Super Study God

Chapter 1835: Violent sweep!

The sky of venomous blood and flesh instantly cleared the northern battlefield in front of the Tiandu Mountain, but I did not know how many extraterrestrial creatures were buried.

Suddenly, most of the thunderclouds dispersed, and the long-lost sunlight shot through the clouds, and there was still silence around them.

Venomous Dragon Beast, so dismembered by violence?

If anyone sees this scene, I'm afraid they will be shocked and runny.

Those fierce beasts outside the realm seemed to know fear for the first time, many of them shrunk into a ball and shivered.


In the distance, these fierce beasts were not seen in the eyes of Su Hang. He was only dealing with these four beasts.

As long as these four beast lords are exterminated, these fierce beasts outside the domain will naturally not attack themselves.

Su Hang turned around and looked at the remaining three-headed Beast Master.

Sensing Su Hang's fierce gaze, and his violent intent to kill, the three beast lords flinched back subconsciously.

Obviously, the scene where Su Hang just killed the Venomous Dragon Beast with iron-blood means really scared them.

These beasts, although not very high in IQ, are definitely not low. Imagine someone tearing your friend in front of you, can you be afraid?

At this moment, the three beast venerables have already emerged.

The skull-kun snarled low, and seemed to be greeting the retreat. In an instant, those extraterrestrial creatures quickly fled away like ants.

Behind the three beast masters, a huge black hole appeared at the same time, and their shapes quickly dissolved into the black hole.

"Want to run, can you run?"

Su Hang snorted and threw a punch directly at the bone.

The body of the skull was just halfway into the space barrier. Seeing Su Hang hit with a punch, he quickly opened his mouth. Through the hollow skeleton, he could see a faint blue flame quickly blooming from its body. Out, and then came out of his mouth.

Obviously, I want to make a big move to stop Soviet Airways.

However, apparently it was too late, Su Hang's punch came first and hit the bone of the bone Kun directly.

Space tremors, space barriers are violently rippling, countless fragments explode, and the bone-kun flame has not yet spit out, and it is still dead.

Su Hang's fist destroyed the bones, and his body was cracked. He was driven into the space barriers, leaving only a rapidly healing black hole in the space.

No matter how strong it is, under the punch of the Suhang comparable to the realm of the avenue, the bone bone is afraid and will not survive.

Solved the bone kun, Suhang did not stay, the huge body of the red squid beast has entered the black hole in space, and the black hole has been healing quickly.

How could Su Hang let it escape, pulling the black hole hard, pulling a hand in directly, grabbing it with ease, and grabbing the body of the red squid beast in his hand.

It looks like catching eel in a cave.

"Come out for me."

Su Hang's effort pulled the red squid beast out of the space barrier, and threw it to the ground, and stepped on the right foot directly.


The earth was like a super earthquake of magnitude 18. Suhang threw the ground directly into a huge crack that could not be seen at the end.

The red squid was stepped on the head by Su Hang, countless tentacles were struggling hard, wrapped around Su Hang's feet, trying to escape.

However, Su Hang was completely indifferent and turned to look at the ghost mother beast.

In such a moment, the ghost mother beast has completely entered the space barrier, and the space black hole has been completely healed.

Did you just escape? How can it be?

Su Hang punched directly and smashed into the space where the ghost mother disappeared.


The sky collapsed, and where the space barrier could bear the power of Su Hang, just like a piece of glass was smashed from it, the web was covered with an instant, and then quickly collapsed.

After hiding behind the space barrier, the ghost mother who was about to escape was exposed to Suhang in an instant.

Space barriers are healing quickly, but Su Hang is faster and grabs the ghost mother beast directly.


The ghost mother beast uttered a roar, and the huge body quickly split up thousands of colorful jellyfish, and floated towards Su Hang.


When Su Hang's hand touched the jellyfish, he felt a tingling moment, as if he had touched a steel needle, and subconsciously retracted it.

I saw the place on the back of the right hand that was just contaminated by those jellyfish, covered with red bruises.


Su Hang was startled, and the most difficult thing to think of was this ghost mother beast venom. This thing is more poisonous than the dragon beast venom.

The ghost mother beast was also hairy, and was pulled out by Su Hang, so he didn't want to run away anymore. He split up countless jellyfish avatars and approached Su Hang.

That thing, it sticks to human skin, it hurts like a Su Hang is really a little bit stunned. Now he raises the red squid beast under his feet and uses his body as a weapon, which is like a dandelion around him. The seed-like jellyfish swarmed.


The jellyfish stuck to the body of the red squid beast, as if the boiling water fell into the hot hot oil, and there was a burst of snorting.

The red squid eats pain, sends out real roar and wail, and wants to rise up to resist, but it has no choice but to do so.

The ghost mother's avatar splits very fast, one ten to one hundred, just a few breathing skills. The colorful jellyfish float in the sky, forming a wonder, but behind this wonder, there is hidden It is death and murder.

At this time, Suhang was already sweating a little bit, but this thing is really a bit difficult.


At this time, the red squid, which was used as a weapon by Suhang, was dripping with blood and flesh. It seemed to be unbearable. It roared, and it straightened up instantly. Its long mouth protruded out, like a huge sucker, facing There was a round of sucking around.

A huge black hole formed in the nose of the red squid. The huge suction swept the four sides, forming a huge vortex, sucking the ghost mothers around.

There are such operations?

Su Hang was stunned, but he never thought that this red squid had helped himself.

But in fact, the red squid is just self-preservation. The damage caused by the ghost mother avatar is too great, but it has no room for resistance. It can only rely on instinct talents to **** these terrible jellyfish avatars. .

Su Hang was also so happy. How to deal with the headache just now? Now I used the red squid as a vacuum cleaner. I sucked in all directions. What should be sucked and what should not be sucked in.

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