Super Study God

Chapter 1311: It’s okay to be a 2 mom!

In the room, Su Jin and the woman held their hands in tears, and Su Hang sat beside him, as if he had become an outsider.

"You guys, can you tell me what's going on?" Suhang asked easily.

Finally, Su Jin calmed down, wiped the tears on his face, and turned to Su Hangdao. "When I was a child, my mother went to Panwangzuo. Long Zu was away all year round. My grandmother was sick and sick. My grandfather was busy with politics. Growing up with a child, many times to save the child in distress, like a teacher like a mother, the child is also guilty, and actually did not recognize it as Aunt Yu!"

Su Hang frowned, and looked like Su Jin, not like nonsense, "Why haven't you heard that?"

Su Jin accused, "That was a long time ago. After the child turned into a dragon, Aunt Yu quietly left. The father didn't ask, and the child didn't say..."

Su Hang waved his hand to stop him from talking about it. After all, he was incompetent as a dad. What is his qualification to blame others?

"Why?" Su Hang looked at the woman in front of her.

"Why?" The woman looked at Su Hang in amazement.

Su Hangdao, "Do I know you? Why?"

This is Su Hang's doubts. I have nothing to do with you. Why should you take care of my son? There must be a reason for doing good deeds, right?

"I did so much for you, but at the end, I didn't have any sentiment, but instead exchanged doubts." The woman sighed slightly, and a little bit wronged in her words.

Su Hang heard that he could not hold his face, and he was a little ashamed, "You can help me take care of the child, I am very grateful to you, I want to repay what you want, but you have to let me know the reason!"

After talking, Su Hang looked at the woman in front of him, waiting for her to give herself a reasonable explanation.

The woman smiled and said, "If, I tell you, we really became couples at that time, do you believe it?"

Su Hang's face twitched lightly, helplessly, "You are a woman, it's a matter of name, so don't talk nonsense like this!"

Women's Road, "It's about the famous festival, I won't talk nonsense, you don't believe it now, you will believe it in the future, or talk about, how are you going to repay me?"

After talking, the woman looked at Su Hang with twinkling eyes. Su Hang and her looked at each other, and they felt a little cute.

Su Hang took a deep breath, "How do you want me to repay you?"

Before the woman had spoken, Xiao Jiu fluttered bare wings and flew directly to the table. The hairless wing tips pointed to Su Hang, saying, "Are you stupid or fake stupid, the meaning of my second sister, you still don't understand What? She wanted to be Su Jin's stepmother!"


As soon as he had finished speaking, Su Hang was out of breath, hitting Xiao Jiu's head with a punch, and directly smashing it on the table.

"Ouch, Nima, I beat Lao Tzu, second sister, help me teach him!"

Xiao Jiu covered his head with his wings and stood up dizzy, pointing at Su Hang and scolding. This is so special. Some people support it differently.


The woman reached out and gently flicked, and Xiao Jiu flew out, falling like a yolk on the wall.

Dear sister!

One can imagine how annoying this guy's mouth is.

"Being a stepmother? What kind of stepmother? Are you not the mother cursing Xiaojin'er?" The woman looked at Xiao Jiu blankly and turned to look at Suhang. "If Xiaojin doesn't mind, being a second mother Row!"

In a word, if Suhang wanted to vomit blood, could he not speak well? Why are you a woman who is so light-hearted? Is it funny to tease me?

Su Jin was a little embarrassed next to him, and quickly said, "Aunt Yu, where have you been all these years? Once you walked for so long, Jin'er really misses you!"

The woman looked up at Su Jin and smiled, "Of course, Aunt Yu is traveling all over the world, and the wild is wild, you are all so big, does Aunt Yu still serve you as a nanny for a lifetime!"

Su Jin was ashamed for a while and quickly said, "Where does Aunt Yu speak? In Jiner's heart, Aunt Yu is just like Jin's mother. The kindness of those years will never be forgotten."

The woman smiled, "Unfortunately, you dad, don't miss me at all!"

Yes, I came back again. Su Hang was next to me, listening to the woman's finger swearing at Huai, and there were ten thousand alpaca running in my heart.

"Okay, Aunt Yu came this time, but there was something serious!" The woman waved her hand, and the expression on her face became a little serious.


Su Hang whispered, he couldn't help vomiting, just like you were in this posture, there seemed to be something serious there. If Xiao Jiu had overturned the bottom of the pot and the stuffing was exposed, I'm afraid I would like to be a father now.

Yin Yu'er looked at Su Hang, "You Su Shenzun, it's such a big face. You can't even invite you in that way. You still have such a big spectrum with me. Don't you want me to come to you in person? I'm here now. , Is there anything to say?"

After finishing the speech, Yin Yuer looked at Su Hang a little narrowly.

Su Hang looked at her, "Is the master in the mouth of the two plague gods, right?"

"How can you be so smart? It's all seen by you!" Xiao Jiu's weak voice came from the corner of the wall, and I have to say, this little guy is really mocking his life!

Su Hang ignored it, his eyes fell on the woman, and his heart began to jump again. Is this the master of the two plagues? Is it a woman?

He always thought that the owner of the two gods of the plague might be Xiao Jiu's eldest brother. He never thought that he would be Xiao Jiu's second sister.

This woman will be the existence of Dadao Realm?

Earlier, I heard that the two plague gods said that their masters had the cultivation of Dadao Realm. If it were the woman in front of them, then the eight achievements would be.

He has seen the master of Heaven Dao Realm, but Da Dao Realm face to face, this is the first time.

Isn't Xiaojiu only one big brother who has the cultivation path of Dadao Realm? Why is the second sister too?

Yin Yuer listened to Zhan Yan smiled, "They don't eat people, do you need to be so scared?"

Su Hang accuses him, Dadao Realm, that can create the existence of the world, the true God, in the presence of such a person, can't he be dazed?

A rabbit sits in front of the tiger and can tremble without legs.

"It turned out to be Aunt Yu!" Su Jin also reacted now, and now said in surprise, "Aunt Yu, you want to see my father, just come to Tiandufeng, why do you let the men run?"

Yin Yuer waved her hand, "Xiaojin'er, you go out first, I have something to say to your father!"


Su Jin was stagnant, but when Yin Yuer looked serious, she hurriedly retreated and retreated, and Su Hang wanted to stop calling.

"Xiao Jiu, you also go out!" Yin Yuer said, and the voice fell, and did not wait for Xiao Jiu's reaction. Yin Yuer's finger lightly ticked, and Xiao Jiu was thrown out like a dead dog. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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