Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2994: Very nervous


A few of them disappeared. Zhang Feng walked out of the alley and squatted down here to smoke a cigarette, thinking about this.

At this moment, someone threw a coin to him, and Zhang Feng smiled and took the coin.

It was chilly at night, Zhang Feng is a poor man.

Henry, you are so ruthless. You kill even your brothers and sisters, and you even occupy Dai'er. Such people call themselves gentlemen.

In order to take care of the overall situation, Mrs. William thought she didn't know, which showed how painful he was.

Not a mother can bear.

This may be a royal matter, it can only be explained like this.

De'er didn't know about this matter yet, and how painful it would be if she knew it. Just as the intelligence officer brothers said, if this matter is stabbed out, then the William family will soon be destroyed.

That's how everyone pushes the wall down.

Zhang Feng didn't want Dai'er to live in pain, at least not now, and she would forget it if she knew it in the future.

How to deal with this matter?

Henry, the villain, can't let him go. Let him give Dai Er the power of the family and the company and retire early.

This is a good way, but I have to talk to Mrs. William about this matter first.

The medicine will arrive at dawn, and after taking this medicine, you can withstand the blow.

After smoking a cigarette, he threw it out on the ground, then picked it up and threw it to a trash can a few meters away, turned around and entered the hotel.

At this time, Dai'er was still sleeping, sleeping so peacefully, with a smile on her pink face, it was obvious that she had good dreams.

After Zhang Feng stripped herself naked, she slipped into the quilt and hugged her. Dai'er hadn't woken up yet, Zhang Feng rubbed the flesh and smelled the fragrance of the body and fell asleep.

It's already eight or nine in the morning, and it is estimated that he will sleep until eleven or twelve. Anyway, Zhang Feng is not in a hurry.

There are a few people who are anxious because of Zhang Feng, Louis is one, and Oliver is the same, because Dai Er did not go home last night.

The third is Prince Henry, whose capable man Jonathan has disappeared.

Jonathan was sent by him to stare at the banquet in the hotel last night. He suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night and couldn't get in touch. This has never happened in years. Could it be that the enemy started it?

Henry was very nervous. Jonathan knew about many things he had done over the years. This man had something wrong and Henry was fidgeting. This has been the case from midnight last night to now, and he couldn't find it when he sent someone to find it.

Henry was very concerned about the match between Zhang Feng and Louis at the banquet last night. For one billion euros, he didn't have that much cash, and he didn't know that he didn't give Zhang Feng.

But in the middle of the night, he didn't have the mind to care about it, and his own business was difficult.

Jonathan, no matter how you live, you have to see people, and when you die, you have to see corpses. Of course, you can’t call the police.


And Louis?

Since Zhang Feng left, Louis couldn't play here anymore. He was thinking why Zhang Feng didn't force him to ask for money. This was not in line with Zhang Feng's temperament, at least Louis knew Zhang Feng.

Also, do you want to give it to him?

Even if it is to Louis, there is no way, because he has not figured out how to explain it to his family.

He knew that Zhang Feng took Dai'er to his hotel to rest, should he solve Zhang Feng at this time?

All the problems couldn't be solved in Louis's mind. How could he have the mind to play again? He scolded all the beautiful beauties when they came over.

Everyone knew that Louis was very upset now, and no one dared to touch his brows.

It didn't take long for Louis to drive away with people, wanting to kill Zhang Feng? He was not sure of success, because he couldn't find such a powerful killer, and because of his cognitive abilities, he couldn't reach those powerful killers.

And he wondered a little bit why Zhang Feng didn't force him to ask for money. People are smart, wouldn't they be guarded?

After he went to his private residence to rest and stayed up all night, he received a call from home in the morning. It was his father who called him himself.

The father said, "Louis, you bet another billion with others?"

Louis knew there was no way to hide it.

"Father, I'm sorry, I...I just want to get those billions back..."

"Waste, do you know what this money is used for? That is what we used to increase investment there. Now this money is gone, our funds are very short, and you owe one billion. Our family doesn't have that much money for you, you can figure it out yourself!"

"Yes, father, I know... is there a way to save it?"

"No, are you going to damage our family's reputation? I have checked that person, it's not easy!"

"Who is he?" Louis was curious.

Yes, Louis has always been curious about how such a powerful person suddenly jumped out.

"Wolf's death may have been caused by him!"

Louis wondered: "Which Wolfe?"

"Yicheng, he died a few years ago. A few months before his death, his body healed all at once. It is said that his body is better than mine. He also found a young woman to play around. Later, there was a car accident. This Chinese person has friction."

"This, how is this possible, wasn't Wolf's death an accident?"

"Accident, accident, what does your mind think? Can someone like Wolf travel accidentally? How could there be an accident?"

"That doesn't prove that he did it!"

"Except for him, no one has this ability. After Wolf's death, all his industries were eaten up. Later, I checked a foreign trade company owned by Huaxia. They bought it normally and there was no problem at all. , Did you know? This kind of operation is not something ordinary people can do. Who is Wolf? That is someone I can't afford, but you provoke the person who killed Wolf..."

"Also, a few months ago, he frequently appeared in Karl in the Middle East. Karl had a coup. The prince he had never been optimistic about became the crown prince. Later he became the king directly. The old king retreated to the second line. It is said that he is in good health. Many, and the king’s son Abu is good friends with him, do you know?"

"Can we have more money than Karl? Why can Abudu's father become king? You..."

Listening to his father's words, Louis was in a cold sweat. No wonder it's no wonder that Dai Er would follow him. Turns out to be such a powerful person, yes, it must be, and what his father said is also right.

"Father, I..." Louis was speechless.

"We are not far off for other things. It can be said that this person is not easy. He is traveling alone now, right?"

Louis said, "Yes, father, Dale followed him!"

"Do you still want Dai Er?"

"No, father, I don't want to anymore!"

"I know about the cocktail party hosted by Prince Henry last night, and when you were in the suburbs, this man was very strong and able to fight, not something we could mess with!"

"Yes, father, I know." Louis said, "Father, what are we going to do?"

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