Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2049: Go to the hotel and buy clothes

Seeing Zhang Feng's appearance as a rogue, Chang Xiaoran was trembling with anger, his small fist was tightly clenched, as if he was about to rush to beat Zhang Feng.

When Zhang Feng disappeared at the end of the road, Chang Xiaoran reacted instantly, and even laughed and whispered: \"Hey, dare to lie to me, pretend, pretend to be a little gangster, and see who pretends to be! \"

She went back to her dormitory and changed casual clothes. In the dormitory, she brought a set of casual clothes, very ordinary casual clothes, a white top, not very tight jeans, and a pair of single shoes, which can be said to be a bit earthy, but she has a tall appearance. Well, still very beautiful, youthful and beautiful.

Except for the dormitory, I was stopped by the soldiers on patrol within a few steps. I needed to check the documents, because the soldiers could not recognize her after changing her clothes.

She said that she did not bring her ID and was taken to the guard. Of course, this was a misunderstanding. She soon appeared at the training base behind to wait.

Seventeen members of the special team often pass by here, and they don't even look at Chang Xiaoran and concentrate on training.

After waiting for three hours, Zhang Feng came out and saw her so that he knew that the girl was going to give up.

\"You finally came out, but I have been waiting for you for a long time!\" Chang Xiaoran said actively.

Zhang Feng looked at her carefully and said with a smile: "Oh, this is not Colonel Often, I almost can't recognize it!"

\"How about it, can you get into your Dharma vision?" Chang Xiaoran smiled.

Zhang Feng said: "This dress wears too much, less fabric will look better."

Chang Xiaoran resisted and didn't freak: \"Really? Then go to the street and buy it later!\"

\"This is fine!\" Zhang Feng said:\"So you would go to the hotel with me?\"

How could this person say such things so bluntly?

\"I'll go wherever you go! \" Chang Xiaoran can only say that.

She is still a big girl, although she is not young.

Zhang Feng said: \"Sure, then go!\"

The two walked out the gate side by side, many people saw it, and Tang Zhongjing saw it too.

The two of them have long been the targets of the entire military camp, and they have a 100% return rate wherever they go.

\"Hehe, finally going out, good thing!\" Tang Zhongjing smiled.

In fact, Chang Xiaoran was very nervous and got into Zhang Feng's broken car.

There is a strange smell of gasoline and stinky socks in the car, which is very unpleasant. I don't know how he can stand it. Can't he change to another car?

He is not short of money, and it is not a big problem to drive a troop car at his level, such as the Warriors.

Chang Xiaoran would not dislike his car, just a car.

After entering the city, Zhang Feng took her into the clothing store to buy clothes. It was a very high-end clothing store. A piece of clothing was worth tens of thousands of dollars.

The car parked outside looks like a renovation project. The surrounding cars are all luxury cars, and the worst is Land Rover.

\"Who, stop this broken car here? Move away!\" As soon as Zhang Feng parked the car, he heard someone yelling from behind.

Zhang Feng turned his head and saw that it was a **** Cherokee, with three or four million dashes, and it was also a luxury car. In the driver's seat was a bald man with sunglasses.

There was a beautiful girl in the passenger seat.

Chang Xiaoran frowned, and finally came out on a date to go shopping, and met a gangster.

I must wait for Zhang Fengcheng to teach him, she knows that Zhang Feng is a hateful man.

But I didn't expect Zhang Feng to walk over and say again and again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will drive away immediately, I will drive away immediately!"

Then he got into the car and drove the van to a place far away to stop.

\"Haha, the little guy will see clearly in the future, is there any place you can park here? \" The bald head floated to the sky all of a sudden.

\"Yes yes yes~~~\" Zhang Feng ran over and stood beside Chang Xiaoran.

Chang Xiaoran's eyes widened. When did Zhang Feng become like this?

He would compromise with this little bully! ? She still looks like a promise, is this the Zhang Feng she knows?

\"Why did you let this little bully just now? I thought you would teach him a lesson!\" Chang Xiaoran asked.

Zhang Feng said: "It's okay, what a big thing, it's better to have less, let's go in!"

Chang Xiaoran didn't speak. In her opinion, facing such a bully should be severely punished.

Walking into the clothing store, the two waiters at the door didn’t even look at them, but didn’t stop them. They all stared at the bald heads and the beautiful women wearing very low fabrics. They like this kind of customers the most. As soon as he looked at this bald head, he knew that he was a local tyrant and brought Xiaosan to consume.

Xiao San sold his body and would definitely want to come back materially, so he would definitely pick the most expensive one. The local tyrants who bought other people's youth and body would surely compensate him materially. This is a bargain.

So they like this kind of client the most. As for Zhang Feng, let's forget it. Although Chang Xiaoran looks good, they wear ordinary clothes.

After Zhang Feng entered, the two shopping guides at the door immediately came out to meet the bald head.

\"Hello, Miss sir, welcome to our shop, please come inside!\"

After entering, the two shopping guides were surrounded by bald heads, holding chairs and pouring tea, worrying about the lack of reception.

There were two other shopping guides in the store, standing at the door to wait for the next customer, and no one took care of Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng also disagreed, choosing clothes for Chang Xiaoran.

At this time, the bald head saw Chang Xiaoran clearly, his eyes were fixed, and the bald eyesight saw Chang Xiaoran's appearance. They are all original, and the ordinary clothes have a superb figure.

The girl with heavy makeup and pointed chin saw it and felt very upset.

The resentment was on Chang Xiaoran.

So Chang Xiaoran felt four pairs of different eyes, and she didn't care about it either. Zhang Feng was right. Don't be disappointed if you come out on a date.

\"On the top one!\" Zhang Feng pointed to a set of skirts in the middle of the store.

The store is very large, more than two hundred square meters, and it is estimated that there are no less than two or three thousand pieces of clothing. Zhang Feng is only interested in this one. Chang Xiaoran raised his eyes and liked it, and couldn't help but sigh Zhang Feng's vision.

\"Shopping guide, can you help me get the light green dress on it?\" Chang Xiaoran shouted.

The one sitting at the counter looked like a cashier raised his eyes, then lowered his head again, ignoring them.

\"Shopping guide, is there no one here?\" Chang Xiaoran's voice is louder, her temperament is a bit irritable, and her voice is also big, she can be very good when training those soldiers on weekdays, where will you put a few shopping guides In the eyes.

The teller said angrily: "What is it called, don't affect other guests, just look at it, go out quickly?"

\"What did you say?\" Chang Xiaoran said angrily.

The teller stood up and said: "This is the clothes you can't afford, don't get dirty, you can't afford to pay, just look at it!"

\"You~~~\" Chang Xiaoran was angry.

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