Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2020: Remember my words, internet explosion

When he took the photo, the person looked back as if he had eyes behind him. Feng Youjia quickly put the phone away, then walked into the car, and looked at the phone and took a picture of Zhang Feng's face.

Who is this guy?

At this moment, Zhang Feng stopped and asked Chang Xiaoran: \"Who is that person?\"

\"She, she is one of my hairpins! Haunted me all day! \"Chang Xiaoran feels better and Zhang Feng can talk to her well, this is a good start.

Zhang Feng said: "He took a photo of me just now, and it is probably to check my identity!"

\"He dare!\" Chang Xiaoran said angrily.

Zhang Feng ignored her and turned to leave. Chang Xiaoran was anxious. She thought of the seriousness of the problem and ran out and stopped Feng Youjia's car. Feng Youjia was overjoyed, thinking that Chang Xiaoran had changed her mind.

\"Bring your phone!\" Chang Xiaoran stretched out his hand involuntarily, as if Feng Youjia would hit someone if he didn't give it.

Feng Youjia immediately took it out to her. She found out the photos on the phone. As expected, there was one of Zhang Feng's and many of her own photos, but there were no other women's photos, and Zhang Feng's photos were completely deleted. After that, I checked whether he posted it on the Internet again. Fortunately, there was not.

\"What's wrong?\" Feng Youjia asked.

Chang Xiaoran threw the phone to him and said angrily: "You can't inquire about this person in the future, remember?"

\"This~~~Who is he?\" Feng Youjia was angry. It turned out that the person who looked at his mobile phone was for that person. I can't forgive him!

\"Remember my words!\"

Chang Xiaoran ignored him, dropped a word and left. Feng Youjia stood there and exhaled, clenching his fists tightly. If Zhang Feng was here, he would go up and fight.

He drove away.

When he arrived at the company, he called the people below and threw out his mobile phone and said to the assistant: "I deleted a picture by mistake today, go and restore this picture!"

\"Yes, boss!\" The assistant went to do it.

The assistant came back half an hour later and said: "Boss, our programmers can't do it, he knows someone can do it!"

\"Trash!\" Feng Youjia was annoyed:\"Who called that person!\"


\"Call for as much money!\"


Feng Youjia didn't get angry with the people below. He always looked like Zhang Feng in his mind. He hated this person to death, his love rival!

Dare to stand in the way of my seal! Humph!

An hour later a young man appeared in Feng Youjia's luxurious office.

\"Can it be done?\" Feng Youjia asked immediately.

The young man is a technical house and a dick. He is not nervous at all when facing Feng Shao, thinking that no matter how rich you are, how awesome are you not to come to me?

Feel good about yourself.

\"Yes, but ~~~\" The young man stopped talking.

\"Hurry up, how much do you want?\" Feng Youjia didn't want to talk to him.

The young man thought for a while and said: \"Twenty thousand!\"

Feng Youjia glared at him, this little lion opened his mouth.

The assistant can't stand it anymore: "Boy, do you know who he is?"

\"This is my price, I love to do it or not~~~\" The young man is very tough.

Feng Youjia is annoyed, is even a poor **** looking down on herself? Who gives you the confidence?

\"Boy, do you think I'm a good pit?\" Feng Youjia said angrily.

The young man said: \"Whatever, anyway, I'm just a fate, it's worth it for you and this company like you!\"

\"You~~~\" Feng Youjia was speechless, too amazing, this guy, if he didn't agree with him, he said that he is good, talent.

If Feng Youjia kills someone, he will pay for his life, and the company is in danger of going bankrupt. Can he live a good life even if he is strong enough and rich in money? In these years, anything that is stabbed online will turn into a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb, and Feng Jia can't bear it.

The young man turned around very badly and left.

\"Wait, well, as long as you can find the photo for me, I'll give you twenty thousand! \" Feng Youjia is tolerant, why bother with a dick, he Feng Shao is not bad for money.

The young man said: \"Sorry, it's fifty thousand now!\"


The assistant couldn't help it anymore and wanted to go up and hit someone.

\"it is good!\"

Feng Youjia agreed, and the young man asked in an incredible way: \"Really?\"

\"The premise is that you can help me find it, otherwise you will look good!\" Feng Youjia said.

The young man said: \"That is a must!\"

\"Let’s start, the phone is here!\"Feng Youjia throws out his phone:\"How long will it take?\"

The young man took his cell phone and said: \"Half an hour, I need a powerful computer!\"

\"Go, take him down!\" Feng Youjia said.

The assistant was sullen.

\"No, give the money first!\" The young man kept his mind.

\"give him!\"

The assistant immediately transferred the money to him, and the young man received the money with a recording pen in his hand and said: "If something happens to me, the recording inside will be automatically sent out and it has been stored in the cloud!"

\"Get out, get things done right now!\" Feng Youjia said angrily, my dignified young master will be 50,000 yuan less for you?

The young man went out grinning.

How much trouble this individual caused him.

After more than twenty minutes, Feng Youjia saw the photo, and he didn't care about the young man's discomfort.

The kid laughed and left.

Now he made a big announcement, but not only the 50,000 yuan, but Feng Youjia’s phone contains a lot of secrets. The phone contacts alone are very valuable, not to mention whether there are few photos or deletions. Deleted photos, chat software, chat history, etc.

After getting the photo, Feng Youjia went to find someone to find out the background of this person.

He spent hundreds of thousands on this.

The poor **** went home soon. His name was Li Feng. He first went to buy a computer, and then integrated the stolen information at home.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, it's shocked when you look at it, so that he refreshed his understanding of the rich and the young. Is this the life of the rich?

Li Feng is an angry young man, known as a prawn online.

He couldn't understand the faces of those people, they looked ugly, all the dirty things.

So, he exploded all the blocked information on the Internet. It was an external network. His IP was abroad, and he changed every minute. He was a little hacker and no one could catch him. Then he fell asleep.

Feng Youjia at this time was still waiting for that person's identity.

The result is not found, because the level is very high.

If Feng Youjia doesn't believe it, find someone else.

Now the assistant came in anxiously and said: "Boss, boss, look at this~~~\"

\"What happened?\"

\"It exploded on the Internet, look at it!\"

Feng Youjia was shocked when he took it over and looked at it: \"Who did this, who did it?\"

\"That person, in your phone~~~\"

\"Find him for me, immediately~~~\"Feng Shao trembled all over:\"Delete things on the Internet immediately, quickly~~~\"

All the deleted videos have been dug up, which is terrifying!


Feng Youjia was sweating on her head, but the information was deleted by herself, and now it appears on the Internet, but what should we do?

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