Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2038: The machine is meditation, so you hold grudges?

\"Zhang Feng!\" Xing Qingqing called.

The old beggar had gone out just now, he couldn't see this scene.

\"Save people, hurry up!\" Xing Qingqing shouted.

People are more important than machines. Machines can be repaired if they are broken. If people are gone, they are really gone. Xing Qingqing knows best, but once the machine breaks down, it is very unlikely that people will survive.

A group of people ran up, but at this moment the machine suddenly sat up, and everyone was scared to the ground. Who is not afraid that such a powerful machine will break through and violently?

But the machine did not violently hit people, but sat there cross-legged.

Everyone calmed down and looked at the giant in front one by one. They worked hard!

It's like a giant robot Buddha, sitting there quietly, as if sitting in meditation.

No one said anything.

Xing Qingqing looked at the display in front of him. The data on it was calm and normal. Xing Qingqing's heart was settled all at once, and his heart was very happy. Xing Qingqing waved to them and motioned them to return to their positions.

The whole hall was quiet.

After half an hour, the machine finally moved, stood up, to be precise, stood up like a human, stood up with both feet and supported it with hands, and walked two steps.

It's as natural as a person's feet are walking.

Take two steps back.

Then it's very formal!

\"No, it's impossible, he is on the right track, saluting~~~\" Xing Qingqing muttered.

Tears filled her eyes!

Immediately afterwards, the machine waved its arms and punched out a set of punches. To be precise, Zhang Feng was punching.

Because all the movements of this machine must be controlled by the people inside, Zhang Feng is moving when the machine moves.

It is so natural, can it be said that he and the machine can really become one? Xing Qingqing shook his hands excitedly.

Because he played a set of punches.

The robot's hands and front defensive positions are made of special stainless steel, which is much more precise than aerospace products, which can be described as a big investment.

Zhang Feng clenched his fist and hit the wall.


The powerful force and the hard fist smashed the concrete wall into a big hole, and the assembly room vibrated for it, and an alarm sounded.

The guard was running here, but Xing Qingqing immediately lifted the alarm.

The scientists were shocked.

Zhang Feng walked towards Xing Qingqing. The robot was much bigger than the elephant's foot. He stepped on the ground vigorously, and the concrete floor was stepped out of the pit.

The fist struck Xing Qingqing without any warning. Everyone was terrified. Xing Qingqing stood there calmly. The huge fist, which was two bigger than Xing Qingqing, was only five centimeters away from her face. Time to stop.

The fist wind blew Xing Qingqing's face and hair on his head.

The cool wind smelled of steel.

Xing Qingqing looked up without blinking.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief for her, if it was smashed like this, Xing Qingqing would become muddy.

The huge fist stayed on Xing Qingqing's face for more than ten seconds before retracting.

\"Director Xing, what else needs to be done? Please give instructions!\"

This is Zhang Feng's voice.

Hearing Zhang Feng’s voice was normal, Xing Qingqing was very happy, she said: "You can come out!"

\"How to get out?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"You can come out by yourself, use your thoughts, as if you are controlling your own body!\"

Zhang Feng thought about it for a while, just thinking about leaving this machine.

The next moment Zhang Feng felt that the neurons linking the machine were disconnected.

Then the acupuncture on the back of the head is slowly withdrawn, followed by the thorn on the entire cervical spine on the back, and finally a matching package that covers the whole body.

The hatch opened and Zhang Feng came out. Everyone was watching him. His every move was normal.

Zhang Feng came down the ladder and walked to Xing Qingqing and said: "Director Xing, I came out alive, you apologize!"

\"You, you have so much grudges!\" Xing Qingqing is not thinking about this with Zhang Feng now, she has a lot of questions to ask Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng said: \"Forget it.\"

Saying that Zhang Feng turned around and left, took out a cigarette and lit it. Someone came to stop Zhang Feng from smoking but Xing Qingqing stopped him.

Zhang Feng walked to a corner and finally couldn't help but fell down, still with a cigarette in his mouth.

He was discovered immediately.

\"Hurry up, come on, Zhang Feng is down!\" the man shouted.

In fact, the doctor was already prepared, and he passed by immediately when he heard the call.

A doctor looked at Zhang Feng's situation and said sharply: "No, the patient is bleeding from Qiqiao, quickly~~~\"

Zhang Feng's condition was very bad at this time, Qiqiao was bleeding, unconscious, and his body muscles were twitching.

The doctor rolled Zhang Feng's eyelids, Zhang Feng's eyeballs had turned his eyes back, and he was immediately pushed away.

The old beggar came in anxiously, passing by him and looking at Zhang Feng with a serious expression.

\"Mr. Gusu, I, I~~~\" Xing Qingqing was already in tears at this time.

Just now Zhang Feng was holding back not to send it, and he still said he held a grudge?

I don't know if he can wake up. If he can't, Xing Qingqing will not let him go. The machine was made by himself.

\"Qingqing, don't worry, trust Zhang Feng!\" said the old beggar.

\"Yes!\" Xing Qingqing hid his face and left.

The old beggar's fists were tightly clenched, and a powerful murderous intent burst out of his body. Yu Weishang, the king of mercenaries in the world, was here!

No one dared to approach him. He usually closes his eyes and laughs. He is a very easy-going person with no one. At this moment, his breath has changed.

No one knows what the old beggar is thinking at this time!

The old beggar personally went to call Zhang Dashan.

Hearing the news that Zhang Feng had fainted and he was still in the operating room, Zhang Dashan was very calm. He only said one sentence: "It is where his destiny lies, and I am proud of him!"

When he said that, he sat aside and smoked. The old beggar was heartbroken. He wanted to say sorry to Zhang Dashan, but thinking about it, "I'm sorry" is the last thing to say.

Zhang Dashan's calmness is due to his nature. He is born to be an undercover agent and can be calm no matter what happens.

But Zhang Dashan couldn't calm down in his heart. After all, he was his son. Should a white-haired man give a black-haired man?

After smoking two cigarettes, Zhang Dashan said calmly: "I guess he didn't come out so quickly, let's go to a place first!"

Come out when you lie down or stand up.

Zhang Feng is the soul of the Huangquan team, and also the soul of the 01 base dragon warrior. The old beggar is just a worker.

\"Go to see Qingyun?\" the old beggar asked.

The person who knows Zhang Dashan best is the old beggar, and General Wan does not know Zhang Dashan.

Zhang Dashan nodded.

\"it is good!\"

It is most appropriate to meet this person at this time.

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