Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2011: Three-day holiday, voluntary!

Of the seventeen people, none of them came forward, and Zhang Feng didn't know how to choose. They were all voluntary, and their strengths were similar.

Zhang Feng looked at Tang Zhongjing and asked him to decide.

Tang Zhongjing understood what Zhang Feng meant, could he keep these two people?

\"Two or three more people don't ask too much!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

Zhang Feng nodded and said to them: "Okay, just two more. These two will serve as reserve forces. If the comrade in front has fallen, you will make up!"

\"Yes!\" Seventeen people saluted at the same time, shouting loudly.

Zhang Feng said: \"Give you three days, bid farewell to your family, discipline you know, I will not say much, disband!\"


The holiday was decided by Zhang Feng himself, it made sense, and the time was not particularly critical.

They need to pass rigorous training before they can do the task. Training is entirely up to Zhang Feng.

And his mission here is to train these people.

After that, Tang Zhongjing told Zhang Feng the ins and outs and picked out the intentions of these soldiers.

\"The Dragon Warrior project needs them!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment. The old beggar didn't tell him about this, didn't he say that it was not working? Why did you expropriate people? This is not in line with the original intention, is it the same as the previous 52 area?

Although they were voluntary, Zhang Feng knew it was kidnapping of free thought.

\"Zhang Feng, you don’t need to think too much about how many people were sacrificed when we did nuclear tests and other research? How many people gave all of them? And how did we come from today? His ancestors exchanged it with hot blood. Could it be that we don’t even have this blood now?\"

Faced with Tang Zhongjing's rhetorical question, Zhang Feng felt like the grandmother of Yun Qian last year, Tang Zhongjing Xiaoyun's grandma, and Zhang Feng Xiaotang's grandma.

What is this called? Continuing from above, centering on from below!

Never cut off.

\"Uncle Tang, I understand!\" Zhang Feng didn't say much.

\"Zhang Feng, I will work hard for you in the next days!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

\"No, Uncle Tang, this is what I should do!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Hehe, yes, yes, everyone should do it, so that we have hope!\"

Tang Zhongjing's words are very meaningful.

Yes, if not, you should be surpassed by them, and you should work for others~~~

I have eaten enough bitter fruits in the past, so I should be self-improvement.

However, Zhang Feng took out his cell phone and called the old beggar.

\"Xiaofeng, what's going on there? Your task is very heavy! Look~~~\"

Before the old beggar finished talking, Zhang Feng shouted: \"Good fellow, don't tell me this kind of thing directly, who do you think I am? It's really interesting to find me through Uncle Tang to do this !\"

\"Uh, this, Xiaofeng, don't be emotional, I'm not in the army, it's not convenient to start, you're not in the army, do you understand that? \" The old beggar said patiently: \ "Originally, I I want the entire Huangquan squad to come, but you are too precious, and the whole army does not have strong fighters like yours. Your task is to cultivate more Huangquan squads!\"

\"Old guy, dare you to treat us as hens!\" Zhang Feng said angrily.

\"Hehe, this analogy is very appropriate, that's what it means!\"

\"Good guy!\"

\"This task is not easy. I require their physical talents to be stronger than Caldera or Silgarva!\" the old beggar said in a deep voice.

Zhang Feng said: "Small, is there any benefit?"

\"Let you charge two extra wives, how about?\"

Zhang Feng was shocked, why is this? Old beggars generally don't care about their own bad things. How did they care about it this time?

What did he say? If there is any gossip in the future, even if the accountability comes down from above, his old beggar will help.

Two little wives, who else? Alice and the flight attendant Xu, as for Del, Zhang Feng didn't want to.

\"Okay, this can be said, then you will not be ignored!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Don't you believe me?\"

\"Okay, I believe you for the time being!\"

Zhang Feng hung up the phone as he spoke.

This task is still very challenging, why? Zhang Feng knows the strength of Silgarva and Caldera best. They are strong men who have crawled out of the dead in actual combat.

To give these seventeen fighters who have no actual combat opportunity to have their strength, the training required will be more and more cruel.

It can be said that they have been trained like inhumans, even more severe than the training camp of God Slayer Halberd.

Zhang Fengdui Tang Zhongjing said: "Uncle Tang, this is a very demanding one. There may be dead people in their training!"

This is a vaccination, the vaccination given to Tang Zhongjing, see if he can get it right.

\"Is it that serious?\" Tang Zhongjing asked.

After all, I sacrificed before I went up, no matter what I did, it was hard to do.

Zhang Feng nodded.

\"You can rest assured to do it!\" Tang Zhongjing said in a deep voice: \"The moment they stood up just now, their fate has been decided, all the way to the end, or all the way to the dark!\"

\"Yes!\" Zhang Feng saluted him and left.

In three days, Zhang Feng didn't want to waste time here.

Instead, go to the training ground.

The training ground is top-secret, and is heavily guarded in the woods outside the army barracks.

In three days, the training base here will be set up according to Zhang Feng's intention.

But Zhang Feng shook his head straight after seeing it.

He came back and said to Tang Zhongjing: "Uncle Tang, this training ground is not good. If you want to meet my requirements, the cost will be very high! \"

\"Do you have any ideas?\" Tang Zhongjing asked.

Zhang Feng said: \"I need conditions like the training camp of God Slayer's Halberd, at least in a harsh climate!\"

Tang Zhongjing thought for a while. This is the first difficulty that needs to be overcome.

\"Is a big ice store okay?\" Tang Zhongjing said: \"Although the cost is great, it is worth it!\"

\"Yes!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Okay, I will have someone prepare it immediately, and it will be built in two days!\" Tang Zhongjing immediately took out the phone.

How big is the ice store? A swimming pool as big is enough, and the temperature can be adjusted at will!

As for the others, Zhang Feng is not very demanding. He will be at the base for one year, six months, and six months in the field.

After half a year, Zhang Fengcheng asked Silgava to be the target. We will talk about it later.

Now they are helping Zhai Qiang with things. They are also training now. I guess they are fighting every day. This Zhao Qiang was ruthless. He was ruthless in the small county at the beginning. He became unscrupulous in Africa. Now he is unscrupulous there!

In actual combat, what is needed is actual combat. Where is there so much actual combat in peacetime?

\"Zhang Feng, what else do I need?\" Tang Zhongjing asked.

\"Let’s do this now!\"

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