Super Study God

Chapter 1366: Huimeng Qintai Mountain!

Speaking of this, Xue Qi seems to have found something wrong, "No, the sentence mango is Pangu's. He called you Master, wouldn't that mean?"

Xue Qi stared at Su Hang with a pair of eyes.

Su Hang nodded slightly, gestured to him, you guessed it right.

Xue Qi stayed for a long time before he said, "Isn't that a family hitting a family? No, I have to go to Qintai Mountain to stop them!"

When he finished speaking, he got up, but Su Hang reached out and grabbed his shoulder. "No hurry, wait for tomorrow, the five races are all here, then it's easy to talk, and I want to meet them for a while!"

Xue Qi paused, it is not good to say more, but intuition tells him that tomorrow, the Five Clan League, I am afraid it will end in dismal.

"These people are really, all day long and know to fight, kill, kill, do not know unanimously outside, resist the demon clan, but engage in East and West nest fight!" Xue Qi said.

Su Hang listened and shook his head, "Human, isn't that the case?"



The next day!

A group of five people left Fangshi and continued toward Qintai Mountain.

Hongyun rode the kun beast, walked to the front, rushed to the ground for a while, and then jumped into the cloud again. It was really fun to play, but it was a beautiful scenery.

Jumang and Muhua are a pair of couples, stepping on a leaf-shaped treasure. After Muhua got the power of Su Hang, the skill increased a lot, and he added a bit of brilliance. He stood with Jumang as a fairy couple .

Xue Qi, however, only followed behind Su Hang. Looking at the red shadow that jumped up and down in front of him, Xue Qi was really bitter and itchy!

"Brother Hang, if you go on like this, my family will be abducted by this woman!" Xue Qi stared at the red cloud in front of her, facing Su Hangdao.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, and looked at the front of Hongyun, as if he suddenly thought of something, and turned to Xue Qidao, "Are you married?"


Xue Qi paused for a moment, as if asked by Suhang a little embarrassed, "No, but, before, there were a few confidantes!"

"Why don't you get married?" Su Hang looked at him in surprise. They were all over 30,000 years old. Wouldn't it be sick?

Xue Qigan laughed and took a deep breath. Immediately, "I always feel that this world does not belong to me, maybe I will leave at any time, so... well, brother, can we not talk about this Topic?"

"You can't talk about it!" Su Hang shook his head and gestured forward, "What do you think of this girl?"

Xue Qi heard it, and seemed to guess what Su Hang wanted to do. She shook her head immediately. "Stealing my family is very unreasonable. If it weren't for her to be your teacher's nephew, I would have beaten her!"

Su Hang smiled, "She came from the gate of Taihuang Mountain, Wang Xiao's little sister, do you dare to move her?"

"What? Under the gate of Taihuang Mountain?" Xue Qi's face instantly changed when he heard it, and then he looked at Hongyun again, obviously a little more worried.

Wang Bo was not afraid, but the weight of Taihuang Mountain was too heavy.

Su Hang nodded, "Do you want me to help you match up? Actually, this girl is pretty good!"

Xue Qiwen said, shivering, shaking his head vigorously, "Don't make such a joke, this woman is so arrogant, just like Wang Biao, I can't afford it, let me say, she is your teacher's nephew, I'm your brother , Is this generation a mess?"

Su Hang smiled, "Ju Mang is still my apprentice, do you call his brother-in-law the same?"

"How can this be the same?" Xue Qi accosted and gave Su Hang a look, the meaning was clear. He was a cheap brother-in-law, but not a real brother-in-law.

"Forget it, it's up to you. Marriage can't be forced, but once it appears, escape can't escape." At this time, Su Hang sighed. The words seemed to contain other meanings.

After breaking through the Tianzun realm, Suhang found that he could see a lot of things, but he didn't have the power to make changes.

After Xue Qi heard this, his face was slightly loosened.



Qintai Mountain.

In Middle-earth, Qintai Mountain's reputation is not small. It is located at the junction of the Zerg and the Hou Tu Clan. There is a continuous mountain range, and the highest one is Qintai Mountain.

The reason why Qintai Mountain is called Qintai Mountain is because, on the top of Qintai Mountain, there is a huge rock, which looks like a Qintai, no one knows its origin, but this huge rock is indeed quite mysterious.

As long as someone injects the demon power into the boulder, the boulder will sound a melodious melody, and it is not one or two melody, but a lot of melody.

There are rumors in the world that this Qintai stone is the relics of a powerful expert in the last century, but this rumor is not credible. After all, some expert will have this leisurely mind and engage in a baby. To be able to play songs.

Therefore, many people believe that this piece of Qintai stone is a natural product of heaven and earth.

This stone is indeed miraculous. Many people once wanted to take it as their own, but after many years, this stone still stands here.

There is a square on Qintai Mountain, and Qintai Stone stands in the center of that square.

Today, the sun is warm, the rare good weather, the sky is blue and blue, there is no pollution of the stars, it makes people look at it, and it is inevitable that they are in a good mood.

Several people have gathered on the square. The two rows of chairs are opposite. At first glance, they are reserved for the big ones. Next to them are standing many younger generations, with different clothes, men and women, and soil and tide, but each one It is a magnificent, very extraordinary temperament.

Behind the Qintai stone, there are two middle-aged men with square kerchiefs, constantly sending magic power into the Qintai A burst of sweet music sounded, and a few old men slowly entered the venue.

This scene really makes people cry and laugh. It's really enough to pretend to be like this. This is really a human flesh generator. It also has background music.

After a few old men were seated, the sound of music dropped slowly. There were a total of a dozen people, both male and female, all of whom were older. The one seated on the throne was a slightly blackish complexion with a slight figure A gray-haired old man who was thin.

A little bit of eyesight knows that this is the chief of the Zerg family, with the surname Zongming Fly. It is said that the Life Soul is a blood-sucking giant mosquito, and it is very domineering. Just seeing his slightly reddish eyes can feel a bit.

This is the place of the Zerg. As a landlord, he certainly has the right to sit on this throne.

Sitting at the hands are the orc clan pig Huoshan, the clan clan phoenix immortal, the clan clan mushu, the aquarium clan dragon Yinshuang, and the rest are all elders brought by the clan.

Being able to sit in this position, it can be said that everyone can be regarded as a shocking character, especially the five patriarchs, that is already the pinnacle of the Great Demon King Realm. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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