Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2050: Start cheating, bidding!

Zhang Feng stood aside watching the excitement, and he didn't even have to do it himself before he acted.

\"My dear, that one, the one above, looks so good, I must look good on it, and I will definitely give you a long face!\" The heavy makeup girl became excited.

To grab!

The bald head said: \"Okay, just that one, take it down!\"

The shopping guide behind him repeatedly said: "You really have a vision. This is the treasure of our town store. It is designed by the chief designer of Asia Clothes Angel. When you wear it on your body, you are more angel than an angel!"

The mouth of the shopping guide is amazing.

\"Hey!\" The girl with heavy makeup smiled happily. She felt that she would look better in that dress than the girl. Look at this girl's clothes.

Now the shopping guide is about to be taken down, Chang Xiaoran is not happy: "This is what I saw first, you should give it to me first!"

The shopping guide said: "What's the use for you, you can't afford it!"

\"Who said I can't afford it?\" Chang Xiaoran said angrily.

The girl with heavy makeup said confidently: "That's right, can you afford it? You should go to the street stall or buy it online. You can also bargain for you in the circle of friends!"

\"The price of this skirt is 30,000 yuan, you can't afford it, let's go, don't affect us here!\" said the shopping guide.

The bald head kept looking at Chang Xiaoran again.

Chang Xiaoran thought Zhang Fengcheng was talking, but Zhang Feng would stand behind and say nothing. Chang Xiaoran knew Zhang Feng was pretending.

\"My dear, I really like this, can I buy it! \" The girl with heavy makeup shook her bald arm and came and went coquettishly in front of her, her voice was very loud, and it made people feel uncomfortable.

The bald head is a face-saving person, 30,000 yuan drizzle, and there are beautiful women present, how can you lose face? To prove his strength, he baldly took a fancy to this beauty in jeans, and the timid man behind the beauty was directly ignored by him.

\"Okay, buy!\" The bald head took out a card and handed it to the short hair shopping guide.

The short hair shopping guide is overjoyed. If you close this order, you will get at least two thousand commissions!

\"Okay, does this lady need to try it?\" said the short hair.

\"Yes, I want to wear it, take it off!\" The girl with heavy makeup became excited.

Chang Xiaoran yelled: \"Wait, I saw this dress first. You can't do that. I said your shop is so dog-hearted? Give me a try!\"

The short hair shopping guide is not happy: \"How do you say it, do you have money to buy it? I will try it on for you? If it gets dirty, you can lose it?\"

In fact, Chang Xiaoran was a little vacant, because she did not bring a bank card with her, but did bring her mobile phone, but the bank card was not bound to her mobile phone. Normally, she rarely uses money, and she has never made online shopping or online payment. , Only brought two or three thousand cash.

But it’s not enough to ask her to give up this skirt. First, Zhang Feng liked it for her; but for the sake of her own look better, she would have to go to the hotel for a while. Satisfying Zhang Feng is the happiness for the rest of her life. It's important, she can let it go, as for money matters, a phone call can be done.

\"Get it down, talk so much nonsense with them, don't you know how to do business? \" The girl with heavy makeup is very dissatisfied.

\"Yes, I'll take it down right away! \" The shopping guide kept talking.

Chang Xiaoran was anxious and wanted to hit someone, but rationally told her not to hit someone. He looked back at Zhang Feng. At this time, he wanted a man to do it.

\"Who said we have no money?\" Zhang Feng said:\"The car outside of me is worth tens of thousands of dollars!\"

The bald head couldn't help but say: "Do you want to sell your car to buy a skirt? Just your broken car? It's worth 20,000 to 30,000 yuan!"

\"Yes, why not?\" Zhang Feng stood up.

Chang Xiaoran's heart was overjoyed, and his heart was extremely sweet.

\"That's not okay, my dear, I just like this dress! \"The girl with heavy makeup is willing to go: \"I will accompany you to see your boss tomorrow, okay?\"

The bald head smiled, this can be!

\"Hehe, no matter how much money you have, I bought this dress, go and swipe the card!\" said the bald head.

Zhang Feng said: "I will pay thirty-five thousand for this skirt!"

\"Do you have money?\" The bald head is angry: \"Dare to grab it with me?\"

Zhang Feng said: "It's my business to have money. If I don't have money to give, you can call the police!"

This is true. If you don’t have money to buy and want to take the clothes, isn’t that a crime? It can call the police.

\"Boy, do you decide to make money with me?\" The bald head was angry, and a little crouch dared to fight with him.

It was no longer the stage to please my woman and prove her strength to the beauty in jeans. It was a battle between two men.

Zhang Feng said: "The highest price will get it, right?"

\"This~~~\" I don’t know how to say the shopping guide. This is the first time I have encountered this situation.

The attitude of the shopping guide is the default.

The bald head said: "Okay, haha, I will pay forty thousand!"

\"Forty thousand five!\"

\"fifty thousand!\"

\"Sixty thousand!\"


In less than a minute, this skirt had already reached 150,000, and the shopping guide's heart was wild.

\"180,000!\" Zhang Feng said.

When I got here, the bald head was red-eyed and stared at Zhang Feng: "Boy, do you have so much money?"

\"That is my business, if I buy money, let her work here for you!\" Zhang Feng looked at Chang Xiaoran.

Chang Xiaoran did not expect Zhang Summit to say such words.

\"This is all right?\" Zhang Feng said again:\"If it doesn't work, let her go with you!\"

Chang Xiaoran stared at Zhang Feng again.

\"Haha, okay, do you want to talk?" The bald head became excited, and the girl with heavy makeup behind felt that something was wrong. How did it become like this? But she expected this turtle to have no money.

Zhang Feng said: "Of course, you can ask her!"

What can Chang Xiaoran say at this time? She can only nod her head, she knows that Zhang Feng is impossible to do this, she wants to pit this bald head.

Chang Xiaoran knew when Zhang Feng said that he was going to bid, is Zhang Feng the one to lose? Didn't he want to go to the hotel with him by himself?

So Chang Xiaoran nodded.

The shopping guide was dumbfounded, the changes in this matter are too weird.

\"Haha, good!\" The bald head got excited and shouted directly: \"200,000!\"

\"Twenty-five!\" Zhang Feng said.

mad! Chang Xiaoran glared at Zhang Feng.

Bald and frowning, he glanced at Chang Xiaoran, thinking about the figure in her clothes, the bosses whom she could introduce to in the future, the money was not coming, so he said cruelly: \"Three hundred thousand!\"

\"Four hundred thousand!\" Zhang Feng opened his eyes and said nonsense.

\"You~~~\" With a bald head and an angry knot, he shouted: \"Five hundred thousand!\"

But you can't lose to him in momentum, otherwise the two women present look down on themselves.

Zhang Feng hesitated: \"Shopping guide, I think he has no money to buy it?\"

\"Sir, you~~~\" The shopping guide looked bald.

\"Card, take it, haha, boy, you are out of money, in a moment, I want to take away people, go and swipe the card!\"

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