Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2023: No temper, AA system!

Chapter 2023 The temperless Hades, AA system!

After ordering the meal, Wang Jingjing continued to chat with Yan Wang. Most of them were asking questions, and Yan Wang answered. The topics were all about the identity and background of Yan Wang, and Yan Wang answered impeccably, true or false.

All of her words were disdainful and conscientious to Hades, and even some words were humiliating, Hades responded in a temperless manner.

There are three types of men who have no temper: one is incompetence; the other is unconscious; the third is indifferent.

The current king of Yama belongs to the latter.

And Wang Jingjing didn't think there was anything wrong with the meal she ordered, as if I was going to be able to eat, but you didn't pay anything, just eat it.

After a while, the dishes will be served, and the restaurant is very fast.

Zhang Feng was surprised that Li Xiaolian only ordered a piece of pasta, which is not expensive even in such a high-end restaurant because the cost is very low.

\"You just order a little bit? Xiaolian?\" Wang Jingjing's front was filled with a few dishes, and there was a waiter serving him behind him. This was the restaurant's rule. He ordered steak and wine.

Wang Jingjing feels very good about herself and uses knives and forks in a proficient manner, much like the posture of a foreign nobleman eating.

\"Yeah, this is enough for me!\" Li Xiaolian said: \"If I eat so much, I won't have time to lose weight!\"

\"Little Lian, I really don’t know how to say you, so stupid!\"

Even this kind of thing is said in front of the king of Hades.

Li Xiaolian looked at the two of them awkwardly, and saw that they were not angry, and said with a sigh of relief: \"I usually eat very little!\"

\"It's up to you! \" Wang Jingjing ate her own things.

Such opportunities are rare for her. A meal worth tens of thousands of dollars is worth the effort to lose weight.

\"Hey, isn't this quiet?\"

A pair of fashionable men and women came over and greeted Wang Jingjing when they saw Wang Jingjing.

When Wang Jingjing looked back, she was immediately happy and said: "Jayao, you guys come here to eat too!"

Xiao Jiayao also has heavy makeup, high heels, trousers and tops with very few fabrics, very ingenious, and a good figure, but a person with a little eye can tell at a glance which piece of meat on her face has been knifed.

Overall it looks like a good shelf.

The male partner next to her didn’t think anything was wrong, probably because he didn’t care about it. Maybe Xiao Jiayao was only temporary to him.

Xiao Jiayao said: "Yes, we often come here to eat, the food here is very good!"

\"Yeah, I am trying to lose weight again!\" Wang Jingjing said.

Xiao Jiayao hugged her male companion and said with pride: "Huihao won't let me lose weight, so I eat whatever I want, don't you Huihao?"

\"Yes, it would be nice for a woman to be a bit meaty!\" Hui Hao said impatiently, looking very awkward due to his face and politeness.

\"We have been outside for a while, and there is no place to park. There is a white van that is very annoying. I don't know who it is because of stopping here!\" Xiao Jiayao said dissatisfied.

Looking at the entire restaurant with her eyesight, the van might belong to these two men.

\"Oh, that car belongs to them!\" Wang Jingjing said to Yan Wang: \"Long Ao, right?\"

Yama said: "It's mine!"

\"It seems so, how can you park your car?\" Xiao Jiayao said dissatisfiedly:\"How much inconvenience this has caused me! What a shame!\"

\"There is a problem?\" Yan Wang said in a cold tone.

Xiao Jiayao looked at Zhang Feng and Yan Wang and said: "These two handsome guys are your friends?"

\"Yes, I just met! \" Wang Jingjing didn't bother to introduce it.

Huihao said: "Jayao, let's go over, I'm all hungry!"

\"Okay, haha, look at them, they are extremely funny, okay, don't care about you! \" Xiao Jiayao turned away with the man's arm.

Li Xiaolian felt embarrassed and she shouldn't come today, but she came after Jia Yao's request, and she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

She has no appetite to eat.

Zhang Feng has already finished eating spaghetti too much in the future, which made Xiao Jiayao really not despise, and smiled: \"Is it delicious? Haven't you eaten it before?\"

\"Are you asking me?\" Zhang Feng looked blank.

Wang Jingjing said: "It's not you who else, and there is no one to eat, this is a high-end restaurant!"

\"Quiet!\" Li Xiaolian reminded.

"Isn't it? Like a starving ghost!" Wang Jingjing said dissatisfied.

Hades did not speak, Zhang Feng said: "Really?"

\"Isn't it? It's not ashamed to drive a broken van! \" Wang Jingjing said all the truth: \"I have a blind date, who would like you!\"

This was to Zhang Feng, but it was actually to Yan Wang.

\"Quietly, say a few words!\" Li Xiaolian reminded again.

She rounded it off: \"Zhang Feng, Long Ao, I'm sorry, don't mind you!\"

\"Little Lian, I am not wrong to tell them what I owe!\" Wang Jingjing said.

\"Quiet, don't say anything!\"

\"What did I say? A hillbilly dared to come here to eat, blind date, really not ashamed of it! \" Wang Jingjing said, looking at the king.

Yama's expression remained the same.

\"Quiet, how can you say that, since you are here, you are friends!\" Li Xiaolian was anxious.

\"Friends? They match too, I think it's fine!\" Wang Jingjing ate steak and drank red wine.

Zhang Feng said: "It's okay, have you eaten well?" Zhang Feng snatched their words.

Li Xiaolian nodded and said: "You're done!"

At this moment, the king raised his hand very cooperatively, and the waiter came over: \"Hello, checkout!\"

\"Yes, sir!\" The waiter is going to get the bill.

Yama said: "Wait, we are AA system!"

The waiter was taken aback, and Zhang Feng answered: "Yes, isn't it popular now?"

\"Yes, sir!\" The waiter said: \"A piece of pasta is 75 yuan, are you cash or credit card?\"

They didn't seem to see the surprised and unbelievable expression in Wang Jingjing's eyes.

\"Swipe!\" Hades took out a card.

At this time Zhang Feng also took out his card.

Li Xiaolian hasn't reacted yet, this person named Long Ao is really the best, not stupid in mind and thick skin.

When the waiter came back, Li Xiaolian also took out her own money, which was 100 yuan.

Wang Jingjing stopped eating. There was half of the red wine, but the steak was finished. It was the most expensive. I ate two oysters. Basically, half of the food was not finished. She gave the red wine to Li Xiaolian just now. Without drinking, Wang Jingjing laughed at her stupidly.

Now she is dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

\"Long Ao, what do you mean?\" Wang Jingjing put down his knife and fork and looked at the king angrily.

Yan Wang looked harmless to humans and animals and said: "What do you mean? What did I say to you just now?"

Wang Jingjing said: "Will you let me pay the bill?"

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