Super Study God

Chapter 1156: Mr. Koha!

This statement was heard from the mouths of the older generations. When I was a child, Su Hang was scared by these horror stories that were not horror stories. I didn’t dare to see those crows every time I passed the cemetery. Staring at himself.

At this time, the same statement came out of the fox girl's mouth, but it reminded Su Hang of the memories of her childhood. Reminiscent of the vultures that have been following them for a few days, they can't help but feel a hairy feeling.

"You mean, some of us are going to die?" Su Hang asked the fox girl.

That's what the fox girl said.

The fox girl obviously had some fear on her face, and said, “Maybe it’s not a certain one, maybe all of us are in danger. After all, if one or two people die, they shouldn’t attract so many vultures. Of course, the little fox also I would rather believe that Xiaohu is suspicious!"

After hearing the words from the fox girl, Su Hang's brows were deeply frowned. "Maybe you think too much. There is a human town in front of you. I don't know what kind of people you are. You use my methods to change humans. It looks like, let's take a rest in the city, and don't disturb the human race in the city!"


The fox girl responded and dared not continue on the previous topic.

Su Hang took a deep breath. Although his words were just relaxed, he still had a not-so-good hunch in his heart, feeling that something would happen.

Is it true that someone is going to die?

Looking around, Yuan Xiaotian, the great ape king, will definitely not die, because he will live to fight against the road, and the rest will be Su Hang and the two demon kings. Su Hang is really reluctant to believe that the vultures are staring. It’s me, special code, I’m still so young, I can’t get myself to die?

Seeing through the life and death of others, can you foresee the other's death? Su Hang shook his head, maybe he really had this kind of talent. However, if this group of vultures really had the ability, why didn't they see their own deaths? They also sent them in a hurry and was yelled to death by Yuan Xiaotian.

Thinking of this, the shadow cast in Su Hang's heart was dispersed again.

Yuan Xiaotian and Lao Niu quickly collected the bodies of those vultures. In this era of rumao drinking blood, these things can be regarded as a big meal especially for their demons.

On the horizon in front, the wind blowing grass is low, revealing a city, should be the city of the human race.

Although the demon clan also has a city, it is rare. After all, the demon clan is not as weak as the human clan, and it needs to report to the group to keep warm. They are wild and used to be at ease!

It’s probably half a month to come to the Taikoo world. The one-month deadline has passed. Halfway through Ziyang Mountain, it’s been several days. This journey is stop and go, sometimes flying, sometimes walking, Su Hang already doesn't know where he is.

The Venerable Realm, the flying speed is already extremely fast, and there is a magical power of space teleportation, not to mention the speed, but the speed of the Su Hang and his party is not fast, the main reason is that Su Hang is afraid of missing Zhonghuang Mountain.

The purpose of his eastbound trip was to find the pilgrimage to the Nuwa Mountain in Zhonghuangshan, but he didn't know where Zhonghuangshan was. If he missed it, he would be annoyed.

After all, there are thousands of miles in a teleport, and it is easy to miss the destination.

Seeing the city in front, Su Hang also wanted to take a break. After passing some monsters and three magic tricks to make them look like human beings, he went to the city gate.

This technique of change, for the current Su Hang, is really extremely simple, just using the body's magic power to change its appearance, but for the few of Yuan Xiaotian, it is really like a treasure.

The old cow and the fox girl were even more delighted. There was nothing wrong with this dead-faced follow-up. Su Hang deliberately or unintentionally passed them a lot of things that they had never learned before, and even subverted their cognition. thing.

Although Su Hang still refuses to accept them as disciples, several of them are already holding disciples' gifts in front of Su Hang, and they are from the heart.

For the demon clan, it is also possible to reshape the flesh slightly when condensing the demon pill, but in general, no demon is willing to evolve into the human form, because for the demon clan, it is like making a dog a dog Again, it is completely disgraceful, like Fox Girl, with very special exceptions.

Now the human race and the demon race can be regarded as incompatible, the fox girl is okay, if the other two enter the city with that respect, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of commotion. This point, I passed a small town a few days ago Has already been confirmed!



The city is square and square, and there are more than ten or twenty miles in the vertical and horizontal directions. It can be regarded as a big city. The walls are very high, magnificent, and strong. In order to defend against the monster and the beast, the human race is also born.

"Stop, where are you guys, where did you come from!" The group of people just stopped in and walked to the gate of the city, they were screamed!

The person speaking is a big bearded man, looking at the posture, it should be the guard guarding the city gate.

With thick eyebrows and big eyes, his upper body was naked, and his face was covered with scars. The appearance was very sturdy. The average person looked at it, and he was really scared by his momentum.

Dahan walked over and looked at the people of Suhang. "Did you hear the question? Where did you come and sign up!"

"Hey, little boy, his temper is not small, dare to ask where did your grandfather come from? Can't find it?" The big ape king first scolded and took advantage of it, so he wanted to teach this blind man who doesn't know the true God .

However, Su Hang reached out to stop the Great Ape King. This talent can be used to refining the Soul Realm, which is just innate. The Great Ape King's finger is going I am afraid that he will be crushed to death.

They just want to get into the city to rest, but it's not to cause trouble. Why not live with a city guard?

"Bold!" When the city guard heard Yuan Xiaotian's words, his temper suddenly exploded. "Well, you white boy, do you know where this place is? Dare to spread wild in Shaoyu City?"

"Yohe? Not convinced yet?" Yuan Xiaotian changed to a pure white post-puppet at this time. After listening to the words of the Dawei Han, it was also uncomfortable, and he said provocatively to the big Han.

If the city guards hadn’t even exploded, it wouldn’t make sense, and no matter who raised the spear in his hand, he would have to fight with Yuan Xiaotian. Perhaps in his opinion, a white and tender kid like Yuan Xiaotian could do something.

This guy is looking for death, dare to provoke anything, this weak person has no awareness of the weak person at all.

Forget it, let me save your life!

Su Hang's body was weak and unambiguous, and the city guard's big man immediately knelt. He hadn't fought with Yuan Xiaotian yet, and he kneeled inexplicably halfway. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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