Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2010: Tinder, confirmed the eyes

Seeing more than a thousand people standing neatly on the school field, Zhang Feng was a little confused, isn't it just a small team?

Sharp Sword Special Brigade.

This is indeed a brigade, okay?

\"That, Uncle Tang, the following words, let's talk about it!\" said Tang Zhongjing, who was standing by the side of Zhang Feng's team. Zhang Feng thought he would talk about mobilization.

It's not good for Zhang Feng.

\"No, Zhang Feng, the next thing is your place, I want to listen to you too!\" Tang Zhongjing said:\"Oh, yes, the special team of the sword is selected from the whole group, and it says that it will cost ten Five people, and these fifteen people are chosen by you, I believe in your vision!\"

\"Uncle Tang?\" Zhang Feng felt that he had been pitted and wanted to run away, but just think about it and forget it. I didn't talk about this before, but Zhang Feng didn't understand: \"What about the special team of sharp swords before? \"

\"They are no longer called Lijian, they have new tasks, and now this is a new kind of fire! \" Tang Zhongjing changed his tone: \"It is called the fire plan for the time being!\"

Zhang Feng nodded, it seems that this is extraordinary, and he is proud to be able to take on this important task.

\"Leave it to you!\" Tang Zhongjing said and sat down to take a look.

Zhang Feng stood on a one-meter step, behind which was the national flag!

Zhang Feng was wearing camouflage uniforms at this time, which was different from their green uniforms. After scanning the next few eyes, they saw the disgrace of Zhang Feng in their eyes. This regiment was the strongest regiment in the military region. Every soldier was very good. It's amazing, it's all a treasure, and this is also the reason why the Tinder Project will fall on Tang Zhongjing's regiment.

However, Zhang Feng didn't care about the dissatisfaction of these people. Zhang Feng turned around and shouted at the national flag: \"Salute!\"

Then he performed a textbook salute.

More than a thousand people in the back saluted almost reflexively.

Three seconds later, Zhang Feng put down his hand, turned around, and went on. They did not move one by one, but still saluted.

The shout of Zhang Feng just now suffocated theirs. All the soldiers knew that they couldn't make such a shout if they had not experienced the harsh military life.

Starting with the first soldier in the first row, Zhang Feng walked down one by one. Each soldier stayed for less than two seconds and looked into the soldier's eyes.

Zhang Feng's eyes were very powerful and very lethal. They were murderous eyes, and his body released a fierce murderous intent. Some soldiers saw Zhang Feng's eyes and sweated out, and some of their feet were soft and barely able to support them.

However, some soldiers were very determined.

This kind of look can only be felt by people who have been in the army. If it is an ordinary person outside, it can't be seen. What can be seen is the anger and a bit of murderous look in Zhang Feng's eyes, wanting to kill.

What the soldiers saw was not as simple as murderous or murderous eyes.

More than a thousand soldiers Zhang Feng walked past one by one.

Finally Zhang Feng stood on the steps and watched. They were still saluting, but their eyes were different.

Unlike just now, Zhang Feng is just like their general, an invincible general, a general who can lead them to supreme glory.

Tang Zhongjing, who was sitting behind, stood up strangely and surprised, his hands shaking and agitated.

He knew his soldiers best, and Zhang Feng yelled a word during the whole process, which not only suppressed these people, but also convinced them.

And what Tang Zhongjing saw was not the most important thing, but he could see that their morale seemed to have improved a lot, and the whole army had Xiao Ran's murderous aura.

what happened?

Tang Zhongjing couldn't figure it out. He was just waiting or was able to see Zhang Fengxun people, or he wanted to prove his strength to convince them. He didn't expect it to be done like this?

It was incredible, Tang Zhongjing felt that he still underestimated him, this kid is not that simple.

This is the first time I have seen such a powerful soldier, oh no, it is the general.

Zhang Feng is a general talent.

In fact, Zhang Feng's ability to have such soft power is mostly due to his retreat practice in the past year.

That's right, it's cultivation, which is to lay the foundation in Wuji View, and it is similar to enlightenment in the 01 base.

But it's not the murderous aura accumulated by force only before, but the inner might! In other words, it comes from the superior power.

Under such power, how could these soldiers refuse to accept it? Also being probated and promoted murderous intent.

\"A dozen of you, stand up for yourself! The rest are free to disband!\"

Zhang Feng finally spoke.

This sounded ordinary, but it was very convincing. Some of them came forward consciously, there were 17 of them.

Others left silently and consciously, and soon there were only these seventeen people left on the school field!

Seeing these seventeen people, Tang Zhongjing was even more excited. They were the strongest soldiers in the legion.

How could they stand up like this, Zhang Feng didn't move any of them just now, just walked past them.

how come?

The more Tang Zhongjing thinks about it, the less he understands it. This matter has become mysterious. How strong is this Zhang Feng?

In just a few minutes, Tang Zhongjing has repeatedly refreshed his views on Zhang Feng. No one has ever felt that way to Tang Zhongjing. The soldiers he has brought are not one hundred thousand, but six to seven thousand.

It is a blessing to be able to have someone like Zhang Feng in our army and with such a high level of consciousness.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhongjing's eyes were a little moist. Did the wind blow the frame? Still have sand?

\"There is such a task as long as you do it, you will be erased all your identities and names, you will be blank, there is nothing, if you die, you will be as humble as a grain of sand, Except for your record on the highest-level archives, you have no honor, no honor, and your family knows nothing about it!\"

Zhang Feng spoke, and his words were deep and powerful: \"But I only need fifteen people, and the remaining two people, you can solve it yourself, and give you five minutes!\"

After speaking, Zhang Feng walked to Tang Zhongjing's side.

Quiet, the scene is quiet. Although the more than one thousand soldiers have gone far away, Zhang Feng's words are still shocking among the seventeen people. What kind of mission is this?

\"Come, sit here!\" Tang Zhongjing reacted.

\"Thank you Uncle Tang!\" The light on Zhang Feng's body disappeared suddenly, and a smile appeared on his face. He became no different from ordinary young people on the street. Apart from this camouflage uniform, he was no different from where he was just now. people.

What kind of person is this? Tang Zhongjing was thinking.

Zhang Feng continued: \"Uncle Tang, okay?\"

\"Okay, too good!\" Tang Zhongjing couldn't think of other words, and asked: \"How did you choose them?\"

\"I have confirmed my eyes!\" Zhang Feng said.


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