Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2059: Sibling relationship? Love rival again?

Liang Dayu said that he was very worried about whether the other party would be a certain power. Brother Tiger dispatched more than 20 brothers who could beat her but failed to solve her.

Even if it is not a great power, it must not be an ordinary person, so Liang Dayu said that.

If you can't swallow it, you have to swallow it.

\"I will send someone to check their details in a while!\" Cheng Hu said in a deep voice.

He is no longer the desperate Saburo he used to be. People who only know how to dance swords and guns can't get in his current position, relying on his brain.

What I said just now was just for Liang Dayu to listen to. In fact, he dared not go anymore.

\"Brother Tiger, when I was in the game last night, I saw that the locker invited the woman to the office, very polite!\"

Cheng Hu pondered, this is a signal that cannot be ignored.

\"Okay, I'll call and ask in a moment!\" Cheng Hu said.

\"Ok, Brother Tiger, take a rest first, I'll go outside and wait!\" Liang Dayu said.

Cheng Hu said: "It's okay, let's talk more!"

\"No, Brother Tiger, what the doctor said just now!\"

\"Yes, you go!\"

\"Good tiger brother!\"

After Liang Dayu went out, Cheng Hu took the phone and called.

The call is for a fish, the fish that I usually feed.

\"Chu Wang, haha, it’s me, Lao Cheng, in two days I will have an event to welcome newcomers in my store. I would like to ask the King to suppress the place, haha, that’s all, oh, By the way, by the way, there was a man and a woman in the game yesterday. The women are very beautiful. What is she talking about? Oh, you don’t know. It’s from Feng’s acquaintance. It’s okay. It’s okay. Come on!\"

Cheng Hu felt a little distressed when he called. The so-called welcoming newcomer activity was nothing more than a scene. When the time comes, he must find a beautiful girl for him. There is no such thing as a 50,000 or 60,000. , And so much money can't be exchanged for useful information, how can he not feel bad.

Then feed it first!

Cheng Hu is not only such a fish in this old river and lake, but also has many gates.

It's strange that no one knows who the woman is after this lap for half an hour!

Is it a foreigner?

There is no one on this boundary that he can't find out. If there is, there are only two reasons.

One is a foreigner;

One is a powerful man beyond their reach.

Cheng Hu still believes in the former, because if he is a big-name person, can he go shopping with that waste in a broken van? Go to the street to eat mala Tang!

So Cheng Hu is confident now, and he will have to take a lot of people there.

I believe they should still be in this place.


Chang Xiaoran did not rest at home for long, so she returned to the army the next day.

During the training, Chang Xiaoran was in a good mood, smiling all the way, the soldiers didn't know why, did the instructor take medicine today?

At this moment, the special team passed by. Chang Xiaoran saluted him, and the soldiers also saluted, showing a strong respect. She hadn't been like this before.

Today is really strange.

At noon, Chang Xiaoran went to Zhang Feng and said he wanted to eat together. The name was very sweet.

\"Brother, let's go eat!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

\"it is good!\"

What else can Zhang Feng say?

This girl has changed. She is a soldier in her bones that is as serious and meticulous as she is born, but now she looks like a very cute girl, and she almost wears a maid costume.

\"Brother, what do you want to eat today?\" Chang Xiaoran asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Eat whatever you have!"

The two of them arrived at the cafeteria right now. Many people watched them come in together. Most of them had strange expressions. They were uncomfortable, because Chang Xiaoran was a green flower in the army, and how many people saw it in their dreams. The lover.

A small number of people were relieved, and they thought that only special team instructors could be worthy of this green flower.

\"Brother, go there and sit down and I'll serve you a meal!\" Chang Xiaoran smiled.

Her voice is not loud, but people from a few meters away can hear her, not to mention that they are all warriors with very sensitive hearing.


What's happening here? Are they brothers and sisters?

It took less than a few minutes for everyone here to know. This is a good thing for them. No matter if they can see themselves or have no chance, they will always feel better.

\"It's okay, let's go together, you don't know what I want to eat! \" Zhang Feng said.

\"it is good!\"

At this moment, a man came in outside, a burly captain. He walked like a tiger with a vigorous temperament. He looked like a fierce man, a raw face, who was it?

\"Xiao Ran, I finally found you. It turns out that you came here without telling me. It was so hard for me to find you!\" The captain said loudly when he came in, like a bell.

He walked up to Chang Xiaoran and said, "Xiao Ran, why don't you speak?"

Xiao Ran's face was not good at this time, Zhang Feng was standing behind him, why did this person appear here?

\"Zhong Weiqiang, I am transferred here, so here, what do you want me to do?\" Chang Xiaoran said coldly.

Zhong Weiqiang?

The people in the cafeteria were shocked. Last year, the fierce man who was the champion of Sanda and fighting in the military region?

It turned out to be him, he knew Chang Xiaoran.

It's not good now. They were feeling better just now, and now there is another fierce man, they are really out of play.

Sure enough, there are too many monks and little meat. Good meat is being targeted by powerful people. How could it be possible to get them in turn.

Blame yourself for not being good enough.

\"It turned out to be like this, haha, then I also apply to be transferred here!\" Zhong Weiqiang said happily.

\"up to you!\"

\"I have something to look for you, come out with me!\" Zhong Weiqiang said, pulling Chang Xiaoran's hand.

Chang Xiaoran waved his hand and said angrily: "If you have anything to say, I want to eat!"

\"This comrade, we are eating here, if you don’t eat, go out, don’t affect others!\"

The canteen manager came out, because this kid spoke very loudly.

\"Go away, it's none of your business!\" Zhong Weiqiang said angrily.

"This comrade, what is your attitude? This is the army, not on the street!" The person in charge is not afraid of him.

Zhong Weiqiang stretched out his hand and pushed the man in charge, but he took a few steps back and almost fell.

\"You, you...\" Manager is angry.

Chang Xiaoran was also angry: \"Zhong Weiqiang, how can you do this!?\" She hurried up to help the steward, but fortunately, she was not injured.

\"Sorry, I didn't pay attention!\" Zhong Weiqiang is not arrogant.

\"Xiao Ran, come out with me!\"

\"Don't go!\"

Zhang Feng spoke: \"Comrade, I still want to eat, please don't make trouble here!\"

\"You also tell me, what are you?" Zhong Weiqiang looked at Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng's image could not fit into Zhong Weiqiang's eyes. With his eyesight, this man was a recruit.

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