Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2037: Come out alive and become one

Someone took Zhang Feng aside to explain the things that need to be paid attention to. Zhang Feng kept nodding his head. These are all trivialities, even if Zhang Feng went in, he would understand.

Ten minutes later, the side was ready, and the staff led Zhang Feng to the machine.

\"Good luck, if you can come out alive, I will apologize to you!\"

Director Xing said before Zhang Feng went up.

Zhang Feng was taken aback, is it really that serious?

Seeing Zhang Feng’s very puzzled expression, Director Xing said: "I have only tried it on monkeys before. No monkey can survive. Zhang Feng, if you die, you will be a martyr!"

\"Can you ask a question?\" Zhang Feng looked calm.

Director Xing said: \"You can ask any questions now.\"

\"Based on your experience and knowledge, what is the most important thing to pay attention to after entering?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Director Xing did not expect that he would ask like this.

\"Don't have any resistance!\" Director Xing said.

Zhang Feng nodded and got on the ladder.

\"No other questions?\" Director Xing asked again.

Zhang Feng said: "If you say yes, there really is one!"

\"go ahead!\"

\"Can you ask anything?\"

\"Of course, I just said it, what I said by Xing Qingqing counts!\"

Zhang Feng asked: "What color clothes are you wearing inside, and those few pieces?"

\"You~~~\" Xing Qingqing was so angry, and his face was red. I didn't expect Zhang Feng to be so frivolous. Is such a person the Zhang Feng? The one who came back alive from District 52 and brought back all the technology there?

It's just a disciple! If it were outside, Xing Qingqing would definitely not let his frivolity go, but now she is holding it back, because her machine is on a real person for the first time, and it is estimated that she will not be able to survive. She ignores her surroundings at the same time with the strange look. He clenched his small fist tightly and said: "Black!"

\"Are there any sides?\" Zhang Feng asked again.

\"Leibian!\" Xing Qingqing's tone was wrong.

\"That's not bad, it suits you well, I will wear it like this in the future! \" Zhang Feng said and turned around.

Seeing Zhang Feng go up and back, Xing Qingqing suddenly stopped being angry, but felt that Zhang Feng was a bit tragic.

I will not be so stingy.

She is seven or eight years older than Zhang Feng, but she belongs to the kind of goddess of frozen age. It seems that she is less than thirty years old. Only Zhang Feng can tell that she is over thirty.

Since childhood, no one has dared to molest himself like this. Xing Qingqing finds it very interesting, this brother!

A person was standing on the machine waiting for Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng took off his shirt and revealed his figure.

His back is full of scars, bullet holes, and stab wounds. No piece of skin is good for playing. At the same time, his muscles are extremely powerful. Every muscle movement is releasing infinite power. Xing Qingqing is heartbroken. .

What kind of man is this?

Full of medals!

Zhang Feng went in. The station cabin was full of wires. According to the staff's explanation, Zhang Feng stood in the correct position and the cabin door was closed.

Immediately afterwards, the machine inside moved, and many things touched Zhang Feng's whole body, almost every muscle in his body, wrapping Zhang Feng in general, and he didn't feel any pain yet.

Zhang Feng immediately calmed down, allowing his body to accept every movement of these machines.

Machines are intelligent and all work according to programming.

At this moment, Zhang Feng felt that his back of the brain was pricked by a needle, and the thin needle penetrated into the back of his head. Zhang Feng felt a sharp pain, extremely uncomfortable. The mind exploded.

At this moment, Zhang Feng resisted instinctively, but the more he resisted, the more uncomfortable he was, and his body was trembling.

Looking outside at the monitor monitor Xing Qingqing frowned, very nervous, is this going to fail?


With a calm voice behind him, Xing Qingqing looked back and saw that it was Mr. Gu Su, she was quite stable.

\"Mr. Gusu!\"

The old beggar said: "It's okay, trust Zhang Feng!"

Xing Qingqing nodded. She did not believe in Zhang Feng, but in the old beggar.

Zhang Feng has never let the old beggar down.

Now the old beggar stares at the huge machine in front of him. How much resources does this machine cost him? It is not calculated by money and numbers. There are more than a dozen scientists in charge of this project. They are all invaluable treasures of old beggars. Their value is unlimited. How can they be measured by money?

Here are the top scientists in the country and even in the world. They are people who truly love scientific research. Only here can they use their talents. The old beggars never restrict them.

At this time, Zhang Feng's brain was no longer so painful, because he calmed down and accepted the tiny needle into the back of his brain.

Xing Qingqing is right.

Don't resist, or it will hurt more.

After Zhang Feng calmed down, he settled down, very calm, accepting the devastation from the machine.

The next moment Zhang Feng miraculously felt less pain. At this moment, the entire cervical spine was covered by a cervical spine machine. There were many sharp words on the machine that entered the cartilage position of each cervical spine and every acupuncture point.

Zhang Feng didn't resist anymore but accepted these invasions. After a while, his whole body no longer felt pain.

The whole body is combined with the machine.

\"You can start!\" Xing Qingqing said excitedly outside.

Zhang Feng is really successful. I really didn’t expect it to be so smooth. If Zhang Feng can freely control this machine, then it is really successful, and her designer will stay in the history and even become pioneer.

These are not important. The important thing is that this technology can make the country stronger, and can also be used in other fields, such as infrastructure.

The machine started and began to recognize Zhang Feng's body.

Those spikes that entered Zhang Feng's body were divided into many tiny neurons, which were like human neurons, which were in contact with Zhang Feng's neurons.

This process is also painful, but with the adaptation just now, Zhang Feng can still accept it.

Two minutes later, the solution machine was operating normally, and Zhang Feng's vital signs were still there.

But Zhang Feng was not feeling well at this time. He felt that his muscles and bones were being pulled, as if they were broken, and it would be very painful if he moved.

Zhang Feng calmed himself down and did not resist, but he was still uncomfortable.

\"Zhang Feng, stand up, slow down!" Zhang Feng heard Xing Qingqing's voice.

Zhang Feng stood up, and the whole robot that was watching outside also stood up. Xing Qingqing was very excited, and at the same time crying, how many days and nights he had worked so hard, and Zhang Feng should be very painful now.

I am afraid that few people in this world can bear it.

Xing Qingqing, the creator of the figure machine, is naturally clear.


At this moment the machine collapsed to the ground, and everyone was shocked.

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