Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2058: The body is born from the heart, Zhang Feng issued a good person card

Chang Xiaoran himself couldn't understand why he wanted to do this. Was he doing this to get him? Or can you get him this way?

What will he do to himself when he goes out after washing? Chang Xiaoran's heart was mentally prepared, but his body was not.

Is the body born from the heart?

Wash, wash yourself and give Zhang Feng the most beautiful and clean self.

After more than an hour, Chang Xiaoran came out, and she saw Zhang Feng was already asleep there.

Sleep? He actually slept? How can this be?

Chang Xiaoran was wondering if he would wake him up. How could he fall asleep on such a beautiful night, when he finally got here?

Is he playing a hooligan and transforming himself here!

Chang Xiaoran lay lightly beside him, not daring to move, and Zhang Feng did not move. After lying here for a long time, Chang Xiaoran fell asleep in a daze.

Zhang Feng woke up first the next morning, and Chang Xiaoran woke up while putting on his clothes.

\"Are you awake?\" Zhang Feng smiled.

Chang Xiaoran nodded: \"You, I...\"

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything to you last night, you can rest assured!" Zhang Feng said.

Looking at his strange appearance, Chang Xiaoran's tears came down and said: "I know I'm not pretty enough, saying I'm cheap...\"

\"Don't think so, you are beautiful!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Then why did you not want me? Why? I came here with you, why did you not? Say you dislike me?\"

Chang Xiaoran is straightforward.

\"You misunderstood, get up and get dressed for breakfast!\" Zhang Feng said.

Chang Xiaoran stood up from the quilt, without any inches, standing in front of Zhang Feng. Chang Xiaoran said: "Look, look, am I not pretty enough?"


This is Zhang Feng's evaluation after a glance, too much words are not enough for proper evaluation.

But Zhang Feng’s eyes were calm, and he walked up and took her pajamas and put on her and said: "You are beautiful, really, not worse than those women of mine, and you said a very good girl, but said we Not suitable!\"


Chang Xiaoran burst into tears, and finally said it.

\"In the future, if you want to learn Sanda or something, I can teach you at any time, without reservation. I am two years older than you. If you don’t dislike it, I can be my sister. I don’t have a sister!\"

Anyone who knows Zhang Feng knows that the benefits of being Zhang Feng's sister are more than being Zhang Feng's lover.

Chang Xiaoran's heartache!

Is it the only way?

In any case, Chang Xiaoran doesn't want to become passers-by with Zhang Feng, and his sister is not unacceptable. Maybe there will be changes in the future.

Some men like this tune.

\"Okay, then I will recognize you as my brother!\" Chang Xiaoran called sweetly: \"Brother!\"

Zhang Feng was taken aback. He didn't expect her to become so fast. Are all girls like this?

\"Well, that's right! \" Zhang Feng smiled and said: \"Now let's go out!\"

\"it is good!\"

After going out, Chang Xiaoran's heart relaxed a lot. The younger sister is just the younger sister, as long as he can be with Zhang Feng.

This is also good, there is a lot less embarrassment, for example, competing with his other women will not exist.

He also said that there is only one. As for whether to marry in the future, Chang Xiaoran said that he would not think about it.

Entering the elevator, Chang Xiaoran took Zhang Feng's arm and said intimately: "Brother, can I do this?"

\"Uh, whatever!\"

What else can Zhang Feng say?

\"Is there a brother who looks at your sister's body like this?\" Chang Xiaoran said.

Fortunately, there is no other person here, otherwise Zhang Feng will cause public outrage.

\"No, I didn't see it!\"

How can Zhang Feng admit this kind of thing, it can't, as long as he doesn't admit it, it will become Chang Xiaoran's side.

\"Hmph!\" Chang Xiaoran smiled.

It seems to be getting more and more interesting.


Chang Xiaoran went home. Generally speaking, she is very happy from yesterday to now. She has been very satisfied with Zhang Feng for such a long time, although she has not achieved her goal.

When I got home, I entered my room and closed the door, lying on the bed thinking about what happened last night, thinking about the scene of her standing naked in front of Zhang Feng, thinking that Chang Xiaoran's face was famous.

I thought at that time if he couldn't help but push himself down, what would be the consequences?

Don't think that the brother and sister can't do it, she will become one of Zhang Feng's many lovers, and her family is hard to say.

This is also a small problem. The big problem is that she will no longer be able to live like a normal person in the future, and she cannot compete with Zhang Feng's woman to be jealous.

Of course, Chang Xiaoran said that he believed Zhang Feng would not abandon himself.

Da Da~~~

The door of the room was knocked now.

\"Little Ran, don't say a word when you come back!\"

This is Chang Xiaoran's mother's voice.

\"Mom, I will come back to rest!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

Ping often Xiao Ran would not come back if there was nothing important, and there was very little for the holidays.

\"You open the door, I have something to tell you!\"

Chang Xiaoran got up and opened the door.

\"Mom, tell me!\"

After entering the room, Chang mother looked at her daughter, something seemed to be wrong: "Xiao Ran, what's the matter with you?"

\"I'm fine, I'm fine, mom, what do you want?\"

\"That’s it, the CEO that mom told you last time, don’t you think about it?\"

\"What ceo?\"

\"That guy who I want to introduce to you, a very young CEO named Sun Dekai, is a bleeding back, he founded a company with a market value of hundreds of billions, and his family is also very good...\"

Chang's mother said a lot, but Chang Xiaoran couldn't listen. She was thinking about things.

\"Xiao Ran, would you like to meet him? I have already talked to his mother. If you don't go, it won't be easy!\" said the mother.

Chang Xiaoran said: "Okay, then go, I am not free now, I will tell you when I am free!"

When I heard that my daughter agreed to go to Changma, don't mention how happy she was, because Chang Xiaoran ignored these things before, let alone she would not even listen to her.

This time, he agreed so readily, right?

\"Well, then you rest, hehe!\" Chang mother smiled and went out.

I called when I got outside and I was very happy.

Chang Xiaoran has already figured out the countermeasures, and he will pull Zhang Feng when that time comes. It is also good to make his mother happy.


Cheng Hu was lying on the hospital bed and couldn't move. Liang Dayu, who was not seriously injured, came to see him, and said to Cheng Hu with tears: "Brother Tiger, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I hurt you. I blamed me for hurting so many brothers!\"

\"Brother Tiger, I have no idea how you want to punish me!\"

Liang Dayu blames himself very much.

\"Brother, what are you talking about, don't you say slap me in the face? We say brothers are not? Your business is my business, grandma's this time we miscalculated, wait for me to leave the hospital after these two days Get it back!\" Cheng Hu said.

Liang Dayu was even more moved and felt that he was following the right person.

\"Brother Tiger, let's just forget it, they don't seem to be easy to mess with!\" Liang Dayu said.

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