Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2015: Break the leg! Lawless

Are you still looking at beautiful women here?

It's too shameful. It's a shame for soldiers. How could such a person appear in the barracks?

The female colonel was so angry that she shouted: "Go call the guards and throw him out! Let me see him here again and break her leg!"


A female soldier went to call a female soldier, and Zhang Feng was still here smiling and not afraid.


The female colonel gave a cold snort, then turned and left.

After a while, the two guards came. They first questioned Zhang Feng's identity. Zhang Feng did not speak, and directly took out his ID. The two guards saluted immediately after looking at them, and then turned and left.

Zhang Feng continued to sit down and watch.

The female soldier who had just walked away looked at Zhang Feng very suspiciously, and never came to question Zhang Feng again, but went back to report.

At this time Zhang Feng has successfully angered the female colonel. She came again and pointed at Zhang Feng and said angrily: "Comrade, I have to do it if I don't go away. I don't care who you are, get out immediately, otherwise Don't blame me for being polite!\"

The female colonel has already determined the general identity of this person. It is estimated that it is the son of someone here. She is very angry. When did the army have such a bad atmosphere? She doesn't care about this, and doesn't want to care, but if it gets in the way of her, she won't be polite.

\"This sir, I want to ask a question?\" Zhang Feng didn't even stand up to speak, it was impolite.

It's just that Zhang Feng thinks the angry female colonel is pretty.

\"Ask!\" The female colonel said coldly.

Zhang Feng said: \"Which rule did I violate by sitting here?\"

\"You~~~\" The female colonel couldn't answer for a while. There was indeed no violation of the regulations. There is no rule that you cannot rest under the big tree, and people have not prevented you from practicing.

\"If not, please don't bother me to enjoy the cool!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"You~~~\" The female colonel suddenly had no choice.

It was the first time someone let her squat when she grew up. It can be seen how big the shadow of the female colonel was at this time?

\"Come here!\" The female colonel shouted.

\"Yes!\" Four strong and brave female soldiers came up.

\"Shoot him away!\" the female colonel said angrily.


Zhang Feng miscalculated, reasoning with a woman, and talking about the rules? And she's a cold and beautiful female colonel!

The four female soldiers came up to grab Zhang Feng's clothes. Zhang Feng jumped away and pointed at them angrily: "You guys, what do you want to do!"

\"Hurry up, or you will be rude to you!\" said one of the female soldiers.

The female colonel over there said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense with him!"

Zhang Feng is not tall and can't get into the eyes of a few female soldiers, so he will fight when he goes up.

In their eyes, Zhang Feng was knocked to the ground, rolling on the ground like a bug begging for mercy.

However, Zhang Feng was not beaten. He retaliated and forced the four female soldiers back in two seconds. None of the four female soldiers reacted to what happened.

This annoyed them. It was just a warning and didn't want to beat Zhang Feng. I didn't expect Zhang Feng to be so ignorant. Why must he be here? Is there any purpose?

It seems that he will be caught.

\"Stop him for me!\" the female colonel ordered.

Too lawless!

The four female soldiers went up again, and Zhang Feng pushed them to the ground again, pushing them very skillfully, not hurting them, just letting them sit on the ground, it should be quite painful.

Then they got up again and continued to attack, but they were still pushed down.

\"Four more people!\" The female colonel said again.

This is a bit evil, she didn't even see it clearly.

Eight people went up together and surrounded Zhang Feng. Then they fought together. I don't know when they lined up in a strange row. Then they were pushed by this annoying person, and the eight people fell like this. Up.

This makes the female colonel dumbfounded.

\"I'm coming!\" The female colonel went up with a soft drink.

A sharp high leg went towards Zhang Feng's head, this was a killer move against the enemy.

Zhang Feng grabbed her ankle unceremoniously.

She moved vigorously, trying to get rid of Zhang Feng's hand, and turning around was useless, and she couldn't get up very strangely if she wanted to use her strength, so she cursed in a hurry: \"Let me go, or there will be you good looking!\"

\"You are already very good looking, is there anything better?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

The distance between the two is close at hand, and the posture is more ambiguous, the female colonel raised her leg almost on Zhang Feng's chest.

Zhang Feng's words are nothing short of a hooligan, and the female colonel is so angry.

\"Let me go, let me go!" The female colonel didn't understand what was going on? I can't move it no matter what, otherwise it will fall or fall on him.

Zhang Feng let go of her, she quickly backed up a few steps and then continued to attack, this time she did not dare to enter.

He tried Zhang Feng's fictitiousness and reality around Zhang Feng, several tentative attacks, but Zhang Feng did not move, not even a single look in his eyes.

\"Have you seen enough?\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Who wants to look at you!\"The female colonel Jiao Yi:\"Look at the move!\"

She passed by with a few legs. It seems that her ultimate move is the legs. It is no wonder that a pair of long legs is very powerful. If this is to kick a gangster, how many gangsters are not enough to kick.

If it’s the opposite leg of Sharapova, it’s just the leg.

Her strength is not on the same level as Sharapova, and Sharapova can second her.

She couldn't kick Zhang Feng no matter how much she kicked, Zhang Feng didn't hold her leg anymore, and Zhang Feng just kept dodging whatever she kicked!

She stopped after a few minutes, panting, and flushing anxiously.

"You, are you still a man? Don't you fight back?" said the female colonel.

Now she knew Zhang Feng's strength, and knew that this hateful guy was very powerful and she was not an opponent.

\"Are you a man, do you want to check it yourself?\" Zhang Feng said: \"Do you want to take off your pants?\"

\"You~~~\" The female colonel was so angry that she was playing the gangster on her head, it was pretty good!

She attacked again!

This time I changed my fists and kicks together, and after a few strokes, the female colonel panted again.

A few days ago, she came here to take over the training of female soldiers. There was a special operations team in the army. There were only 17 people. That team is very mysterious. I don’t know if it is a special operations team or something. She was the best soldier in the army, but there was no female soldier. She was not convinced, so she had to train her own soldiers.

Their training started from yesterday to today, and they ran all day, which is really awe-inspiring.

I didn't see the mysterious instructor either.

The atmosphere in the military is very good now, much better than before.

She wanted to take advantage of this atmosphere to practice, but today she met such a rogue hooligan and wasted so much time.

I can't beat and beat, and call the guards to ignore the guards, should he be here?

No, he has already taken action just now, and he must be driven away.

At this moment, the seventeen people passed by, and she hurriedly saluted. Everyone saluted, except Zhang Feng.

They actually looked over, and the female colonel felt a little sad.

After they passed, the female colonel reacted. That's not right. I saluted several times yesterday and this morning, and they wouldn't be able to see it. Why did you see it today?

Could it be because I am beautiful today?

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