Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2034: Van vs. sports car, take her home!

\"Haha!\" Feng Youjia laughed loudly.

Fortunately, there are no cars on the road now, they are driving side by side.

Feng Youjia said: \"You have the final say, whatever you want!\"

\"Well, if you lose, you scrap your car yourself, and you can't come here to harass Chang Xiaoran again!\"

Zhang Feng's original intention was not for Chang Xiaoran, but for himself and the army. If this kid drove to the army gate every day, what would it be? Moreover, Zhang Feng met him every time he went out, and he was so annoying.

\"Okay, I promise you!\" Feng Youjia smiled, this kid's brain is abnormal.

He also happened to be able to defeat this guy in front of Chang Xiaoran and embrace the beauty.

Zhang Feng accelerated, and it reached more than a hundred a minute later. Feng Youjia followed behind him unhurriedly. He didn't catch up immediately, but waited to see what kind of horror this guy was.

He said just now that he had done something wrong, and he wanted to let him suffer the consequences!

After driving twenty to thirty kilometers, Zhang Feng broke through and turned a corner, taking a small road.

But there is no problem, the path is also a smooth concrete road.

But after a few minutes of walking, the van changed its route again, and it turned out to be uphill.

Feng Youjia was stunned. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he was fooled. Why didn't he catch up with him a little bit earlier? It was followed by dozens of kilometers.

Although the road up the mountain can be walked, there are many rocks and pits, and his sports car has a very low site. How to go? He stopped at the intersection and hesitated.

At this time, the driver of the van in front reached out the window with his thumb down.

Seeing this scene, Feng Youjia's heart surged with blood and the car went up.

Then it was bumping and bumping up very slowly.

After going up hundreds of meters, he fell into a pit, and he couldn't get out with the roar of the sports car engine.

The van came down and passed by his sports car, without stopping, Zhang Feng lowered the window and said: \"Braking pen!\"

\"You, you~~~\" Feng Youjia was so angry that he was about to vomit blood. He didn't expect Zhang Feng to use such a detrimental trick.

Although this car will not be scrapped, it is not cheap to repair it.

Feng Youjia got off the car and saw the van quickly disappearing at the end of the road. He shouted: \"Ah~~~\"

To express your anger.


In the van, Chang Xiaoran smiled happily.

\"What's so funny!\" Zhang Feng said angrily.

This time it is considered to be on the bar with Feng Youjia, trouble! He would not give up.

\"This is the first time he has been deflated, and he must have been punished for the first time. He must be very angry. I am very happy to see his angry look!\" Chang Xiaoran smiled.

Zhang Feng ignored her remarks, took out his mobile phone and called Yun Qian, saying that he was going home for lunch, and that he had brought guests from the army.

Seeing Zhang Feng finished the phone call, Chang Xiaoran couldn't laugh anymore. She sat in the passenger seat and heard the voice of Zhang Feng's phone, which was a woman's voice.

Is it true that he said he has a wife before? And son.


Chang Xiaoran's brain is booming, he is about to become a junior? how come?

I was speechless all the way, but a few hours later I arrived in Kyoto and entered the house. It was quite lively inside.

As soon as Zhang Feng got out of the car, he heard a naive voice: \"Dad~~~\"

Chang Xiaoran, who was still in the car, sank. It really is. Where is this place? She knew it.

Get out of the car quickly!

\"That is Sister Chang, Dad's comrade in the army, go and welcome her!\" Zhang Feng said to his son like this.

Xiao Haohao went up and said with milky voice, "Sister Chang~~~\"

Zhang Feng smiled and entered the house, ignoring Chang Xiaoran.

Today they are all back, Chen Wanru, Zhuo Chaoyun and Sharapova are also there, plus Yun Qian, Zhang Feng now has four women here.

Yan Wang took his girlfriend Li Xiaolian here as a guest, and Yan Wang took Li Xiaolian in a few days.

Although Li Xiaolian is only a middle-class family, she can still stand up to the scene among the upper class, behaved generously and decently at Yunqian's house, and work with Yunqian in the kitchen.

When Hao Hao took Chang Xiaoran in, Chang Xiaoran was shocked instantly. On the sofa sat three alluring women, each with its own characteristics, especially the foreign girl was too beautiful.

After a brief introduction, Chang Xiaoran sat there talking to them, saying some unnutritious words, waiting for the meal.

You can eat in less than ten minutes. Chang Xiaoran speaks very little and doesn't eat much. Although the food is delicious, she is not in the mood.

The beautiful woman of that housewife is Zhang Feng's wife. She is very beautiful, and it seems that they are very affectionate.

Chang Xiaoran didn't have the confidence to **** Zhang Feng from her.

Not long after eating, Chang Xiaoran left with an excuse and Zhang Feng sent her out.

\"Zhang Feng, I regret not getting to know you earlier!\" Chang Xiaoran said calmly.

Zhang Feng just smiled and said nothing, he didn't know what to say.

Chang Xiaoran said again: "Zhang Feng, will you divorce Yun Qian?"

\"I will not in this life!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Bless you!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

\"Thank you!\"

\"I'm leaving, I'm fine!\"

\"Tomorrow I will go to the army!\"

Chang Xiaoran is gone, with a lonely background. Zhang Feng wanted to send her out, but after thinking about it, let's forget it.

At this moment Yun Qian came over and saw Zhang Feng standing there and couldn't help but say: "Why don't you go and give it away!"

Zhang Feng said: \"She will go by herself!\"

\"You this person~~~\" Yun Qian ran up and went up: \"Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran~~~\"

The two began to speak quietly.

Several people came out from the gate, watching them walking slowly.

Hades said: "I think this Colonel Chang is not bad, he looks pretty!"

\"I also think that our family needs a colonel. If she is bullied, let her pull a few connections, quack~~~\" Zhuo Chaoyun smiled.

\"Don't make trouble!\" Zhang Feng said helplessly.

Chen Wanru said: "Zhang Feng, wherever you go, there will be a woman falling in love with you. In the future, we have to change to a bigger house!"

\"I think so, in the future our sisters will be one platoon, one company, so domineering, Zhang Feng, don't you think?" Zhuo Chaoyun also agreed.

Zhang Feng said: \"I don't have that much thought!\"

After all, Li Xiaolian, who was standing next to Hades, was in a mess. She saw a strange thing. There were so many women in Zhang Feng, and each of them was very beautiful. The most important thing was that they could get along with each other in peace!

What kind of person is Zhang Feng who can subdue so many peerless girls?

The relationship between her and Yan Wang is not so close, so she doesn't know Zhang Feng's identity.

Even if she married Hades in the future, she would not know some things.

Yun Qian and Chang Xiaoran are here.

\"Xiao Ran, I will often come as a guest in the future, our house is rarely so lively!\" Yun Qian said.

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