Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2041: Old Xiao shot, it worked!

Everyone in this operating room knows Mr. Xiao. Mr. Xiao has created many miracles. Is this okay?

At this time, Xiao Lao was calculating the time, glanced at the watch on his wrist, and fixed his eyes on Zhang Feng's back.

At this moment, a muscle on Zhang Feng's back moved, and Xiao Lao immediately went up and pulled out the two silver needles from the muscle.

Twirled the silver needle on the back of his head again, and continued to attack with moxibustion to increase his strength.

Zhang Feng's neck twitched, which seemed to be effective.

Less than 30 seconds later, Zhang Feng's hands and feet moved, and Xiao Lao pulled out a few silver needles from his hands and feet, and then used Ai Zhu to perform moxibustion on the acupoints until the skin became red.

After half an hour, he pulled out the silver needles on his back, then turned Zhang Feng over, put the needles on the acupuncture points on his chest, abdomen, legs, and forehead around the eyes, and waited a few minutes before performing moxibustion.

The people behind held their breath and even breathed softly. They could hear the needle drop quietly in the operating room. They knew they could witness the birth of a miracle.

Because it had worked just now, Zhang Feng moved.

As long as Zhang Feng moved, he could slowly recover.

At this moment, Zhang Feng's body was already filled with dozens of silver needles. Xiao Lao said: "I don't have enough silver needles, so I will let people come to me to fetch them immediately. My apprentice is here!"

\"I'll do it!\" a young doctor whispered.

\"Wait!\" Xiao Lao took out a piece of paper from his purse, wrote a series of numbers and gave it to him, saying: \"When you go out, call him immediately and ask him to send it out, and you go over, You can meet him halfway, hurry!\"


When the young doctor came out, he saw the old beggar and Zhang Dashan.

\"Mr. Gusu, I'll get the needles for Xiao Lao!\" The young doctor said that he asked the nurse to call his cell phone, looking very anxious.

The old beggar understood. Calling, it's not easy to get to Xiao Lao's residence. He asked people to clear the way.

The young doctor can drive there unimpeded.

He took it back in less than half an hour, and it happened to be used by Xiao Lao.

Mr. Xiao stood there for several hours, and the doctors also stood for several hours, and they were all studying.

After a few hours, Xiao Lao's stamina was a little weak. After pulling out all the silver needles from Zhang Feng, Xiao Lao pulsed Zhang Feng again and his face became serious.

\"I need a stable person to give me the needle!\" Xiao Lao said.

The people behind are a bit hesitant, because this technique is very clever, and they are not sure!

\"People with decisive force and precision can do the job, fast, we don't have much time! \" Old Xiao said solemnly.

The people behind thought for a few seconds. One of them said: "Mr. Gusu can!"

\"Please come in!\" Xiao Lao said.

Open the door and let the old beggar come. After he came in, he looked a little bit cautious, because this is not his specialty, and he is also very nervous. It is because Zhang Feng is nervous. Why do you ask yourself to come in? Do you want to tell yourself bad news?

\"Gusu, come here!\" Xiao Lao said.

The old beggar walked over and called Xiao Lao respectfully and softly, and saw Zhang Feng's body full of silver needles. Zhang Feng hasn't woke up yet!

Xiao Lao said: "I need you to take the next stitch, remember, it must be fast, steady, and strong enough!"

The old beggar nodded.

\"Here, one inch of the rib, the left atrium of the heart, the upper nerve, must pierce this nerve, otherwise he will die, remember, must be fast and cruel!" Xiao Lao pointed to Zhang Feng's heart on the chest Location.

The old beggar nodded.

Xiao Lao took out a long silver needle to sterilize it on the alcohol lamp, and said: "Now you get rid of all distracting thoughts, keep your breath in your dantian, and then run the needle, insert the needle to this length, and you can't deviate!"

\"Yes!\" The old beggar responded respectfully.

Elder Xiao handed the needle to the old beggar's hands.

At this time, the old beggar is in very good condition. He is a person who has seen strong winds and waves, and his mentality is abnormally stable.

Holding the silver needle in his hand, he pierced in at a very fast speed according to the location Xiao Lao said, and most of the long silver needle was submerged.

The silver needle is very small and easy to bend, but it is not a problem in the hands of the needle provider, because the perfect combination of speed and strength allows the silver needle to enter the top of Zhang Feng's heart.

After inserting the old beggar, he immediately closed his hand, and at the same time Zhang Feng's body twitched violently, Xiao Lao gave Zhang Feng the pulse, the weak pulse immediately became stronger, and the heart beat violently. .

\"Gusu, you saved his life!\" Xiao Lao said.

The old beggar smiled slightly and was extremely excited.

\"Go out!\" Xiao Lao said.

The old beggar bowed to Xiao Lao and went out lightly. The doctors standing behind were also excited.


Xiao Lao didn't immediately remove the silver needle from his heart. Time was not up yet, and he was still performing acupuncture at other acupoints.

After another two hours, Xiao Lao finally pulled out the silver needles from Zhang Feng's body one by one, and finally the life-saving needle on his chest.

After doing this, Elder Xiao exhaled a long breath, his body wobbly to fall back.

\"Old Xiao!\"

The doctor at the back hurried up to help.

\"It's not in the way, it's not in the way!\" Xiao Lao said.

An older doctor said: "Help Xiao go to rest!"

\"Three hours later, the needle will be performed again. Remember, you can't disturb him during this period!\" Xiao Lao said.


Everyone responded.

Old Xiao was helped to go out to rest, and then the other doctors also went out, turned off the lights, and it was completely dark inside.

Such a quiet environment is suitable for Zhang Feng's self-treatment.

The purpose of Xiao Lao Wu's six-hour acupuncture is to stimulate Zhang Feng's body. Many of the meridians in his body are cut off. After the needles are used to clear them, he can connect them with his body energy.

Then there is the problem of the heart, which can be solved by a silver needle to move it and provide blood and oxygen to the whole body.

The three-hour silence is for Zhang Feng's body to heal itself.

Zhang Dashan and the old beggar waiting outside.

\"He is all right!\" said the old beggar.

\"That's good!\" Zhang Dashan said calmly:\"I will go back and change shifts with General Wan!\"

Talking that Zhang Dashan stood up and left, the old beggar also stood up and watched him go.

The old beggar continued to guard here for emergencies. He was used just now. This man made his brute force to be used.

Yes, the old beggar has only a little brute force, he himself thinks so.

Yun Qian came with the food in person, and was a little disappointed to see that Zhang Dashan was not here.

\"Master, you have something to eat!\" Yun Qian took out the lunch box.

The old beggar smiled and said: "I'm really hungry!"

Looking at the old beggar's appearance, Yun Qian was startled: "Master, what's the matter?"

\"Hehe, Zhang Feng should be fine!\" the old beggar laughed.

\"Really?\" Yun Qian was pleasantly surprised.

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