Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2068: The mother and the son are intact, Yun Qian's explanation

Haohao didn't move, Zhang Feng trembled in his heart and ran up.

\"This is my son, my son...\"

Zhang Feng hurriedly took Haohao from the firefighters. Haohao had no rest, Zhang Feng immediately began to rescue.

\"There is another person!\" said the fireman and came out of the refrigerator holding a woman.

This is Yun Qian, also in a coma.

\"Quick, save her!\" Zhang Feng looked calmly and said.

What he needs at this time is calm, not anger.

The firefighter put Yunqian down and took off his helmet to rescue him, and called for support. An ambulance was already here.

\"Huh...cough cough...\"

Hao Hao soon woke up.

Seeing Zhang Feng, he shouted: \"Dad!\"

\"Very good, you are very strong, you are father's son, I want to save your mother now, you go down with the fireman!\" Zhang Feng said.

Haohao nodded and glanced at his mother over there, and did not cry.

The firemen picked Hao Hao and quickly went downstairs, very decisive and believed in Zhang Feng.

\"Yunqian, Yunqian...\" called Zhang Feng.

The firefighters were not able to rescue her just now.

After Zhang Feng gave Yun Qian a few artificial respirations, Yun Qian still did not wake up. At this moment, the medical staff came because the fire had been extinguished.

When the medical staff gently lifted Yun Qian, Yun Qian unexpectedly woke up.

\"Quickly, let go, let go...\"

Yun Qian was put on the stretcher, coughing: \"Cough...\"

\"Yunqian, Yunqian...\" called Zhang Feng.

\"Hao...cough...\" Yun Qian yelled anxiously.

Zhang Feng said: \"He is okay, he is okay...\"

\"Hui, Emiko, hurry, you hurry to save her, if there is anything wrong with her, don’t come back, hurry, hurry...cough cough...\" Yun Qian had trouble breathing, but still said anxiously .


\"Go ahead...\" Yun Qian.

The medical staff had lifted her downstairs, and Zhang Feng grabbed her hand and followed him downstairs.

\"I will rescue her, I will!\"

\"Emiko can't do anything, nothing can happen!" Yun Qian was very excited.

Zhang Feng said: \"I will go right now!\"

The medical staff hurried downstairs regardless of what they were saying.

\"Sir, you go to the back!\" the nurse said coldly:\"Don't block it!\"

Zhang Feng let go of her hand, Yun Qian said again: "If something happens to her, I will never be at ease in my life!"

\"I got it!\" Zhang Feng replied and walked from another corridor.

The anger in Zhang Feng's heart has already burned. If his son and wife couldn't wake up just now, Zhang Fengming would kill him, and now he wants to kill him.

From Yunqian's words, you know that Emiko was arrested to save her and her child. Is Emiko injured? Why did they catch Emiko? Are they from Emiko's side?

When he got outside, Zhang Feng looked at the people on the street. The police pulled up the cordon and the lights flickered, but Zhang Feng didn't know where to pursue those people.

Zhang Feng lost his direction at a time, and after a minute delay, Emiko would take one more minute. For one minute, teammates and gangsters can do a lot of things. They only need less than a second to kill someone.

Ling Ling...

Zhang Feng quickly took out the ringing of the phone to see that it was Chen Wanru.

\"Black Great Wall SUV, license plate number Beijing A****, south of the city, now on Puhua Avenue!\"

Zhang Feng hung up the phone and got into the car and left quickly.

At this time, Zhang Feng's car has floated up. Although it is now more than ten o'clock in the evening, the nightlife of urbanites is reaching its peak. The roads are crowded with people and cars.

Zhang Feng drove the car into a rampage, catching up with him at the fastest speed.


There was a text message from Zhang Feng's mobile phone, and Zhang Feng took a shot to open it. It seemed that it was a surveillance video, which was shaking very badly.

Because the surveillance said it was a drone in the sky.

A black car was moving fast on the road.

Zhang Feng caught up.

Zhang Feng caught up with the car in less than ten minutes, but Zhang Feng didn't want to be horrified. They captured Emiko, and in such a hurry, it was purposeful. Emiko would not be in danger for the time being.

If they catch up at this time, they will be anxious. Driving is dangerous.

So Zhang Feng followed casually.

Zhang Feng called Chen Wanru in the car.

\"Remove the drone!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Two hundred meters ahead, a tracking device will stick to their car!\" Chen Wanru said: \"I will show you the navigation in a while!\"

\"Very good, leave the rest to me!\"

The phone hung up, and Zhang Feng has sentenced them to death. What place is this, Kyoto! They are too arrogant.

There was no police following, nor did Chen Wanru send anyone. Zhang Feng alone was enough for this matter. If he couldn't do it, no one in the world could do it.

Two hundred meters passed quickly, and Zhang Feng’s mobile phone immediately sent a navigation. Zhang Feng followed this navigation out of the city to see where they were going.

However, it is a pity that Chen Wanru is not using a military drone, and there is no thermal imaging device in the monitor, otherwise she can immediately determine the situation of Emiko and see how many of them are.

The black Great Wall car went out of the suburbs and continued south, Zhang Feng did not follow them, but drove hundreds of meters behind them.

The target of the car lights at night is too big, and if you follow too close, it is easy to be found, and the other party can be anxious.

At this time, there were five or six people in the car in front, they all had pistols in their hands, with fierce expressions.

In the seat of Shanghai, there was a woman sitting. Even under the light of this street lamp, Hai could see her very graceful figure. This was because she was **** and couldn't move. There were people all around watching.

She was already injured and sat there motionless.

\"Sharuo, there is no car following!\" The man who drove said: \"That car is not following us!\"

\"That's good!\"Salo should arrive on the back seat:\"It's a pity that he didn't find his son and wife!\"

\"This woman is fine too, isn't she also Zhang Feng's woman?\"

\"I don't know how Mr. Zhu will react if he knows it!\" Sharo said.

\"Boss, as long as you can attract Zhang Feng over, he hasn't found it yet. Let him come when we reach the destination, and we can kill him then!\"

Sharo said: \"Yes, we set a trap, as long as Zhang Feng comes, he can't go back.\"

\"Haha, we will have money then!\"


Several people laughed loudly in the car. When Emiko heard what they said, she wanted to threaten Zhang Feng with herself, and struggled. She didn't want to put herself in danger because of herself.

\"This girl is really beautiful, she smells so fragrant!\" The guy beside her sniffed Emiko's body, like a dog.

\"Don't touch this mind! \" Sha Luo said: \ "I can only move Zhang Feng until she is dead, do you know?\"

\"Hey, I know the boss!\"

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