Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2022: Blind date? Soil buns

Chapter 2022 Blind Date? Soil buns

Zhuo Chaoyun is the beauty of the country and the beauty of the sky, just such a girl sitting in Zhang Feng's car, that is how much face.

But today Zhuo Chaoyun was not sitting in the car, but Yan Wang.

Yan Wang was waiting for Zhang Feng by the side of the road. He didn't wear a military uniform today. Instead, he was dressed in casual, a bit soiled, spacious suit and leather shoes from the army. The white shirt was not put under the trousers.

The figure is strong, but he looks like a construction worker, because Yan Wang is darker, unlike Zhang Feng who is bronze.

And Zhang Feng's image is not much better, not in a fighting state, they seem to be low-level men.

Hades held a 2008 edition of Reader in his hand.

\"This book is a signal?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Hades nodded: \"Recognize books but not people!\"

He bought the book at the roadside newsstand just now, and waited for a while before Zhang Feng came.

Zhang Feng said: \"Why don't I think it's not very reliable? Why don't I go?\"

\"Then go talk to Yun Qian!\"

It seems that Hades does not want to go either.

\"Forget it, it's all here, I can't refute Yun Qian's kindness!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"That's it, drive!\"

After a while, the two of them came outside a high-end western restaurant. After they parked the car, they went in and waited. The locations were booked.

After they entered, there was a conversation between two girls in a nearby car.

\"Is that the one who just ate it? He has the reader in his hand!\"

The delicate girl in the passenger seat said: "Let's go down!"

\"Their car is a minivan. Why did Yun Qian introduce me to such a person? Are they these two people? Shouldn't it. It stands to reason that the people Yun Qian knows should be of high quality! Xiaolian, you are right. wrong?\"

The girl in the driver’s seat said that her face is very heavy and the clothes are made of very little fabric, showing off her figure, with a gleaming necklace under her neck. On the other hand, her female partner, a plain face in Tsing Yi, has a cyan Dress, well-behaved.

\"This is nothing!\" Xiaolian said.

\"Why not, your mind, they must be very poor if they drive a van, how can they afford to live? Let alone buy a house for marriage, I don’t think he can afford a house in Kyoto, but I think we still Let's go!\"

Xiaolian quickly said: "Quietly, this is not good, we are all here, can we go and meet again, then we can also have an explanation with Yun Qian, right?"

\"Xiaolian, you are right, I want to see if they have the money to treat guests, this place is very expensive!\" Wang Jingjing got out of the car and took a look at the van over there. There were a dozen cars in front of the restaurant. Theirs is the best.

Xiaolian also got off the car, she helped Jingjing hold the book: \"Jingjing, take the book yourself!\"

Wang Jingjing walked in with a book.

In the position by the window, the two women stopped.

\"Hello!\" Wang Jingjing didn't look at anyone, but just said hello.

He looked at the posture, his brows clenched. It seemed that this matter was nothing today, but it didn't show up.

Quickly stand up and say: \"Hello, hello, you are Wang Jingjing, my name is Long Ao!\"

The name is scary, but it doesn't look good.

Anyway, looking at Wang Jingjing's expression of disgust.

Xiao Lian pushed her, and Wang Jingjing said: "I am!"

Then she sat down carelessly, Xiaolian sat in front of Zhang Feng, smiled and said to Zhang Feng: \"Hello!\"

Zhang Feng also responded politely: \"Hello, my name is Zhang Feng.\"

\"Li Xiaolian!\"

\"As the name suggests, Meilian, Tsing Yi!\"

\"Thank you!\" Xiaolian lowered her head shyly.

Zhang Feng smiled. This girl is pretty good, well-dressed, and she should be a girl who knows how to live.

\"Long Ao, your name is so scary!\"

The two of them have chatted.

The two accompanying Zhang Feng and Xiao Lian stopped talking.

\"Hehe, this is what my dad took, even if it is a big silly name, I will not dislike it!\" Yan Wang Club.

To be honest, Yama is a little nervous, because he has never done this before, so he dare not ask.

Who is his Hades? Faced with an extremely vicious enemy, he is not afraid to kill the opponent by **** without blinking his eyes.

But when it comes to children, he really isn't good at it. It's always hard to ask about it, right?

Can't ask Zhang Feng either.

So now he seems very cautious and clumsy, and it makes people feel that he is a person who has never seen the world, commonly known as a tubao.

In Wang Jingjing's eyes, the king of Yan is a dumpling, and even the people next to him are dumplings.

Wang Jingjing looked disgusted.

\"What do you do?\" Wang Jing finally asked.

Yan Wang said: "I don't have much work at the moment!"

He really doesn't have much work now, and he is very leisurely.

\"Then there must be a job?\" Wang Jingjing asked again.

\"Before, not now, and I don’t know what it is!\"

Hades said honestly.

\"How is it usually enough, do you still eat at home? Usually!\"

The meaning of this is to nibble the old, but he looks like he is nibbling the old.

He is still in his early thirties, this is a giant baby.

\"It's all outside!\" said Yan Wang.

\"Is there a house in Kyoto?\" Wang Jingjing asked.

Yan Wang shook his head and said: "No, but there is a place to live!"

\"Rent it!\"

Hades did not speak.

Li Xiaolian at the side said: "Quietly, you are checking your account, I'm all hungry, eat first!"

\"Yes, let's eat first!\" Yan Wang said and raised his hand.

The waiter came and passed the menu.

Yan Wang said: "Give me some first!"

Wang Jingjing took the menu and started ordering: "A Wellington steak, medium-ripe, a bottle of red wine with steak, a lobster from the west coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and oysters on a small island in the south of France. point!\"

The waiter gave the menu to Li Xiaolian, and Li Xiaolian whispered: "Quietly, you order so many, and it is so expensive, can you finish it? You are not trying to lose weight?"

\"It’s okay, just eat a little bit!\" Wang Jingjing said:\"I believe Mr. Long can pay!\"

Speaking and looking at Hades.

Hades said: "It's okay, just order what you want!"

It is true that Hades is not bad for money. In these years, he has paid for his tasks. He doesn't know how much money he has. He usually spends money well, and he usually solves it in the army.

But it’s okay to have a meal. Besides, there is a super rich man next to him. He bought this restaurant, half a sentence.

\"Yes, Xiaolian, please order!\" Wang Jingjing said.

Xiao Lian stopped looking at the menu and said: \"Give me a spaghetti, it is said that it is very authentic, I have long wanted to eat it!\"

\"Xiaolian, what more spaghetti can you eat here!\"

\"I just want to eat it!\"

Then the menu gave them two, he ordered: "I want two pasta! Give him two, a cup of boiling water, thank you!"

Zhang Feng is not allowed to order.

The waiter was a little surprised by this order.

\"What's wrong? What's the problem?" Hades asked.

\"No, no, I will prepare for you, wait a moment!\" The waiter went down.

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