Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2018: Teach me fighting skills, change attitude

After sitting for a long time, Zhang Feng still didn't say a word, which made Chang Xiaoran very uncomfortable and felt that he was superfluous for Zhang Feng.

\"Zhang Feng, don't you have a word to say to me?\" Chang Xiaoran still couldn't help asking.

\"No!\" Zhang Feng said coldly, not looking at Chang Xiaoran.

This made Chang Xiaoran in a bad mood, but she endured it.

\"How can you teach me?\" Chang Xiaoran found a good topic.

Zhang Feng said: \"No time!\"


Chang Xiaoran is speechless, not free? I think you are very free these two days. Zhengtian walked around in the army and sat under the tree for almost two hours.

At this moment Zhang Feng stood up and said: "You eat slowly!"

Said Zhang Feng and left.

Chang Xiaoran was stunned on the spot, she lost her appetite for food, and she was injured.

It was the first time that she was rejected by a man like this. She was beautiful, had a prominent birth, and everything went smoothly from childhood to adulthood.

There are too many men chasing her. In addition to the elite-level comrades in the army, there are also elder brothers and young talents in society.

It can also be said that she has been a class flower since junior high school, and she has been a military flower in the army. When has she suffered such a cold face.

From the beginning, Zhang Feng didn't wait to see her, and even carried it.

Chang Xiaoran thought at this time that it would be difficult for Zhang Feng to change over so quickly.

So Chang Xiaoran thought of this, with a smile on her face full of confidence. The key is that she has confidence in herself.

She takes the initiative no matter what she does.

She is convinced that no matter what it is, only the initiative can be grasped.

From this point of view, she has revolutionary spirit in her body.

She stopped eating, and hurried out to follow Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng stopped to ask her.

\"I said, Comrade Colonel, what do you mean?\"

She followed Zhang Feng like a daughter-in-law.

Chang Xiaoran said: \"Unless you promise to teach me! Otherwise I will follow you!\"

\"Then you just follow!\" Zhang Feng left.

This is what I fear most.

After a while Zhang Feng walked into the bathroom, and Chang Xiaoran had to wait outside!

But she waited for a long time and still didn't wait for Zhang Feng, how could it be so long?

But this is a men's bathroom, and I dare not go in.

At this moment, I caught a male soldier and let this male soldier go in to see if there are anyone else inside? The male soldier was very puzzled, and he went in regardless of the face of the female colonel.

Said that there is no one inside.

\"Did you see clearly? Someone went in an hour ago and haven't come out yet!\"

The male soldier said: "Comrade Colonel, there is indeed no one inside!"

\"Well, you are watching here, don't let anyone in yet!\"

Chang Xiaoran was also very simple and walked in directly.

The male soldier was puzzled but still responded. Standing guarding, Chang Xiaoran entered the men's bathroom for the first time. His face was a little unsustainable, and no one was found inside.

Is this abnormal? what's going on?

There is nothing else here except a fan with an air outlet. How did he get out?

Now Zhang Feng is not here anymore. She Chang Xiaoran waited outside for an hour, but the kid slipped away and she was annoyed.

\"Zhang Feng, I won't let you go!\" Chang Xiaoran shouted inside.

The male soldier outside was frightened, and when he was about to enter, Comrade Colonel came out with an angry expression on his face.

\"It's none of your business!\" Chang Xiaoran dropped a word and left.

The male soldier looked dazed. This comrade colonel was not from his headquarters, he was from another brotherhood, and he didn't know what he was doing here. He looked pretty, but a little bit fierce.

Such a girl is not an ordinary man who can be subdued, but also a sturdy female colonel.

Zhang Feng has returned to the base at this time, so let's forget the little girl, teach her? There is no such thing as leisure. For example, Xu Qiuping is more difficult to deal with, because her identity is more sensitive.

Although Xu Qiuping's father is Ya Nei, Xu Qiuping herself is just a stewardess with a free identity.

It is already twelve o'clock, this time period is no matter what food, and they are still running, but their speed is very slow.

Zhang Feng doesn't care about their speed, what he wants is endurance and endurance.

So they have to practice for a week, and they will bear the weight in a week! Three meals a day are served normally.

Now they only have two meals, breakfast and dinner.

So their breakfast is very important, everyone can let it go, it is high-energy and high-protein food.

At night they need to supplement carbohydrates and so on.

Zhang Feng squatted on a side of the roadside of the training base and smoked. He still looked bored watching them pass by. Would you like to run with them?

If they run with them, maybe they will be more motivated, but this will make them lazy and lose their autonomy. If they don't have the people ahead to follow, they won't be able to go up.

So Zhang Feng still didn't want to take them.

Unlike the veterans of the Huangquan team, they improved their abilities a lot with Zhang Feng in the jungle.

In the afternoon, Chang Xiaoran found Tang Zhongjing, and opened his mouth to talk about Zhang Feng.

\"Uncle Tang, can you do me a favor?\" Chang Xiaoran asked.

Seeing Chang Xiaoran's appearance is not normal, he left an eye on it.

\"It's Xiao Ran's niece, if you have something to do, just say, as long as it can be done, it must be done for you!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

There is something in these words, what can be done, what can not be done, it is not you who have the final say.

So no matter what Chang Xiaoran said, the initiative lies with Tang Zhongjing.

\"That Zhang Feng, you said you want to introduce it to me, you have to be responsible!\"

Chang Xiaoran's words took the initiative back, and Tang Zhongjing smiled inwardly, that's what happened.

\"Niece, you say!\" Tang Zhongjing is relieved, as long as it is not a matter of principle, it is easy to say.

Tang Zhongjing and her father are old comrades-in-arms, and they can say anything.

But Tang Zhongjing did not expect that Chang Xiaoran’s words made Tang Zhongjing very embarrassed. It was not a matter of principle, but ~~~

\"I like Zhang Feng, Uncle Tang, you have to help me!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

So direct?

Tang Zhongjing felt a little bit in his heart, she was indeed a girl from the Red House, she just came here without making any twists and turns.

\"This~~~\" Tang Zhongjing looked at her and immediately changed his words:\"How can I help you?\"

\"I want to be in that action team!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

Tang Zhongjing's expression changed when he heard it.

\"Mischief!\" Tang Zhongjing said angrily:\"Do you know what those seventeen people are? Are you talking about the love of children in it?\"

Chang Xiaoran was frightened, and she took two steps back and did not dare to speak. She was brought up by Tang Zhongjing. From a young age to Uncle Tang, she was an elder who had a nice face and had never spoken loudly to her. .

This time she committed it.

Chang Xiaoran felt wronged and wanted to cry.

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