Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2019: Like Zhang Feng, Tang Zhongjing’s principles

Chapter 2019 Like Zhang Feng, Tang Zhongjing's Principles

Chang Xiaoran endured without crying, wondering how he lost his sense of position in the past two days and got confused. Is it because of him?

Uncle Tang, who has always regarded himself as his own daughter, scolded him so much, it seemed that the problem was very serious.

She knew what her problem was all at once, so she said: \"I review!\"

\"Hey, Xiao Ran, don't blame you, you don't know. In the future, these seventeen people no longer exist. In your heart, understand?\" Tang Zhongjing said in this tone.

Chang Xiaoran was shocked, could it be so serious?

\"Yes!\" Chang Xiaoran said loudly.

She was very enlightened, and Tang Zhongjing said that she understood.

\"What about him?\" Chang Xiaoran asked.

Tang Zhongjing said: "As long as he is not inside the base, but outside, I mean outside the base. I can't control what you are like, but I can't involve or affect them, understand? Otherwise, you and I are both sinner!\"

\"Yes!\" Chang Xiaoran was shocked.

It seems that things are more serious and top secret than I thought. What kind of person is Zhang Feng for this task?

I was very curious about Zhang Feng, becoming more and more mysterious, and more and more interested in Zhang Feng, but she didn't dare to ask.

\"Uncle Tang, I have nothing more to do!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

\"Xiao Ran, how do you and Zhang Feng say, I was wrong, because you two are inappropriate!\" Tang Zhong Jingyu said earnestly.

\"I know!\"

Chang Xiaoran is very lost, is it going to end before it starts?

\"I didn't mean that. We can't control Zhang Feng's personal relationship issues. It has nothing to do with his task. I want to say that he has a girlfriend!\"

Chang Xiaoran smiled. It turned out not to be this. She had been mentally prepared for Zhang Feng to have a girlfriend. How could a person as good as him be less like a girl?

\"I see, thank you uncle!\" Chang Xiaoran asked again: \"Then he is not married, right?\"

Tang Zhongjing shook his head after thinking about it. Zhang Feng is indeed unmarried, but he has many girlfriends. He doesn't know how many Tang Zhongjing there are, and he doesn't dare to ask.

As for Tang Zhongjing's desire to match Zhang Feng and Chang Xiaoran is his selfish desire, if something happens to Chang Xiaoran and Zhang Feng, he and Chang's family will be able to tie Zhang Feng's feet.

To be precise with Mr. Su Gu.

Now Mr. Su Gu's status at the top is constantly rising, and I don't know what height he can reach, although he is almost at the age of retirement.

But there are Zhang Feng, Chen Wanru and others. Besides, people like him will not retire unless they die.

So, this is a marriage.

However, Tang Zhongjing hasn't told Chang Xiaoran's father about this, because he still doesn't know how to say it. There are too many top secrets involved. If you say something that shouldn't be said, it will be a big trouble.

So we must start with Chang Xiaoran first and slowly go deeper.



When Chang Xiaoran came out, she had a lot of mirrors in her heart. She roughly knew Zhang Feng's ability. Even Tang Zhongjing didn't dare to say anything. How big is it that she can't even intervene at her level?

In addition, Tang Zhongjing told her one, saying that those seventeen people no longer exist, which shows how high the level is.

But Chang Xiaoran didn't understand such an important task. Anyone should train in the army without going to a secret place?

Is it to hide in the city?

Who would have thought that in such an ordinary garrison, there are so many people performing what kind of tasks.


While Chang Xiaoran was thinking deeply, the soldiers below came to report.


\"Comrade Colonel, someone is looking for you in the guard room!\"

\"Okay, I see, I'll be over!\"


Chang Xiaoran didn't ask who it was, so it would be fine to go directly no matter who came.

When he reached the door and saw the people inside, Chang Xiaoran walked away. Inside was a tall and handsome young man with a large bouquet of roses in his hand. Chang Xiaoran also saw a luxury car parked outside the door. car.

\"Little Ran, Xiao Ran~~~\"

The young man saw Chang Xiaoran hurriedly chased out.

Chang Xiaoran turned back helplessly and said: "Feng Youjia, what are you doing here? This is a military powerhouse, not the place where you chase girls, you can go back wherever you come from!"

This is not authentic, she herself is thinking about how to approach Zhang Feng, and she also said that she is an outsider.

The person who came was Feng Youjia, a rich man from a city tens of kilometers away, and he was not the kind of unlearned person. After graduating from abroad, his family gave hundreds of millions of investment to start a company, and then made a profit in the third year One billion, and he was promoted to the most promising young man at once.

He is not like those dudes who are inexperienced, multi-lingual, intelligent and handsome, he is simply a national husband.

How many girls are the lovers of dreams.

But he fell in love with Chang Xiaoran. The two grew up together, and they separated after graduating from high school. He went abroad and Chang Xiaoran was admitted to the military academy.

Since returning to China, he has attacked Chang Xiaoran fiercely, but there has been no effect. The relationship seems to be getting worse and worse.

\"No, Xiao Ran, I just want to come and see you!\" Feng Youjia said.

\"It's boring, what's so beautiful, take my time, go back!\" Chang Xiaoran said coldly.

Feng Youjia suddenly didn't know what to do, holding a flower in her hand, should she go back like this?

He was unwilling to do so, but he has nothing to do now.

Chang Xiaoran left, and he stood dazedly at a loss.

When Chang Xiaoran was gone, he saw Zhang Feng walked far enough. This kid was smoking a cigarette here. He was trying to lead people to harm. Chang Xiaoran stepped up and blocked Zhang Feng’s path and said:\" Zhang Feng, how did you escape from the bathroom? I saw the bathroom but there is no escape route except the gate.\"

\"Don't tell you!\" Zhang Feng smiled.

\"You, don't tell me this?\" Chang Xiaoran didn't hold back his anger.

Zhang Feng said: \"I won't tell you!\"


Chang Xiaoran couldn't help it anymore, this person is really weird.

Everyone is like this. They don’t hold account for what happened yesterday, and they forgive themselves. What else?

Zhang Feng was about to leave, but Chang Xiaoran chased up, regardless of any reservedness.

This scene was watched by Feng Youjia not far away. He was very angry, and finally realized that Chang Xiaoran would not wait to see him. It turned out that he was in love with such a soldier, and that soldier looked so good. It was Chang. Xiao Ran is chasing?

This made it difficult for Feng Youjia to accept it, because he posted it and was pleased in every way, but others ignored it.

And the soldier ignored her, and she posted it upside down.

What kind of world is this?

Feng Youjia didn't go up and bump into them. This was not a wise move, because it was a military camp, so he didn't dare to make troubles here because of his ability and wealth.

So he asked the guard at the door: "Hello Comrade, I would like to ask, who is the soldier in camouflage and smoking? Then drag!"

\"Sorry, this is not something you can inquire about, if you are okay, please leave!\" the guard said coldly.

Feng Youjia took out his new mobile phone and took a picture of Zhang Feng.

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