Super Study God

Chapter 1836: For the rest of the life!

After a gust of wind swept through, the ghost mother avatars around Su Hang's body had been sucked by the red squid, and their stomachs rose like a mountain, and their bodies became colorful, and Su Hang regardless of whether it could digest it, He threw it directly on the ground and stepped on it.

Turned around and went to find the deity of the ghost mother. However, in this delayed effort, the broken space had been completely healed, and the figure of the ghost mother disappeared.

Actually let it escape?

Su Hang was a little angry. He could no longer capture the traces of the ghost mother deity. Obviously, he escaped while Su Hang was dealing with those ghost mothers.

If it was just hidden in the space barrier, Su Hang still has the ability to break the space and pull it out. However, it is obviously too late.


Su Hang snorted angrily, and directly slammed his air on the red squid beast, and stepped on it, spitting out a large amount of green water. Wherever the green water flows, everything is melted, those who have not yet had time The extraterrestrial creatures that escaped were also burnt and vanished in an instant.

"Get me up and swallow all these monsters!" Su Hang screamed and grabbed the red squid.

The red squirrel shivered. As one of the eight beast lords, when he encountered such a sturdy presence, when Suhang spoke, he dare not listen.

Suddenly slammed his belly and sucked into the surroundings.

The gusty wind, those extraterrestrial creatures, where the enemy can beat the beast master magical power, where the gusty wind swept, all the monsters are flying, the ground is running, the sky is flying, even the dark clouds and thunder on that day are swept away .

However, it must be as far as the eye can see. Within a thousand miles, there is no grass. The ground seems to have been scrapped by a steel knife for a few miles. The ground is sore, and no living creature can be seen.

The red squid was almost full and was almost struck to death, so he lay at the feet of Su Hang. Su Hang stood proudly, exhaling a long breath, forming a white cloud in the spotless sky.

Looking down at the Red Squirrel Venerable, it seemed as though I felt Su Hang's eyes. The previous fierceness of the Red Squirrel Venerable was completely gone, replaced by incomparable fear and trembling, as if I were praying for Su Hang to spare his life.

Su Hang kicked it, kicked it for a few miles, then stepped out again, came to him, and stretched out his hand like a dead dog, pulling it off the ground.

Red squid had already completely lost the fighting intention, and made a hoarse painful voice in his mouth, if he could speak, he was afraid that he would beg for Suhang now.

Su Hang glared, "You should be glad you still have a little use value!"

After all, throwing it directly on the ground, the red squid was lying on the ground and nodded.



For the rest of his life after the calamity, the mountain protection array restarted. In the battle just now, the Panhuang Palace was almost destroyed. After determining the safety, Yao Meng led the Pangu clan to withdraw from the Promise.

The Promise Realm is a world similar to the battle space of Su Hang. The space inside is vast and there are many human races. But this space is not left by Su Hang. How did it come? For more than 3,000 years, Su Hang It's not clear.

Everyone came out of the Promise Realm, and when they saw the horrible pieces of ruins around them, everyone was shocked to speak.

It has been more than ten years since extraterrestrial creatures attacked Tiandu Mountain. Within a thousand miles of the Tiandu Mountain, there are no more living creatures.

But at least there were so many herds around, they didn't even notice this, and now the herds receded, and what they saw was really shocking.

The earth doesn't know how big it has been scraped, there are ravines after the war, and there are some big pits that are either fighting or corroded by the venom of extraterrestrial creatures.

The entire Tiandu Mountain seems to be lifted a lot, it is completely an isolated peak, and the surrounding is full of desolation and ruins, it is simply the waste of the end.

Such a scene really makes people cry and watch, but in any case, the herd retreated, everyone's life was saved, lasted for more than ten years, and the fear was frightened. At the moment, they all fell temporarily, and everyone looked at the distance. One figure burst into tears.

I don't know if it's touched, excited, or joyful?

You old man really came in time. After a while, the entire human race will be finished.

The four beast lords have disappeared. They must have run away, or they have been killed. Everyone looked at the devastated mountain outside. It was hard to imagine what kind of war had just happened here.

Unfortunately, I didn't see it! Yao Meng and others are a little sorry, how long has it been since I saw Master's shot!

"It's done?" Yin Yuer walked up first, looking at Su Hang with some surprise. She was still worried that Su Hang could cope with it. After all, those extraterrestrial creatures, even she could only hide, but didn't want to Su Hang ended so quickly.

Just looking at this battlefield, you know how dangerous the battle was just Su Hang just nodded slightly, "The crisis is gone, I want this land to regain its vitality, it is too early!"

Yin Yuer stayed for a while, "What about the four beasts?"

Yin Yu'er's words just fell, and saw a red tentacle climbed on Su Hang's shoulder, and then, a huge head jumped out.

"What?" Yin Yu'er froze for a moment, but it was a monster with a red squid.

"Aren't you looking for those four beast lords? One ran and two died, so there was only one left!" Su Hang said, grabbing the red squid's neck directly, and threw it to Yin Yu'er.

Yin Yuer unconsciously reached out and caught the squid monster in his hand, which suddenly reflected what Su Hang was saying!


With a scream, Yin Yuer unconsciously threw the squid out. The squid rolled over in the air and landed firmly on the foot of Su Hang. He looked up and looked at Yin Yuer, full of hostility.

Yin Yu'er calmed down easily and said a little disbelief, "Is this the beast lord just now?"

What kind of international joke, just now, that animal beast, even when he saw him, was so dazed, how is it now?

It's small, docile, and pretends to be a very cute look. It's just a pet!

Yao Meng and the others were about to get close. Hearing this, he couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, looking alertly at the little squid at the foot of Su Hang, stunned.

Su Hang nodded slightly, the four beasts, but there was only one left.

Look at this posture, is this animal master conquered? Everyone was stunned. The horrible extraterrestrial beast that almost caused Pangu to cut off the inheritance was actually conquered. He was like a pet at the foot of Su Hang.

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