Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2042: Sincere is spirit, we go home!

The old beggar said: "It was Xiao Lao Xingzhen, who came alive, but I don't know what it is like later!"

\"I know, I know!\" Yun Qian's tears came out, and she will accompany Zhang Feng anyway.

Xiao Lao Xingzhen, Yun Qian was relieved a lot.

The old beggar said: "You go back, I just watch it here!"

\"Master, let me come!\" Yun Qian said.



The old beggar is waiting here, maybe he can still be used in the needle, so he can't leave now.

Although there are many things waiting for him to do in the base, the most important thing is here.

Yun Qian told them the news, and their hearts were relieved a lot.

Sharapova said excitedly: "Going to the temple to pray is really useful!"

\"Of course it works, I am very sincere!\" Zhuo Chaoyun said.

\"I am also very sincere!\" Sharapova responded.

Yun Qian continued: "These Zhang Fengs are not out of danger!"

\"Then let's go and pray!\" Sharapova said she was going out.

\"I will go too!\" Zhuo Chaoyun followed.

Chen Wanru is very calm.

"It was Xiao Lao who rescued Zhang Feng!" Yun Qian said.

\"Old Xiao!\" Chen Wanru whispered.

It is Zhang Feng's luck for a Chinese medicine master to let him take action.

\"Yes, I should thank him! \" Yun Qian said: \"Zhai Qiang they all know, right?\"

Chen Wanru said: "It should be on the plane now!"

\"All come back, this time Zhang Feng's injury is very serious!\" Yun Qian said.

\"Already told them, they put down the business!\"

Yun Qian nodded: \"I'll pick Haohao back!\"

Haohao is in the kindergarten now, and Hui Meizi takes special care of him there.

Emiko knew that Zhang Feng was injured and was hospitalized, but she did not go to the hospital but insisted on her post.

Emiko has fallen in love with this place in the past two years and feels that she belongs here.

\"Feng, I hope you are all right, I belong to you, if you die, I will die too!\"

Emiko washed her face in the bathroom. After a short break, she went to the bathroom to think about her own affairs. There were many children outside who needed her care.

No one can understand the relationship between her and Zhang Feng, nor does Zhang Feng, only she knows it.

Since she left with Zhang Feng, her destiny has been with Zhang Feng.

\"Teacher Emiko, Teacher Emiko~~~\"

Colleagues are calling outside.

Hui Meizi hurried out, and her colleague said anxiously: "Zhang Hao has beaten someone again, he bleeds the nose of the big class kid!"

\"Sorry, sorry, I'll go right away!" Emiko bowed to her and ran over.

The pot exploded in the garden, and many children were shouting.

\"He said bad things about Teacher Emiko, I warned him, and he did it first, it's really useless, but I told the teacher, huh, you don’t deserve to be my opponent!\"

A tender, high-pitched voice.

This is the voice of the three and a half year old Haohao, the kindergarten bully.

Similar situations often happen, almost once every other day, there is always reason for him to hurt someone, and he is always on the side of justice, and his mind turns fast.

Other teachers couldn't help him, only Emiko could.

\"Haohao, Haohao~~~\" exclaimed Hui Miko.

Her Chinese is already very good now, but she has a little accent, which makes her more lovely.

Haohao ran over, and Hui Meizi looked at him and said worriedly: "Where did you hurt? Let me see!"

\"I was not injured. He hit me just now and it didn't get in the way. I didn't cry or called the teacher!\" Hao Hao said.

Emiko breathed a sigh of relief: \"That's good!\"

The principal came, and after learning about the situation, he didn't say anything. Because of the surveillance, the children couldn't lie, and even if the parents came, they couldn't do anything. The matter was fine.

\"Haohao, in the future, don't do so **** your classmates, they can't stand your fist!\"

Emiko pulled him aside, squatted down and said to him.

\"Aunt Huimeizi, I know, I will be lighter in the future! \" Hao Hao said very proudly: \ "But when the fight starts, I can't control what should I do?\"

\"Well, then just remember what Auntie Emiko said! \"Emiko has no way, because I have said it many times.

\"Okay!\" Haohao's well-behaved look is almost harmless to humans and animals, really like his father.

\"But that guy was from a big class just now, two years older than me.\" Hao Hao said again.

Many times he always uses his own smallness as an excuse.

Emiko said: "Didn't you hurt a first-year brother last week? He is two heads taller than you!"

As soon as he said this, he got excited: "What's the use of two heads higher? I hit him like three heads!"

\"Okay, alright, Haohao, in the future, you have to act lightly, and you are not an enemy!\" said Emiko.

\"I see, my dad said, if it's an enemy, he will kill him!\" Hao Hao said.

Hui Meizi has nothing to say, this is Zhang Feng's son, the tiger father has no dogs.

At this moment Yun Qian came in from outside, and Hao Hao rushed up to pounce on his mother's broken body, and Emiko stood there smiling.

It was not time to end school, and even after school, it was Emiko who took him home.

Yun Qian came here, probably because there was news from Zhang Feng, and Emiko was very nervous.

\"Haohao, go and pack your things, let's go home early!\" Yun Qian said.

\"Okay, mom!\" Hao Hao ran away.

Yun Qian and Emiko walked aside tacitly.

\"Zhang Feng has woken up, but the situation is still unclear, he can't die!\" Yun Qian said.

Emiko said happily: \"Thank you, thank you, you have worked hard, you have worked hard!\" Emiko bowed to Yun Qian as she said.

\"At this time, it is enough for us to do our own things! \" Yun Qian said: \"You also go home, you can go home early today!\"

\"Okay!\" Emiko said:\"I will ask the principal for leave!\"

After a while, the three of them left the school gate and went home.

Emiko always walks half a step slower than Yun Qian, this is her humble and low-key posture.

In her mind, she was thinking about what Yun Qian said just now, "You also go home". This touched her, and Yun Qian regarded herself as a member of this family.

She didn't know what her home was like since she was a child, but now she slowly feels that it is so beautiful.

Yun Qian never asked her about her things, her thoughts and so on, and what she said was all homely.

This is Yun Qian's cleverness. All she has to do is to follow Zhang Feng and accept Emiko, and leave the rest alone.

Besides, Emiko is also a good girl, no matter what she did before, as long as she stays here well, even if she doesn't stay here, as long as she doesn't turn back.

When they got home, the women in the family were all in Zhuo Chaoyun and Chen Wanru. They were waiting.

At this time, how can they have the mind to do those things and make money?

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