Super Study God

Chapter 1699: Horrible strength!

At this time, Tian Yiju had already put away the meaning of finding trouble with Su Hang, but listening to Su Hang said this, his heart was very unhappy, "Master, my brother Tian Xie was taken by this person, this is a private enmity..."

Now I finally think of private enmity. How sloppy this is. Suhang listened to that, and could not help feeling cold.

Yang Mei turned around and looked at Su Hang. "Young people, the enemy should be resolved and not settled. Could you return the two you took away?"

Su Hang paused and didn't speak. The two men in the old way must have been Heavenly Evil and Heavenly Jealous. The man and the woman were confined in the space of Sima cylinder by Su Hang, but there was no time to enlighten them yet.

Yang Meizhen continued, "These two are the messengers of the earth lord, the earth lord. Your young man, the newborn calf, is especially unknowingly calculated. If you blame the earth lord, you will suffer in the future. "

Su Hang frowned and was calculated?

"Di Zun has already said that the two of them handed over to me and let me deal with it." Su Hang replied.

Yang Mei listened to it, but he smiled, "The earth respects are generous and does not care about you, but it does not mean that you can be happy and reasonable in your heart. Reasonable, like our old existence, nothing matters, just one face is the most. important……"

The expression on Su Hang’s face was a little unpleasant. “Your Excellency said that someone counts on me? I don’t know why?”

"The old man likes reasoning with people the most." Yang Mei smiled indifferently. "You first blamed Di Zun for the evil of heaven and the jealousy of the heavens. Now you are guilty of me by the Tian Yi. Young people. If I and I have the heart to cure you, you Do you think you can live to the present?"

"Wait one day, when you step out of this world and find that there are enemies everywhere, you will understand my words."

Yang Mei finished talking, but just looked at Su Hang lightly. His eyes were very meaningful.

Su Hang heard that she was a bit enlightened, and she couldn't help but sweat out, Yang Mei meant, that someone was deliberately pulling himself into the hatred of the Quartet. He had already offended so many people outside the realm before he got out of the Xuanhuang Realm. If one day went out, would it still be worth it?

"The words have come to this point, young people, if you are smart enough, you should know how to choose." Yang Mei really left the words with Su Hang.

Su Hang thought for a moment, and said, "I almost died in the hands of the two. If I were to let them go, I was afraid that it would be impossible. Moreover, I can't do anything like letting the tiger return to the mountain. Day by day..."

"Master, I think this guy is looking for you for the benefit, and it's abominable." Tian Yiju shouted beside him.

Su Hang heard his words and couldn't help rolling his eyes. Benefit? Am I Suhang the kind of person who sees money?

Yang Mei faced Su Hangdao, "If you want to talk about benefits, one less enemy and one more friend, this is your benefit."

"Your Excellency can really say, I can't say you, but I am not afraid of things. As long as I do what is right, stand upright, and have no doubts, what conspiracy is calculated, even if there are more enemies, I will use my fist Teach them one by one." Su Hangdao.

"That's really good."

Yang Mei listened and shook his head. "Thinking back then, I had a disciple who was as **** and fearless as you are. Now, the grass on the grave has become a monster."

Su Hang heard that the cold was endless.

"It's okay, the truth doesn't make sense, then there is only another way." Yang Mei sighed and stretched out his hand far, pointing at Suhang volley.

The feeling was as casual as pulling a lighter from his pocket. Su Hang instantly discovered that Sima cylinder flew out of his own space, and a large hole was broken in the space, and two figures were shot from that hole instantly.

A man and a woman are the two evil spirits and jealousies trapped by Su Hang.

Seeing Su Hang, he couldn't help but be terrified. This old man was really terrified. He opened his storage space so casually, and fetching things from other people's storage magic weapons was like a bag.

The most important thing is that, knowing that the two were released, Su Hang did not notice the strength of the real person Yang Mei, which can be seen from this.

This is just an avatar. How strong should the deity come?

The two of them saw the sun again, and before they were too happy, they saw the real person in front of Yang Mei, and then stunned, and immediately fell to their knees.

"Disciple Tianxie (day jealousy), see a real person." The two grabbed the ground with one head, respectful and beyond reverence.

"It really lost your ancestor's face."

Yang Mei didn't even look at them at all. After dropping a sentence, he turned to Su Hang, who was stunned. "Young people, please take care of yourself. I hope we can meet each other in heaven soon."

So Suhang recovered, and quickly said, "Have you robbed me, just left?"

Yang Mei paused for a moment, thought for a moment, pulled a few beards from under his jaw, and threw it directly to Suhang.

Su Hang reached out and took it. The beard fell into his hands and instantly turned into a few green Su Hang looked up to Yang Mei.

Yang Mei is really humane, "This is the Yang Mei leaf born from the deity's body, which is cheap for you."

Yangmei leaves?

Su Hang froze for a moment, "What's the use?"

Yang Mei smiled faintly, "reasoning reason, there is no use, just a souvenir."

Grass egg, Su Hang heard the words, almost vomiting blood, there is a feeling of being teased, you are not a star idol, what do I want your souvenir to do?

When Su Hang wanted to discuss an argument, when he looked up, the real person Yang Mei, along with Tian Yiju Shi and Tianxie Tianjei, had disappeared from his fighting space.

Su Hang stayed in place for a moment, and his mood could not be calm for a long time. Such an existence was completely beyond his imagination.

Fortunately, this real Yang Mei did not seem to be malicious to him.

At this moment, Su Hang was full of curiosity about the world outside the Xuanhuang Realm.

I am like the frog at the bottom of the well. I can only see a small piece of sky at the wellhead. Although there is enough cattle in this world, it is only king in the sheepfold. The outside world, I don’t know how vast it is. .

Looking down at the leaves of Yangmei held in his hand, Su Hang suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He was calculated by others but he did not know it. Think about it carefully, this Lin Xuan, but he has drawn a lot of hatred for himself. .

Di Zun, Yang Mei, and the previous Heavenly Tribulation, unconsciously, there were quite a few off-site masters offended by Su Hang, but they could only find that these people came to the door, and he had no choice but to fight. The result was that these books Those who should not be offended, finally let themselves offend.

It was too passive, he didn't take action, but played this kind of borrowing a knife to kill, but the next wave did not know what would exist, the inexplicable crisis in Suhang's heart.

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