Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2069: Pursuit, small town warehouse

At this time, Sharo was thinking, because it was a bit abnormal, because it was too quiet behind, and there was no police car to chase him. Is this plan too successful? Or do they say that the police are too frequent?

The unimpeded flow from Kyoto all the way out made Sharo feel uneasy. He was thinking about the whole process to see where it was revealed.

But he couldn't think of what went wrong.

I arrived at my destination two hours later. This is a small town, in a warehouse on the edge of the town.

This is their base camp. It is a warehouse of a foreign-funded company. There is a large warehouse that can supply part of the goods of the entire town. The scale is still very large.

Emiko was simply treated by a female employee and locked in a room.

She looked very well-behaved, did not resist, did not yell, and was very calm.

This makes them a little uncomfortable. Usually, people are yelling, and now there is a superb beauty who does not cry or make trouble. It saves trouble.

However, the experienced Sharo saw that it was unusual, the more such a person, the more deadly, so Sharo did not dare to be sloppy, sent someone to look after her and locked her with a special iron chain.

And this room is very sturdy, except that the door is surrounded by airtight concrete walls.

The door is a thick iron door with holes, otherwise there will be a lack of oxygen inside.

Emiko squatted in the corner, her eyes cold, she was thinking about how to escape, who was this group of people, and was she thinking about Zhang Shengming to save herself?

Emiko is not sure whether he will come or not. For Zhang Feng, he is just a prize he won, and they have provided him with food, clothing, shelter and transportation for more than two years.

The life here is very good, very stable, and very quiet. She likes the people here. Everyone treats her very well, just like her family, without any discrimination or hatred.

Emiko feels that she is lucky, loves this kind of peace and ordinaryness, and doesn't want to go back anymore, returning to that perilous home becomes a tool.

She has lived as a tool since she was a child. Before she met Zhang Feng, Emiko thought she was like this in her life. After meeting Zhang Feng, she felt that she could still live like this.

In the past two years or so, Emiko didn't know why her family didn't come to see her. Didn't she know she was here?

They know it.

Emiko could vaguely guess why they didn't come, and what would they do by then?

Now Emiko has made a decision.

What if Zhang Feng doesn't come to the rescue? She will find a way to go out by herself, and will return to Zhang Feng's side.

If Zhang Feng comes, then her heart is Zhang Feng's.

Now her heart does not belong to Zhang Feng. Strictly speaking, it is just a prize, or a bet. Her body belongs to Zhang Feng, but her heart is not.

I don't know how Yun Qian and Haohao are now, whether they have survived the danger safely.

Zhang Feng should be beside Yun Qian and Haohao now.

With this in mind, Emiko sat there with her eyes closed and rested, restoring her stamina, the more she needed her own strength at this time.

At this time Zhang Feng had already arrived outside the warehouse, and Chen Wanru's people had come here to listen to Zhang Feng's dispatch. Zhang Feng told them not to come to town temporarily.

Waiting for their movement, they must have done something big to get Emiko here.

No matter what they do, Zhang Feng will not allow Emiko to have any difference, not only Yun Qian's account, but also Zhang Feng's own account of Emiko.

There are several people guarding the warehouse, and there are many cameras, but even so, these are useless to Zhang Feng.

At three o'clock in the morning, Zhang Feng touched in and looked in the warehouse. The warehouse was too big. Zhang Feng searched a lot, including those in the ice warehouse.

This process is a bit difficult, and it is necessary to avoid those people and monitor them.

An hour later Zhang Feng finally saw a small room, a room with an iron door.

There was a camera on the front of the room. Zhang Feng was already prepared for this. He took a camera out of the bag and took a picture on the camera, and then the camera immediately came out the picture.

Then stick the photo with something and place it in front of the camera, so that what you see in the surveillance is only the calm in the photo.

After finishing this, Zhang Feng stood at the door of the room.

Someone was lying there and fell asleep at the door. To Zhang Feng's surprise, this person tied the handle on the door with a rope and connected his hand. As long as the door moved, he would be alarmed.

Zhang Feng quietly went up and stood at the door and looked in from the small hole, and saw a person squatting in the corner of the bright room. Who else could it be? Her feet were locked.

Seeing her situation is not life-threatening.

Now Zhang Feng is relieved, she is still alive.

How can I save her silently now?

This is a problem. If they are rescued, they will be alarmed. The black hand behind them will not be able to find out. Zhang Feng will find the black hand behind the scenes, once and for all.

Wouldn't they be able to tell them to confess their employers if they were disturbed?

Zhang Feng didn't think too much, since he was here, he would try to save people.

The man who was guarding the door was dizzy without making any sound. There was only a lock at the door. Zhang Feng didn't want to break it with one hand. Instead, he found a wire and opened it in a few seconds.

After entering, Emiko became vigilant, thinking that those gangsters came in and assaulted herself and quickly prepared to attack. Her body could not be touched by those men. The same was true for the master before following Zhang Feng. No matter what the master asked to do, the only thing she couldn't Just touch her.

This is Emiko's bottom line.

At this time, Emiko was still pretending to be asleep, Zhang Feng wanted to laugh, and she should have noticed it when the door opened with her skill and perception.

Now she was indifferent.

Zhang Feng walked over and sat down three meters away, and took out a cigarette to light it.


When the lighter rang, Emiko finally stopped pretending, she opened her eyes and saw Zhang Feng sitting there, and tears suddenly came down.

He appeared here as if a **** descended to the earth, silently, but shocked her heart until it occupied her whole heart.

He is here, he is here, yes, he is here!

Zhang Feng took a cigarette and said: "The first time I saw you crying, you were beautiful when you cried! I'll watch it a little longer!"

Zhang Feng leaned against the wall, as if he was overwhelmed by life but showed a heartless middle-aged man.

Emiko is very beautiful at this time, a different kind of pitiful beauty.

Her hands and feet were tied, her clothes and hair were a bit messy, her face was astonishing white milk, tears dripping from her beautiful eyes, she knelt there, as if waiting for something.

\"They are all right, don't worry, I will smoke this cigarette and we will go out again!\" Zhang Feng said.

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