Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2995: Can't provoke him!

Chapter 2995 can't provoke him!

"What to do? Didn't I just say it? You can't provoke him, if you don't want to die!"

Louis was crying: "But, father, you want to save me, there are still one billion euros left for him!"

"I can't help it now! Did he force you to take it? How long is the deadline?"

Louis said, "No, last night..."

Louis briefly talked about what happened last night. His father said: "It looks like this man is very smart. He knows that you have no money. That's fine. You did the right thing. You gave me some money and you have a car..."

"Father, what should I do next?"

"Stop him first!"

After all, he is his own son, there is no way... Money can be earned slowly, but if the son is gone, it is really gone. It is not easy to raise such a big one.

Moreover, this will offend a very powerful person. Now the business is not easy to do, and the politicians that are supported will not last long. They will be replaced in one or two years, which is too difficult.

So they have to be cautious in every step of the camp. Now that something like this can't be solved by blaming Louis, and now it's not the time to blame him, to solve the problem.

"Yes, father, I know!" Louis said.

"Do you know how to do it? This person is not easy to deal with, but he is not a very excessive person. You can see from him yesterday that he didn't force you to ask for money. You have to take the initiative. Only by taking the initiative can you control the situation. Put down your look down on Human eyes, you know?"

"Yes, father!"

"Well, I have to apologize in person today and let him allow him time!"

"Father, what about the billion euros I gave him before?" Louis was stuck with this.

"Do you still want to come back?"

Louis said: "Yes, father, I promised you!"

"You said, if it were you, would you give it?"

Louis said: "No!"

"Then you still ask me?"

"But, father..."

"Is this guy very good at fighting? At the reception, he beat all of you with one hand, knocked down a dozen people at the entrance of the hotel, and more than a hundred of yours. I'll ask you, can you Promise him? How many people do you plan to find? Can you be sure that he has no accomplices? I can tell you that it is impossible for a person like him to have a team. I still want to sleep peacefully. I don't want to be killed in the middle of the night. I don’t know who did it yet. The money has already been given to others or I won’t come back!"

"Yes, father!"

Louis is dissatisfied!

"Remember, don't be so high-profile in the future, there are many people in this world that we can't afford!"

"Yes, I remembered it!"

This time Louis was a profound lesson.

"Also, you have done this very well, and there is no urge afterwards!"

"Thank you, father!"

"Okay, go and deal with the next thing!"


"Also, don't think about Dai'er anymore. We don't have the funds to deal with the William family now. With the help of this person, the William family will surely restore its former glory. If you can, you should have a good relationship with them, understand?"

"Yes, I understand!"

Louis has been well-educated since he was a child. He is not stupid, but he has a lot of money. He is usually very high-profile, but he has never met a ruthless person before, so he has grown so big without any problems.

Those who come out of chaos always have to pay it back. If the family is not taught well, the society will definitely teach it well. This is the truth.

Louis is such a living example. Their family has a big business, but a thousand miles away is destroyed by an ant's nest. Is it possible that theirs is richer and more powerful than Wolf?

Now Louis is thinking about his father. Father is the real businessman. He has no permanent enemies, only interests.

The noble head can be lowered in the face of interest.

Louis got up and looked at his men. The men said that the Huaxia man hadn't gotten up yet, and he said he had called more than a hundred men and could rush in and kill him at any time.

"What? Stop your rude behavior, and you are not allowed to be disrespectful to Mr. Zhang in the future. He is our guest. Do you understand?"

The subordinate was dumbfounded: "Boss, this..."

"We are gentlemen and do what a gentleman should do!" Louis said.

"Yes, boss!" the subordinate said.

"Let them all go, and you must not be disrespectful to Mr. Zhang in the future, or you will be disrespectful to me!" Louis repeated.


The subordinates don't know what happened to the boss. He arranged this yesterday? But it took a lot of money, now it’s so easy to ask them to go.

Louis went to get the money to him and said, "Let them go! This matter is not allowed to be said, and what happened last night, I don't want too many people to know!"

"Yes, boss, I know!" The subordinates were surprised.

As far as the minds of his men can think, the boss must have kicked the steel plate and his feet hurt. It seems that the Huaxia person is not easy.

Yes, it is not easy. It can be seen from the racing scene last night that more than a hundred people were beaten and they drove so fast.

When he went to find someone last night, he was still trying to find how many talents to beat others. As a result, he found more than 100 people, not as many as last night, and couldn't beat others.

It's paid now, no need to fight, it's great, there is money to collect.

The cost of fighting these years is very high, just like Zhang Feng could get hundreds of dollars when he was fighting on the street when he was a child. The hundreds of dollars that year was a huge sum of money. You must know that Zhang Feng’s elementary school tuition was also over. One hundred, just over two hundred in junior high school, Zhang Feng will get a year's tuition after one time.

It can be seen how high the cost is.

now what? That is not to mention.

Louis waited in the hotel lobby. It's eight o'clock in the morning. People are almost up, right? hold on.

But what do you want to say after a while? Louis hasn't figured it out yet.

Wait. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see Mr. Zhang come down. He asked his subordinates if Mr. Zhang had gone out early, and his subordinates said no.

The subordinate said: "Maybe he hasn't gotten up yet, boss, he is sleeping with the beauty, if I won't get up!"

Louis knocked his head angrily: "What are you talking about?"

"Yes, I won't say anything..."

Not to mention it's okay. When it comes to this, Louis's heart is even more blocked. It was originally his woman, but now they are holding it.

How can this mood not be uncomfortable? Who can understand? Who can understand? How could this unhappy person say such things?

This is worse than cuckold.

Louis was annoyed.

Look at the time, it’s nine o’clock. Louis has never waited for that long. Even his father didn’t wait for that long. If he didn’t wait for more than ten minutes, he would just leave. But now It's been an hour.

Time wears Louis' patience, and I don't know how long it will last.

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