Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2016: Yuanjia Road is narrow, Chang Xiaoran

Probably, those men would take a look at a better-looking woman. These big soldiers can't see a woman all year long.

But why doesn't this hateful man know how to give himself a step down? Is it so difficult to walk away?

In many cases, a woman has a tendon and is also a little self-centered. That is because she has not suffered any shock.

\"Can you go?\" The female colonel glared at Zhang Feng again.

Zhang Feng said: \"I'm still what I just said, which rule does not allow you to sit here?\"

It's wrong again, Zhang Feng is wrong again, how can you reason with an angry girl?

\"I'm talking about regulations, get out of here!\"

Here comes, here comes the unreasonable thing.

\"I won't go, what can I do!\" Zhang Feng sat down.


It's crazy for someone like Zhang Feng! Can't beat and beat, talk and don't listen!

\"Don't hinder me from enjoying the cool!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"You wait for me!\"

The female colonel left angrily. There was no way to deal with Zhang Feng. This Liangzi was settled.

Zhang Feng doesn't care about this.

Even he took out a cigarette to smoke. This scene was seen by the female colonel, and she never came to talk about Zhang Feng.

She continued to practice over there, with a loud voice, and spread her anger on the female soldiers, making it even harder to practice.

Zhang Feng smiled, it seemed to annoy her.

There is a saying that I would rather provoke a villain than a woman.

Provoking a woman has two ends, one is to destroy, but to accept her.

No matter which Zhang Feng is, he is not afraid.

Zhang Feng stayed here for a few hours, it was too cruel, and didn't leave until they finished their training.

Why would you leave?

Because I was hungry when I ordered.

When he asked Tang Zhongjing to come and go to the cafeteria for dinner, Tang Zhongjing said that he would introduce someone to him. Zhang Feng agreed without even thinking about it. He will stay here for a year in the future. Knowing some people will not be so boring. As for training Zhang Feng Won't follow their ass.

He wants results directly.

Zhang Feng first arrived at the agreed place, just in a corner of the canteen, and did not make any special effort. Zhang Feng sat down there and waited for someone.

\"It's you!\"

After a while, there was a familiar voice behind Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng turned around and saw the heroic female colonel standing there with fire in her eyes.

\"It's really a narrow road!\" Zhang Feng said helplessly.

I don't like to meet this female colonel, because Liangzi has already been formed, and if he meets again, he is like an enemy.

\"What are you talking about? Who is the enemy of you! \" The female colonel said angrily.

Zhang Feng found that the girl had a problem with her brain.

\"This comrade, what are you doing?\" Zhang Feng asked knowingly.

The female colonel is much better now, and finally know that my officer is bigger than yours?

\"Now, come out for me!\" said the female colonel.

\"Sorry, I want to eat!\" Zhang Feng didn't buy it.

\"I order you!\"

\"Sorry, you can't order me, I am not your soldier!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"You~~~\" The female colonel is flat again.

They attracted the attention of the people around here. The female colonel was already very attractive. She spoke so loudly, and was ignored by the kid, and everyone was angry.

This comrade is a raw face!

\"Who is coming, throw him out of me!\" the female colonel shouted.

Several comrades came up to surround Zhang Feng, one of them said to Zhang Feng: \"Comrade, please apologize to Colonel Chang!\"

Zhang Feng stood up and said: "I didn't offend her!"

It turns out that her last name is Chang, and I don't know what it is.

They looked at Colonel Chang, her face was a bit embarrassing now, this damned kid did not offend herself strictly.

But he really annoyed himself, what should he do? So many people are watching it? If it is strictly investigated, it will be yourself that suffers.

\"Soldier, report your number and name!\" Colonel Chang said.

\"Why should I tell you?\"

Zhang Feng said.

\"Say it!\" the comrade said angrily.

Zhang Feng took out his ID and showed it to the comrade. It didn’t matter. This comrade was taken aback and wanted to salute immediately, but Zhang Feng snatched the ID back and said, "Do you remember the confidentiality regulations?"


\"Get out!\" Zhang Feng shouted.


This comrade hurriedly took them away, and he didn't even dare to salute. He had to keep it secret and couldn't highlight Zhang Feng's identity.

Colonel Chang was dumbfounded, what was going on, she thought of the same way those guards had left in the morning.

Why? He has a certificate, what kind of certificate is that, it seems very powerful!

\"Show me your credentials!\" Colonel Chang said again.

\"No!\" Zhang Feng said.


Why, why, Colonel Chang is crazy.

\"Fuck you!\" Colonel Chang cursed, then turned and ran out.


Ha ha!

Zhang Feng smiled and didn't care about this. To deal with this kind of girl, you need to beat and beat like this, otherwise the eyes will grow up on top of the head, and it will be lawless.

Colonel Chang, who rushed outside angrily, met Tang Zhongjing who came in. She had already held back her cry.

\"Xiao Ran, what's the matter with you?\" Tang Zhongjing asked curiously.

Colonel Chang said in a salute to him: "I'm okay, leader, I feel a little uncomfortable today, I'll talk about something another day!"

\"Did something happen?\" Tang Zhongjing saw what was uncomfortable, what happened, and what made her unhappy?

Who else can make her unhappy here? I dare not!

\"No, goodbye leader!\"

Chang Xiaoran is gone.

Tang Zhongjing walked into the canteen with a blank face. As soon as he appeared, everyone stood up and saluted, and Zhang Feng was still sitting here.

\"Everyone eat!\" Tang Zhongjing responded.

More than one hundred people in the cafeteria sat down to eat. They saw Tang Zhongjing sitting in front of Zhang Feng. The comrades just saw this scene with lingering fears, and the comrade who had seen Zhang Feng’s credentials came out in cold sweat. Fortunately, I was not impulsive just now.

\"Brother, what is the origin of the officer just now?\"

\"I forgot about the confidentiality regulations? Want to kill me? Just do this to your comrades in arms? Ask!\"

\"Don't ask, don't ask!\"

Several people stopped talking.

Tang Zhongjing sat down and said to Zhang Feng: \"You made her angry just now?\"

Tang Zhongjing guessed it.

\"Who?\" Zhang Feng was puzzled.

\"Little Ran!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

\"do not know!\"


Tang Zhongjing looked at him like this, as if he really didn't know him.

\"The female colonel who came here just now is very young!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

\"Oh, it's her, Colonel Chang, originally called Xiao Ran, this name doesn't match her a bit!\"

Zhang Feng said.

\"Don't say this, can't let her hear it!\" Tang Zhongjing was a little worried.

\"I'm still afraid that she won't succeed!\" Zhang Feng said.

Tang Zhongjing thought for a while, it seems that Zhang Feng provoke her, this is not good!

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