Super Study God

Chapter 1312: Shake hands and make peace?

The door closed with a pop.

In an instant, only Su Hang and Yin Yu'er were left in the room.


The atmosphere in the room was almost solidified, leaving only Su Hang and Yin Yuer, the scene was very embarrassing.

"Ha ha!"

Su Hang laughed dryly, trying to ease the embarrassment, but did not think that the atmosphere was even more embarrassing!

Yin Yuer saw her and couldn't help covering her mouth and smiled, "You are still as shy as before, okay, we are not blind dates, so nervous, I really have something to find you!"

"Ha ha!"

Su Hang laughed again, this time it was really huh, actually said I was shy, are you really talking about me?

"If you have anything to say, let the girl speak, you take care of me for me, I still thank you, as long as I can do it, I will die forever!" Su Hang did not speak empty-handedly, after all, he Su Jin was owed.

"You're always so polite with me!" The woman shook her head, looking a little disappointed. After a while, she looked at Su Hang, "You got involved, do you know?"

"Huh?" Su Hang froze for a moment, then smiled a little, "You suddenly came to such a sentence, and made me, it is a bit ignorant, I am involved in something? I don't know what the girl wants to say?"

"Stupid with me!" The woman gave him a blank look. "Who are you messing with, do you not know yourself?"

Su Hang paused, his expression on his face became serious, and he pointed his fingers to the sky. "You said, wouldn't it be that one?"

Yin Yuer had another white eye, "What is this guy, if not him, can I come to run this trip? You think you really have such a charm?"

Su Hang sweated and sighed in my heart, God, you finally said the truth.

"He asked you to come to me?" Su Hang asked, and he didn't need to say this at all.

"He doesn't have that patience yet!" Yin Yu'er's words are very arrogant, "I just don't want to watch you fall into it, what is his existence, you should be able to estimate, your grievances have been entangled for so many years, Endless, you are not tired, I am a bystander, I am tired, I come to you this time, I want to tell you, if you agree, I can come forward for you, be a lobbyist, believe me and I My brother's face can help you calm this grudge."

Su Hang was stagnant.

After a long silence, Su Hang looked at this woman with some surprise. "What are you talking about, why don't I understand?"

"Don't pretend!" Yin Yu'er sighed. "You and I were almost married. I won't hurt you. You will only lose both sides. No one can benefit from it..."

Su Hang looked at Yin Yuer deeply and said for a while, "Can you tell me, what is your relationship with him?"

Talking about the issue of that avenue, Su Hang has only unknown in his mind. Since the record, he didn’t know how to offend the existence, so that he was secretly targeted, he could only be forced to fight back.

Today, the appearance of this Yin Yu'er has brought more doubts to his mind.

There is no doubt that this woman has something to do with herself. At least, she knew it very early. As for the enemy, it is a friend. To be honest, Suhang did not dare to make a conclusion too early.

Although Su Jin said that she had taken care of him for a while like a teacher, but who can guarantee that she has no other intentions?

He is like Hongyun, because he is unknown, so he doubts everything.

It is not doubtful, but only vigilant. People in rivers and lakes cannot be vigilant or guarded.

Red Cloud is vigilant because it has forgotten the past, and Su Hang is vigilant because it has not experienced that future past.

Now, this woman, opening her mouth to make peace with the high Dadao, Suhang had to think about it.

Yin Yu'er shook his head, "You are too suspicious!"

Su Hang smiled, "Let me think, if he let you come to me as a lobbyist, then I can understand that he is afraid of me?"

I have to say that Su Hang's self-feeling is still very good, but it is not true that it is not clear.

"You think too much." Yin Yuer couldn't help crying and laughing. "Although he suffered a lot of injuries and had to choose to repair it, but you don't simply think that he really can't resist you. He already had it. It’s the realm of Dapin realm of fourth grade, Dadao realm of fourth grade, do you know what kind of height it is?"

Su Hang only looked at her, to be honest, he really didn't know.

"You don't know." Yin Yuer smiled and shook his head bitterly, "Dadao Realm, every weight is separated from the heavens, even my eldest brother is only Dadao Realm third grade. In front of him, it is still like a naughty boy."


Su Hang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It was just a realm of difference. How big is the difference?

"It's incredible, isn't it? The fact is so incredible." Yin Yu'er smiled bitterly again, "Even me, from birth to the present, 12 billion years, endless years of cultivation, only before 80 million years ago, he became the elder brother. Nozuke, successfully broke through the avenue, even if it was that way, the war against the Dao in those years, if not... I am afraid that I would have been shot dead by his palm, and there will be no me now."

With that, Yin Yu'er looked up, as if looking away.

Su Hang was shocked, and her eyes fell on Yin Yu'er. She said in surprise, "You also participated in the war against the Dao?"

Yin Yu'er nodded and woke up from the memories. "I was fooled by a conscienceless innocent person, and the silly one followed..."

After finishing If Yin Yuer gave Su Hang a meaningful look, Su Hang didn't realize it and immediately asked, "Can you tell me what happened to the war against the Dao?" ?What is the ending of Pangu's leading the gods to destroy the Dao? The ending of the gods? The ending of the Avenue? And, the ending of Pangu?"

This is the only person that Su Hang has witnessed in the war against the Dao. Where can he not be curious? It used to be hearsay. Now if he can listen to the story of the person concerned, it will definitely help him in the future.

Although the war against the past is already in the past, it may be the future for the Soviet airlines. After all, he believes that he is likely to go back to experience the battle. If he knows more now, it is equivalent to predicting the future in advance. .


Yin Yu'er shook his head for a while before saying, "What can come to an end, all the **** ones are dead, and the **** ones are also dead. There are very few who can survive. I am afraid that few of me can survive the whole life except me. Even my eldest brother was seriously injured. At this time, he was still in retreat..."

"Your eldest brother also participated in the rebellion?" Su Hang was even more surprised. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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