Super Study God

Chapter 1365: It's amazing!

"Others recognize you as a son, do you recognize it? It's too unruly?" Su Hang looked at Xue Qi.

Xue Qi didn't take it for granted, "Muji has a life-saving grace for me. The right is to repay him, and then, whoever eats well in the Mu clan, the young chief of the Mu clan, and majesty, what's wrong? "

"I think this is the most important reason!" Su Hang said.

Xue Qihan was sweating, but did not deny it, "Anyway, before the Lord does not appear, I will be dashing and wait until the Lord appears, but, looking at this situation, the Lord may never appear... "

Su Hang looked at him and really didn't know what to say about him. This boy's luck was too good. In the later generations, it was Master Xue's young master. In this ancient world, he became the chieftain of the Mu minority. What's so special

"Brother Hang, how did you come? Why haven't I met you for more than 30,000 years!" Xue Qi said.

Su Hang shook his head, "I just came to this ancient world only a few days ago, of course you couldn't see me before!"

"Not right?"

Xue Qi's face I don't believe. "When I was in Zhonghuangshan, I didn't listen to your deeds. Yuan Xiaotian and their huge demon kings. When you mention you, they are all admired and treated as if you are a senior Brother, what kind of existence do you have? How do I feel like knowing a fake flight brother?"

It is no wonder that Xue Qi did not believe that he had heard something about Suhang when he was on Zhonghuangshan. That is to say, in his impression, Suhang appeared in Zhonghuangshan more than 30,000 years ago. After, but now, Su Hang said that he had just arrived in the Swire World, and there was some conflict.

"I came here this time, not much time, only one month!"

Su Hang said.

Xue Qi seemed to understand something, and looked at Su Hang a little unbelievably, "Brother Hang, could you travel through time and space at will?"

"Random?" Su Hang shook his head. "Not to mention!"

Where Xue Qi was willing to believe, immediately grabbed Su Hang's sleeve, "Hang brother, then you also brought me back to chant, this broken place, everywhere is full of intrigues, fighting everywhere, I really don't want to stay, again Stay, maybe one day you have to die!"

Su Hang sighed, "I'll talk about it later, I'm not sure if I can take you away."

This matter, Su Hang does not have the bottom of his mind. After all, Xue Qi and the three of them may have become a part of history. Although he has the power to break the rules, he has not yet been able to modify the rules.

"Then I will follow you this month!" Xue Qi took Suhang's hand and refused to let go.

These are tens of thousands of years old, how can it still be so, Suhang helpless, "In other words, don't you let me call me?"


Xue Qi was caught in distant memories, and it took a long time to say, "You don't want to see where this is anymore, the cell phone is running out of electricity. I wanted to learn a trick to recharge it, but accidentally fell into Zhonghuang Mountain In the former waterhole, it is no longer usable after being picked up. Besides, have you ever seen a mobile phone that can be used for 30,000 years?"

Su Hang thought about it too, and did not struggle with this issue, "I met Wang bombing a few days ago!"

"That guy?" As soon as Xue Qi heard it, he looked a little bit unhappy.

Looking around, Xue Qi was a little careful, and seemed to be worrying about something. He leaned into Su Hang's ear and said carefully, "That guy joined Taihuang Mountain, Hang Brother. According to my observations over the years, this Taihuang Mountain is very unusual. , Should you remember? At that time, what do you say that the avatar was here with us, I suspect that it is related to Taihuang Mountain!"

Su Hang was a little speechless, thinking that this guy could tell some shocking news, but didn't want to be this.

"Really? It's amazing!" Su Hangdao said.

Xue Qihan was sweating, "Can you not be so exaggerated in your reaction, I tell you the truth, that Wang fried the guy, has been corroded. Over the years, although he and I have not seen a few faces, but also I have heard some news that this guy is now a disciple of Taihuang Mountain, who is provoking everywhere, causing a lot of war, and he is not a human being!"

Speaking of Wang Bo, Xue Qi was obviously angry.

Su Hang paused, "I have packed him a few days ago, and he is now being held under the sky by me, maybe I'm still scolding me now!"

"Huh?" Xue Qi froze for a moment, and then spit out a word for a long time, "Should!"

Su Hang was speechless, but it seemed that what Wang Zha Na did was indeed the way to go!

"Leave him alone, what about the little toad? Do you have any news about him?" Su Hang asked.

Xue Qi shook his head, "He left Zhonghuang Mountain very early, and then he was silent, as if the world had evaporated, I have been asking for his news all these years, but I haven't gotten any results, I think, 80% is ..."

"Nothing is 90%!" Su Hang waved his hand. He knew Xue Qi's meaning. Little Toad had no news for so many years, and the situation was not optimistic.

However, since the little toad may be the previous life of Mita, it should not be hung up so early.

Xue Qi said, "It's been tens of thousands of years. I don't know how this way came. Everything is wrong. When I first came, I missed home, I thought of my parents, I thought of my sister, I thought of my grandpa, I thought of Many, many people get used to it slowly, but slowly it fades, I don’t know, are they good now..."

"Now?" Su Hang smiled, and thought that this kid was sentimental. "Now it's too ancient. Your sister and they are still in the future. With hundreds of millions of years of existence, what are you worried about?"


Xue Qi listened to this and was relieved a little, worrying about his future family members. What's the point?

Su Hang smiled lightly, "I heard that the five ethnic groups gathered in Qintai Mountain, what kind of five ethnic assembly is there, did you participate? Do you know what it is?"

Xue Qi recovered from the sentiment, and said, "Ah, a group of people have nothing to do with something. They called us in a hurry, and the result will be a meeting tomorrow!"

After a pause, Xue Qi continued, "However, I have heard something. This time, the Five Clan Alliance, I heard that it seems to be against Pangu!"

"Oh?" Su Hang listened, frowning gently, "Pangu's?"

Xue Qi nodded, "It shouldn't be wrong. Now on this side of the earth, we can be as long as our five clan. In addition to the demon clan, I am afraid that he is the Pangu clan. This Pangu clan has risen too fast. It is inevitable that the Quartet will be feared. Fortunately, in recent years, Pangu’s civil turmoil has suffered, and its power loss has been serious. Recently, a war is brewing, so the orc proposes to take advantage of the fire and not destroy Pangu’s, You can just press them..." To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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