\" Yun Qian glanced at the guests and shouted.

Tang Zhongjing smiled and said: "It's Doctor Yun, excuse me!"

\"Don't disturb, don't disturb!\" Yun Qian said.

\"Uncle Tang!\" Zhuo Chaoyun also said.

\"The Zhuo family girl is also here, it's really lively!\"

\"Uncle Tang, please sit down, Master, sit down here!\"

No one called Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng came to Fuyun Grandma. As I have just introduced outside, the people sitting at this table are all top-notch figures, and Haohao is also a top-ranking existence among his peers.

An ordinary family dinner, without discussing business affairs.

Drinking tea after a meal to digest, the old beggar said first, there are no outsiders here.

\"At present, we have obtained a lot of researches that are breakthrough developments. The above attaches great importance to it. I hope we can expand the results!\" said the old beggar.

Since Grandma Yun's operation was successful, everyone who has the authority to know about this matter has been shocked and excited. Some people think that this technology has led the world for no less than ten years.

Although there are some exaggerated elements, the results are there, and no one can kill them.

\"Yes, there are a lot of individual equipment and breakthroughs!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

Zhang Feng didn't speak. Guessing Tang Zhongjing's purpose here, it couldn't be as simple as coming for a meal, right?

\"But we need people with strong individual combat capabilities to train soldiers!\" Tang Zhongjing said and turned to Zhang Feng: \"Zhang Feng, we need you!\"

\"Training? I'm not good at this, it should be Yan Wang and the others, they are on vacation! \" Zhang Feng is not shitting, they are indeed more suitable.

The old beggar said: "They are on vacation now, so for the first time in many years they took a real vacation, let them have a good rest!"

\"Then I am on vacation too!\"

When Zhang Feng said this, Yun Qian glared at him.

Tang Zhongjing said: \"I know your achievements in the training of the halberd of God Slayer. Of course, we can’t follow theirs. My intention is to let this gang see what a real warrior is. So simple!\"

\"That way, you can just give the order, I will execute it!\" Zhang Feng changed his attitude.

Tang Zhongjing smiled and said: \"No, Zhang Feng, you just need to go, no order!\"

Zhang Feng understood that this was the reason for coming here for dinner.

\"Yes, then I will go, I have nothing to do anyway! \" Zhang Feng said.

\"That's it!\"

Tang Zhongjing was very happy, but Zhang Feng did not expect Zhang Feng to agree so soon.

\"No, Uncle Tang, you want to give me a degree, how do you train them?\" Zhang Feng said.

Tang Zhongjing thought for a while and said: \"Now they are the Sharp Sword Special Brigade, it is best to train as a new member of the Huangquan Team!\"

\"Some difficulty, it will die, Uncle Tang!\"

\"Is it that serious?\" Tang Zhongjing said.

Zhang Feng nodded.

Tang Zhongjing said: "Let these guys see the world, you just let go and do it!"

\"Good!\" Zhang Feng should come down.

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