Super Study God

Chapter 1157: Dashi Tavern!

The body shivered as if a mountain were pressed against it, as if being stared at by a demon beast. The big man slightly raised his head and looked at Su Hang with a red face, the man sitting on the back of the big cock.

This man is so scary!

Seeing Su Hang's hands, Yuan Xiaotian also put away the joke and stood aside.

"You said, where is this?" Su Hang asked slightly, leaning back toward the man.

"Less, Shaoyu City!" The man was trembling, but when Su Hang put away his momentum, the horror pressure on him also subsided. When he thought that he was leaning back to Shaoyu City, his chest suddenly stood up again. "But here are all the Shaoyu tribes, not everyone can be arrogant. Where do you come from, and don't sign up for the name yet?"

This is the third time for the other party to sign up, but the other party seems to be reluctant to take care of themselves at all.


Yuan Xiaotian shouted beside him, his eyes suddenly glared, "Can't you find death?"

Yuan Xiaotian was originally a big demon, and he was too angry. This stare was terrible. As soon as the man felt his breath was stagnant, he staggered back a few steps, buttocks sat on the ground. A bit of blood came.

The gate was wide open and there was no obstruction. Su Hang and others had swaggered into the gate. The man who was defending the city sat on the ground and stared blankly, daring not to say a word.

It's terrifying, just a look, let yourself have a feeling of dying more than ten million times, I am afraid that even the patriarch, there is no such ability?

"Eh, the monsters are not allowed to enter the city!" After returning to the gods, the man in Shoucheng quickly got up from the ground and shouted at Su Hang and others.

Several people stopped, including Su Hang, and looked back at the man. This man saw how many of them were Yuan Xiaotian?

Is this impossible? Su Hang is still very confident in the technique of change that he passed. Even if it is a dish, it is definitely not a monk in the soul-cultivation period.

Unless, this man is not as simple as the surface, but also a powerful master, but is it possible?

Unexpectedly, this shout really shouted back to those people. The man's heart was a bit broken at this time, and he accused himself of being cheap, and really wished he could smoke a big mouth!

"Monster, you can't enter the city!" The man pointed to Suhang's crotch, which had no such momentum as before, and his fingers were trembling.

Su Hang looked down, and then he recovered. It turned out that the man was talking about a mentally retarded chicken.

Yuan Xiaotian and several of them were relieved. If they were really discerned, they might not be able to enter today. Although they are not afraid, in order to avoid clan conflicts in the city, Suhang will definitely give up entering the city.

Fortunately, there was a false alarm, saying that the mentally retarded chicken!

"It's okay, he's my mount!" Su Hang said, ignoring the man, turning his head and swinging into the city with a mentally retarded chicken.

Seeing Su Hang and others walking away, it took a long time for the man to recover, and his body was already dripping with sweat.

very scary!

The man swallowed hard. This man was terrified. I don't know what the way was. Do you want to notify it?



In the city!

This Shaoyu city is the capital of the Shaoyu clan. The Shaoyu clan is a large clan of the feather clan. It is the same as the Taiyu clan, and its clan chief is one of the highest rulers of the clan.

In a few days, it came from the Taiyu's territory to the Shaoyu's territory. This Shaoyu city is worthy of the Shaoyu clan. This scale is not comparable to those in small cities and small towns.

Just the walls of these tens of miles are not ordinary monsters that can be turned in. The whole city is divided into four parts: the outer city, the middle city, the inner city and the Forbidden City, just like the same ring, two rings and three rings, each ring There are tall and strong walls between them.

It can be seen that there has been a clearly severe hierarchy among the human races. The civilians can only live in the outer layer, and the more inward, the more dignified the identity of the people living in.

Once the monsters and monsters attack the city, the outer city wall is broken, and there are several barriers in the inner city, which will only affect civilians.

Su Hang can sense that there is a powerful energy shield over the inner city, which does not look like a formation, but more like an enchantment. Primitive humans should not have the concept of formation.

But this outer city is not so good, if attacked from the air, it is easy to break the city.

There are nine gates connected from the outer city to the middle city, but each gate is guarded by heavy soldiers, and it is easy for people to enter. If you go inside, it will be more strict!

Of course, even if it is so strict, it is a breeze for Su Hang and others to get in, but Su Hang doesn’t want to get out of the way. He just wants to find a place to take a foot bath and take a hot bath. The dust on the body.

Just outside the city, enough.

Clothes, food, housing and transportation are essential in every era. This city is obviously much more advanced than other cities. There are still many places like inns, especially in outer cities.

Most of the outer cities are civilians, and of course there are noble people interspersed between them. After all, this city is like a huge cage. It has been closed for a long time, and it is still breathable.

Therefore, this outer city is the most populous and the most mixed.

After finding a hotel to stay, Su Hang took Yuan Xiaotian and several of them to the Chaoguan Pavilion. The industrial chain in Shaoyu City has developed relatively maturely.

Dashi Tavern, which is already the largest pub in the outer city. Three huge black stones were placed outside the pub. I heard that the owner of the pub has rules. If you want to consume in this pub, you must be able to lift the first one. Boulder.

If you can’t lift it, you will not be accepted. If you can lift the second stone, you can get a 50% discount on all consumption in the tavern; if you can lift the third stone, come to the tavern will Free reception.

It can be said that in such a tavern, we can see how much people admire personal force today.

Although this rule is a little pitted, and most of the customers are turned away, it does not affect the popularity of the pub. There are many people who gather here every day to see the guests who come forward to lift the stone, but the popularity is even higher!

"Oh, great, this man is afraid of the enchanted realm!"

"How much strength it must have!"


When Su Hang came to the outside of the Dashi Tavern, many people had gathered at the door of the hotel, and some people were already lifting stones.

He is a middle-aged man with yellow hair. He looks quite fierce. He is half-naked and his muscles are impressive!

In full view, the man lifted the first stone over his head, his muscles burst, and he looked very powerful, causing a scream of excitement from the surrounding audience. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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