Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2033: Retreat as progress! Love rival!

Chapter 2033 Retreat for Advance! Love rival!

Seeing Chang Xiaoran, Zhang Feng subconsciously turned around and left. Chang Xiaoran was stunned. She did not catch up and did not speak.

Zhang Feng looked back and saw that she was crying, very aggrieved.

Although Zhang Feng doesn’t like to see women’s tears, because that would make Zhang Feng very incompetent, but that is limited to his women. As for Chang Xiaoran, forget it. Her tears are nothing to Zhang Feng. effect.

So Zhang Feng left.

Chang Xiaoran's tears fell.

Aggrieved, unwilling, aggrieved, etc., a lot of bad emotions came up all at once. Zhang Feng hit her again and again, and the factors that made her popular in the eyes of others before were of no use to Zhang Feng.

I thought about giving up, but she was unwilling.

So I felt resentment towards Zhang Feng.

\"That, Xiao Ran~~~\"

Tang Zhongjing hadn't finished speaking.

Chang Xiaoran turned around and left: \"Head, goodbye!\"

Only said one sentence.

Tang Zhongjing was stunned there. He suddenly found out that he was wrong. There shouldn't be any idea of ​​bringing them together. Now it's like this, no one inside and outside.

\"Hey, I'm so idle~~~\" Tang Zhongjing went back to sit and drink tea.

Chang Xiaoran refused to admit defeat, caught up with Zhang Feng, and stopped in front of him and said: \"Zhang Feng, what's so great about you, pretending to be a big head, isn't it just an instructor? I'm a girl like that. What else do you want?\"

The voice was so loud that everyone around could hear it. Although they did not blatantly come to see it, they all listened.

These two people are celebrities in the army, two big celebrities together, really interesting.

In their opinion, the two of them can be described as talented women, how could they quarrel?

Facing Chang Xiaoran's anger, Zhang Feng said calmly: \"Yes, comrade colonel, I am a broken instructor, nothing great, so I can't teach you, please don't influence me, thank you!\ "

Zhang Feng turned around unceremoniously, and Chang Xiaoran cried again. This time he felt distressed.

Need to calm down.

This time Chang Xiaoran did not catch up.

Time flies quickly, three days have passed!

For these three days, Chang Xiaoran didn't come to Zhang Feng again, but went home to rest. After three days of staying behind closed doors, the house was in a hurry, but there was no good way.

On the fourth day, Chang Xiaoran came to Zhang Feng again and asked Zhang Feng: "Zhang Feng, I have thought about it, it doesn’t matter if you teach me or not, I was wrong before, I hope you don’t take it to your heart, I will ask you apologize!\"

Speaking of Chang Xiaoran, he bowed deeply to Zhang Feng.

\"Small things, it's okay!\" Zhang Feng talked.

\"Thank you!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

Zhang Feng sat down and watched the team he was training running, seeming to ignore Chang Xiaoran.

\"Zhang Feng, can we be friends?\" Chang Xiaoran asked.

Retreat as progress?

\"Of course, I have many friends, and there is no shortage of you!\"

Chang Xiaoran's heart was a little bleak, did he say he was just an ordinary friend in his eyes? Or a free nodding acquaintance, one-sided fate?

\"Thank you!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

In this way, the relationship between the two became much more harmonious.

Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone to play games and smoked while playing. This situation is not allowed here, but he is unscrupulous.

\"Zhang Feng, as a friend, I would like to remind you that it is disciplined to smoke and play with your mobile phone wherever you go.\"Chang Xiaoran is usually very strict, both for himself and for soldiers. Seeing Zhang Feng so she couldn't help but talk.

\"I'm not from you!\" Zhang Feng said.

Chang Xiaoran said: "Our whole army is all!"

\"Can't control me!\"

Chang Xiaoran has nothing to say, this person really doesn't get in.

After sitting with Zhang Feng for more than an hour, Zhang Feng said: \"I will go home first and come back tomorrow!\"

\"Oh, can you take me to your house as a guest?" Chang Xiaoran seized this opportunity to see if he really has a wife and children.

\"Yes, no problem!\" Zhang Feng said.

Chang Xiaoran was overjoyed.

So Zhang Feng drove out of the army.

When I passed the guard at the door, I met Feng Youjia, who was Chang Xiaoran's suitor.

He was not calm when he saw Chang Xiaoran in Zhang Feng's broken van.

\"Xiao Ran, where are you going?\" Feng Youjia asked at the car window.

Chang Xiaoran doesn't wait to see him very much: \"It has nothing to do with you!\"

The more I said this, the more Feng Youjia was suspicious, and the woman she liked got on other people's vans!

He couldn't accept this reality.

At this time Zhang Feng is registering over there, because entry and exit must be registered, even Zhang Feng cannot avoid it.

\"Xiao Ran, come down, where do you want to go, take my car, don't take this kind of broken van, it's not safe!\" Feng Youjia said.

\"Who said my car is not safe?\"

Zhang Feng came from behind.

\"It’s you, this kind of car should have been sent to the DMV for scrap! Don’t you know that it can’t be driven on the road? \" Feng Youjia glared at Zhang Feng:\" If there is an accident, you Can you be responsible?\"

Feng Youjia's car was outside the door and could not enter. A red sports car, worth two to three million yuan, Zhang Feng didn't bother to pay attention to the license plate.

\"It has something to do with you?\" Zhang Feng said and got into the car.

\"You, you, who are you, dare to talk to me like this! \" Feng Youjia is angry: \" Believe it or not, let you get on the ground with a call? Please forgive me!\"

\"Shabi!\" Zhang Feng sneered.

Standing in front of the car, Feng Youjia pointed at Zhang Feng and said angrily: "You, what did you say? Come down to me!"

Puff puff~~~

Zhang Feng honked his horn fiercely.

The guard came over to let Feng Youjia leave. He didn't dare to compete with the guard no matter how arrogant he was. He walked honestly, Zhang Feng drove away, and Feng Youjia chased after him angrily, chasing him in his car.

A sports car is a sports car, and it immediately caught up with Zhang Feng.

\"Chang Xiaoran, you come down, you can't go with him~~~\" Feng Youjia shouted loudly. Today, he miscalculated. He should call more people to stop this annoying person.

Chang Xiaoran ignored him and lowered the window. Feng Youjia was annoyed. He pointed to Zhang Feng and said, "Boy, dare you compare me?"

\"Compared to what?\" Zhang Feng lowered his speed and asked with interest.

Seeing that this kid is not pleasing to the eye, he needs to be abused and even dare to enter the barracks.

\"You can catch up with me. If you can't catch up, Xiao Ran will get out of the car immediately! From now on you can't communicate with Xiao Ran!\" Feng Youjia said.

\"No, no, if you can catch up with me, I will let Chang Xiaoran get out of the car immediately!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Zhang Feng, you~~~\"

Chang Xiaoran is angry, what is this?

\"What? Haha~~~\" Feng Youjia smiled happily, is this kid's brain sick? Or did you go out today without your eyes? Didn't you see yourself driving a sports car?

Zhang Feng said: "What? Don't you dare?"

\"Zhang Feng, don't compare with him!\"

Even Chang Xiaoran can see that Feng Youjia is a rich second-generation. He started driving luxury cars when he was a teenager. His car skills are still good, and the sports car he drives now can be increased to one speed in less than two seconds. Over a hundred, how can you Zhang Feng drive a van than him?

Chang Xiaoran understood that this was Zhang Feng deliberately. He wanted to deliberately lose and then dared to get out of the car.

Feng Youjia said: \"Is there anything I dare not dare to, haha, you have to say it!\"

\"What if you lose?\" Zhang Feng asked.

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