Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2035: Lost Xiao Ran, half a day!

Chang Xiaoran did not speak, her heart was very complicated.

\"It seems that you are from the family of Gao Gan, if so, we are Gao Pan, but now we are very free, Xiao Ran, do you know Zhang Feng?\" Yun Qian asked.

Chang Xiaoran said: "Sister Yun Qian, can you tell me about him?"

Yun Qian said:\"Of course, but I can’t tell if there are too many, because it’s a secret, I can only say that he crawled out of the dead, full of gunpowder and battle on his body, and his hands are also Stained with the blood of the enemy, his destiny has been tied to the highest mission. I have already prepared for him to disappear suddenly that day. With me, he has no worries!\"

\"Although he looks very leisurely now, the things he does are the hardest in the world. Only with him can we live in peace; with him, many people can live in peace! I have no name in the Zhang family. I’m just one of his many women, and he has many enemies, many people want him to die, and many people want his family to die. We don’t know which day we will be killed inexplicably. , Xiao Ran, can you understand what I said?\"

Chang Xiaoran was shocked, and he really didn't expect it to be like this.

\"We have no regrets, Xiao Ran, can you do it? Can your family understand?\" Yun Qian asked.

Chang Xiaoran said: "Sister, I'm not afraid, but I can't force this, I understand!"

Now she is in a mess. Zhang Feng has many women, and each of them is so outstanding. Although she still doesn't know what they do, it can be seen from Yun Qian that it is very difficult.

It is not easy to be Zhang Feng's woman.

\"It's good if you understand. If you can come, I personally welcome you. If Zhang Feng can have multiple people to take care of, I will be more at ease!\" Yun Qian said.

Chang Xiaoran looked at Yun Qian in surprise, what kind of woman is this? How much does she love Zhang Feng?

Suddenly, Chang Xiaoran felt that he was too naive.

\"Sister Yun Qian, I'm going back first!\" Chang Xiaoran has nothing to say to Yun Qian.

Yun Qian said: "Okay, Xiao Ran, come here often in the future!"

Chang Xiaoran nodded and left, Yun Qian stood there and watched for a while and went back.

\"Why didn't you just send it away!\"

Yun Qian stopped Zhang Feng when he went home.

\"It's not that she doesn't know the road!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"You, I don't know how to say it, it just hurts people's hearts!\"

Yun Qian is a very kind woman.

\"I didn't provoke her again!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "I think she is pretty good, she has a nice figure, and she is a colonel in her family, Zhang Feng, why don't you think about it?"

\"Not that mindful!\" Zhang Feng said seriously.

Zhuo Chaoyun didn't say this anymore, maybe Zhang Feng was really out of mind, his task was very heavy and he should not be distracted.

At this moment, Zhang Feng's cell phone rang, and it was an old beggar.

Zhang Feng answered, the old beggar asked in the first sentence: "Xiaofeng, do you have time now?"

\"how long?\"

The old beggar said: \"Half a day is enough!\"


\"Well, you will come to the base in a moment!\" said the old beggar.


Zhang Feng hung up and drove over immediately. No one would ask him what he was going out to do.

When he reached the base, Zhang Feng was led to a large empty room by the staff. The old beggar was here, and there were many scientists.

In front of them, there were two robots about 1.8 meters tall, all wrapped in steel, human heads, human bodies, vivid, male and female robots.

\"Xiaofeng, you are here, we need you to take action!\" said the old beggar.

Zhang Feng didn't understand. He knew that the base department specialized in researching aggressive robots, but Zhang Feng didn't know anything about them.

\"How can I do it?\" Zhang Feng asked.

The old beggar said to a scientist: "It's okay!"

The scientist said: "Okay, put them on!"

Several staff members went to get clothes, which were costumes, long swords and so on.

In the end, he put on a mask, like a masked assassin, Zhang Feng was stunned. What is this going to do?

\"Xiaofeng, what you have to do is defeat them!\" the old beggar said confidently.

\"Isn't it possible? This, Mr. Gusu, don't mess around, it's going to die!\"

At this moment, a scientist spoke. He was a young man who was not too old for Zhang Feng. He wore a pair of glasses and was lean. He knew he was a straightforward man at first glance.

The sign on his chest reads his name: Zang Xinyu.

\"It doesn't get in the way, Xiaofeng can!\" said the old beggar.

Zang Xinyu said: \"The programming of Xiaoqing and Xiaoqiang are both ancient swordsmanship, and their power is amazing, more than the strength of five adults, that is to say, the power of five people, so powerful!\"

\"If Xiaofeng can't do it, no one will do it!\" said the old beggar.

Zhang Feng did not speak. He would not earn anything with these scientists. These people are more arrogant than himself. They have proud capital.

If you want to suffer a little bit of grievance in front of them, it is a small matter.

\"Well, try it!\"

At this moment someone gave Zhang Feng a long sword.

All the scientists stepped back to the side and gave the field to Zhang Feng and two robots, Xiaoqing and Xiaoqiang.

The old beggar said: "Xiaofeng, let's start!"

\"How far is this going?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"Beat them!\" said the old beggar.

\"Does it mean to kill them?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"It can be understood like this!\"

\"This is a baby, it's a pity to kill it!\"

Zang Xinyu had already issued the order, Xiao Qing moved first, jumped up and attacked Zhang Feng, and a straight sword came to Zhang Feng's chest while Xiao Qiang was attacking Zhang Feng's left wing.

嘡~~~ Zhang Feng blocked Xiaoqiang's attack and avoided Xiaoqing's sword with a sword, and jumped aside.

But Xiaoqiang immediately attacked, his movements were very agile, just like a human swordsman master.

Zhang Feng was shocked in his heart and shocked those precious scientists. The robots were still practicing somersaults. There is already such a high level of swordsmanship here.

It's a killing machine.

If this machine is used on the battlefield, what will happen?

Zhang Feng didn't dare to imagine, because he didn't have so much thought now about how to defeat them.

And Zhang Feng is not a master of swordsmanship. They used ancient swordsmanship, that is, the swordsmanship of ancient swordsmen. Aren't many of them lost?

Do you enter every trick into the robot? Can they win if they use other tricks against them? Can they cope?

This can only be done now, let's play freely!

Such an idea flashed through Zhang Feng's mind. The two robots had already attacked. Zhang Feng dodged their fierce attacks with a quick hand to see what moves they had!

Looking at the people outside the glass, the old beggar was very confident. The others were worried about Zhang Feng because they all knew Zhang Feng!

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