Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2040: The task is arduous and morale is high

Xing Qingqing did not go to the hospital to see Zhang Feng. She didn't know what Zhang Feng's situation was like. She was worried anyway. If Zhang Feng could survive, she would sincerely apologize to Zhang Feng.

Thinking of the words he had just asked himself when he came out of the machine a few hours ago, Xing Qingqing felt uncomfortable.

After watching for a while, Xing Qingqing went back.

What she can do now is to do a good job of the project, but nothing else.

After Zhang Feng's experience, the machine showed many new problems, which were enough for her to work for more than half a year, and every problem needed to be solved.

Xing Qingqing was called to the office by the old beggar when he arrived at the base.

\"Qingqing, how many problems have you found?" the old beggar asked.

\"Many, almost the same as the previous experiments with animals have been overthrown!\" Xing Qingqing said.

The old beggar nodded and said: "So we need more people to experiment!?

\"Yes, I really need it!\"

The old beggar said: \"Ok, I will give it to you, you first solve the problem this time!\"


Xing Qingqing is in a bad mood.

As the person in charge of the project, she knew about training volunteers, but Xing Qingqing knew about it and wanted to reach the level of Zhang Feng, so that there are not many people who can integrate with machines, or even none.

How easy is it to train?

But they have no choice now.

After Xing Qingqing left, the old beggar thought about it again. This project could not be terminated. He finally understood why so many people were caught in District 52 at that time to train and do experiments. Only people with super physical fitness can pass. Layers of levels, and finally become a super strong.

Those who are not physically strong are expected to become failures and gain.

As for those who cannot even reach the failed product, they can only be thrown away as rubbish, or burned.

It can be said to be anti-human, they dare not let the world know.

But now they are almost the same here, they all want people to do it, otherwise they won't be able to do it.

All success comes at a price, and as much success there is as much sacrifice.

The old beggar couldn't sit still, he went to Tang Zhongjing's barracks to meet him.

\"Xiao Tang, Xiaofeng is injured. He is currently in the hospital and cannot wake up for a while. Our task is very arduous, and we cannot give up halfway!" The old beggar is straight to the point.

Tang Zhongjing was shocked. No wonder Zhang Feng has not been in the army since yesterday.

\"I called him temporarily. Originally there was only one item, just a simple confrontation, but after the confrontation was over, I went to the second project. I was still too confident. The second one he endured and completed the task, and then faint!\"

Tang Zhongjing did not speak.

\"Little Tang, our road is still very long and very hard!\" The old beggar said:\"Okay, that's all I want to say, don't worry about Xiaofeng, if he can't wake up, I will let someone come Keep training them!\"

Tang Zhongjing stood up and saluted the old beggar: \"Yes!\"

After Tang Zhongjing sent the old beggar into the car and left, he went to see his seventeen soldiers.

The training was terminated, Tang Zhongjing said to them: "Your instructor was ordered to perform the task at a critical moment, and he is now lying in the hospital. I don't know if he can wake up, he is down, you go up!"

\"But I don’t want to see that you don’t even have the qualifications to go up. Our time is running out. Brothers, all I can count on is you!\"

Speaking of Tang Zhongjing, he gave them a standard salute.

The soldiers returned the salute.

\"I envy you, you are already on your way, and I can only watch from behind! Keep training! Remember, there is not much time left for us!\"


Tang Zhongjing is gone.

Captain One shouted loudly: "Turn left and run in unison!"

They continued to train again, and then they had a lot of strength in the training process than before.

They thought to themselves, people with such a powerful instructor can't do it, can they do it?

This is not a frustrating statement, but a fact, they must be more powerful than the instructors to be competent, otherwise they will become benevolent!

The captain said as he ran: "Brothers, although we don't know what task we are about to face, it must be a task with infinite glory, just like the ancestors back then, their glory will always be imprinted. On the monument of the motherland, shining, it is the light that guides us forward!\"

\"Why did the instructor go to perform the task in the first place? Do you know? I will tell you that it is because of the tight time and can’t wait. The instructor goes alone. Why don’t we work hard?\"

\"Here, my life no longer belongs to me. It belongs to this land. Is there any regret?\"

\"There can be no regrets! So we must do our last bit of effort!\"

After the captain finished speaking, the whole team shouted: \"Yes!\"

Morale is high!

Today’s training is much better than before.

So far, eight hours have passed since Zhang Feng was in a coma, and he is still lying on the operating table unconscious.

The operating room brings together the country's top doctors.

\"Neurons throughout the body are almost damaged, and there are many breaks!\"

\"The patient's physical fitness is very strong, I think it can be carried over!\"

\"No surgery required!\"

\"I agree too!\"

\"I think Mr. Xiao will come and use acupuncture to help him!\"

\"I agree that the patient's situation is very suitable for acupuncture, so let Xiao Lao come!\"

\"it is good!\"

Several doctors in white coats exchanged opinions.

An old man with gray hair and a mask in a gray tunic suit stood up.

\"Okay, then I will come, don't make any noise, listen to me for everything! \"The old man walked up.

It is worth noting that there is still a bag hanging on his shoulder.

Everyone gave Xiao Laoran his debut.

\"You all stand behind, remember, your hearts must be calm, otherwise it will affect the patient!\" said Xiao Lao.

Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and quickly stepped back and adjusted their minds.

Xiao Lao showed Zhang Feng his body. First, he diagnosed the pulse. It took about five minutes for the pulse to be diagnosed, except for the slight sweat on his head.

Next, look at the cervical spine and the back of the head, and press gently with your hands.

He spread out his bag and took out an alcohol lamp and many different small silver needles.

These silver needles were sterilized by an alcohol lamp, but it was just that the layperson felt that this step was just disinfection, and the silver needles could be used to the extreme at Xiao Lao's level.

The silver needle was overfired, with energy, and then pierced into the acupuncture point with a very fast and precise gesture.

Just as the internal force was used in martial arts novels for needles, the current Xiao Lao uses internal force in this way.

In less than half a minute, Zhang Feng's back was full of silver needles.

He took out an Ai Zhu, lit it, and performed hanging moxibustion on some acupuncture points, while gently turning the silver needle with one hand.

Not all acupoints are moxibustion, especially the moxibustion on the back of the head for a long time.

The doctor behind watched quietly, waiting for a miracle!

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