Super Study God

Chapter 1698: Yang Mei is a real person!

Tian Yiju wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth, "This branch of Yang Mei in my hand is a branch of the real body of Yang Mei, a master of the family. After being refined by the master, it can not only resist the fire, wind, water, wind, but also summon the power of the master. …"

"What do you say so much nonsense, I don't know what the villain died from talking about?" Su Hang sneered and interrupted Tian Yiju's words directly. He lifted the sky axe and cut it off.

It didn't make people finish talking, it was too much. Tian Yiju waved Yang Meizhi to parry and cut the sky axe on Yang Meizhi. Under violence, Tianyi Jushi vomited blood and retreated again.

Su Hang followed closely, and didn't want to give her any breathing opportunities at all. Wouldn't it be a shame not to die in this part?

With two strokes, although Yang Meizhi relieved his strength, Tian Yiju was still seriously injured. Seeing Su Hang coming again, he felt a real fire in his heart. He immediately spurted blood on the Yang Meizhi.

"Master respects me!"

Tian Yiju shouted and threw Yang Meizhi directly into the air.

That Yang Meizhi was soaked in the blood of Tian Yiju Shi, and the red light was immediately flourishing. After a while, a Tsing Yi Taoist walked out of the red light.

It is an elder old man with white hair and long beards, with a bone-like fairy wind, fluttering like a fairy, holding a handful of whisk, a true fairy.

At this time, Su Hang was interested in Bofa, and the giant axe in his hand was being cut off by a layman, but he didn't want to suddenly have such an old man in front of him. His hands could not be stopped. Simply cut it together!

Between the electric light and the flint, I saw the old big sleeve waved, and the sleeve was instantly wrapped in the sky axe. Su Hang suddenly felt a powerful and unparalleled force swept over. The whole person was like fallen leaves convolved by the wind, like the waves In the swaying lonely boat, his body flew out completely out of control, and he fell heavily on the Gobi Desert, where countless rocks shattered, like countless nuclear bomb explosions.

Su Hang popped out of the dust, the bones all over his body seemed to fall apart, the pain was so bad, he looked up at the oncoming Taoist, and Su Hang couldn't help but feel horrified.

This man, with his head on the front, shook his axe abruptly, and even with such an understatement, he drove himself back. This person was also terrifying.

At that moment, Su Hang really felt like he was being beaten as a mosquito. If he had a strong physical body, he was afraid that he would have been shot into fly ash just now.

The man came from the void, Tian Yiju followed him, Su Hang felt a tight heart, just that moment, enough to make him recognize the strength gap.

This person is definitely not a person he can withstand. After all, the proud power is completely a joke in front of this person.

The Taoist came to Su Hang and looked down at Su Hang with cold eyes. "Young people, don't be so vigorous, treat the lady with gentleness, be more forgiving and forgiving!"

Su Hang moved, the crackling sound of his bones, and he held the sky axe tightly in his hand, "Sign up!"

"Bold!" Tian Yiju shouted coldly, "In front of you is the real teacher Yang Mei, even if the sect Master Dao sees the teacher, he has to leave a three-point thin face. Do you dare to be rude to the teacher?"

Su Hang froze for a moment. The one in front of him is Yang Mei, who Tian Yiju said? Sect Master Dadao has to save face for you, it sounds so good.

"It turned out to be Yang Mei, unfortunately, I don't know!" Su Hang sneered and shrugged.

"Come on!" Tianyiju shouted loudly!

Yang Mei raised her hand to stop Tianyiju, facing Su Hangdao, "Young man, in front of the old man, it is better to be humble. Although I am only one of the deities, but with your ability, I want to kill you , But in the backhand!"

Actually just a doppelganger? Was that Yang Meizhi transformed? Su Hang couldn't help but feel shocked, just a doppelganger, he was so powerful, if he changed his deity, how strong should he be?

"If you have the intention to kill me, you still use so much nonsense?" Su Hang replied. He didn't feel the killing intention from this person. Moreover, this person just had a full chance to kill himself, or seriously hurt himself, but I am still standing here right now. Although it hurts all over my body, it can only be regarded as a minor injury.

Yang Mei glanced at Su Hang with a slight smile, "It is indeed a wise man, but unfortunately the newborn calf is ignorant and fearless, but the old man is in a good mood today, and I don't care about you..."

Said to stop and greeted Tian Yiju leave.

Tian Yiju Shidao said, "Master, the disciples are entrusted by the Master of the Xuanhuang Realm, come to this realm..."

"Fuck, stop!" Yang Mei interrupted with a real hand. "That Xuantian, I had some friendship with me at that time. Don't intervene in this world..."

Tian Yiju Shiwen said that he was a little unwilling, "But the Master Xuanhuang Realm promised his disciples..."

"There are no promises or promises, the kid chicken thief, what he can do, why should I let you come, clearly want to lead you into the The old man is also involved, the old man idle cloud wild crane, do not want to intervene in these Dispute!" Yang Mei said.

As soon as Tian Yiju heard it, a cold sweat came out of his forehead, as if there was something suddenly realized, and he knelt down in front of Yang Mei, "Discipline of death!"

Yang Mei waved her hand, "On the side of your heart, you can't play with him, but stay away from him in the future. My Yangmei's doormen are thin, and the old man doesn't want to have one or two less!"

"Remember, disciple!" Tian Yiju yelled, and got up, said, "No wonder he would instigate Tian Xie to come, Tian Xie, Tian Jealous to serve Di Zun, he must want to involve Di Zun... "

Speaking of which, Tian Yiju couldn’t help but look at Su Hang. His eyes were a bit puzzled and shocked. What is the future of this man? It’s really worth the great effort of Xuanhuang Jiezhu, first to instigate Di Zun, now Want to involve her master Yang Mei to deal with it? Could there be any horrible existence behind this person?

Yes, if this is not the case, how can this native in the Xuanhuang Realm grow to such a level?

Yang Mei really shook his head, "That kid, but we all like these old guys as two fools, but pity not to be fooled by him, turned his face, and actually came up with our idea!"

"Damn **** it!"

Tian Yiju clenched her teeth and was unavoidably worried. If she didn’t leave a backstroke today, she took Yang Meizhi and summoned Yang Mei’s real person to be alive.

If that's the case, as the first disciple of Yang Mei, the real person will certainly avenge him, and then, his own master or will be able to match up with the existence behind this Xuanhuangjie native.

"Hello, have you finished speaking?" Su Hang was beside, a little impatient, far away, and did not know what they were whispering.

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