Super Study God

Chapter 1837: Great fortune!

"What do you do to keep this evil thing? Kill it quickly, so as not to leave trouble!" Yin Yu'er said.

This sentence can scare the red squid into a fight. I was afraid that I would scold Yin Yu'er for a **** dog. Why did I escape my life, and did you come to me for hatred again?

Su Hangdao, "I keep it, it will be useful!"

Without too much explanation, Su Hang turned to Yao Meng and others, "The crisis is over, arrange to rebuild the Panhuang Palace!"

Panhuang Palace has also almost become a ruin. As the home base of the human race, the status of Panhuang Palace is irreplaceable. At this time, the crisis has gone, and the reconstruction must naturally be put on the agenda immediately.

"Yes!" Yao Meng and others did not have anything to say. At this time, there are still many things to be solved for the rest of the life.

Besides, they looked at the little squid, and it was really dazed.

Yin Yu'er looked around. "It's such a broken scene. I want to restore my old life. I'm afraid I don't know how long it will be!"

Su Hang frowned slightly, "There are countless extraterrestrial creatures in this Xuanhuang domain. The crisis in Tiandu Mountain has gone, and other places have yet to be cleaned up. A good world is tossed like this, it is really abominable... …"

At this time, Su Hang was also worried. How to recover after the war was a big problem.

Yin Yu'er thought for a while and said, "Maybe you can turn to the Nuwa family, who is in charge of the origin of the earth. If they will help you and lend a little rest, they will make this state reborn and become the fertile soil of the past."

"Nuwa's?" Su Hang listened and shook his head. "I want to find Nüwa, but unfortunately, Nüwa has already avoided the world, I can't trace it!"

Speaking of which, Su Hang turned to Yin Yu'er, "Perhaps, do you know where the Nuwa family is?"

Su Hang, however, pinned his hopes on Yin Yu'er. Knowing that he sought Nuwa was not only for official business, but also a little selfish.

If you can find the Nuwa family, you might be able to find Ao Xue. This time I came to Taikoo. His original intention was to help Ao Xue.

This is helpless, but now, Yin Yuer has revived his hope.

At this time, Yin Yu'er shook his head, "When my father is here, you should actually ask my father, but unfortunately, I don't know."

Speaking of which, Yin Yu'er paused and looked up at Su Hang. "You seem to be very urgent to Nuwa."

Obviously, Yin Yuer also saw that Su Hang had a special meaning to Nuwa.

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Isn't that what you said, only the Nuwa clan can bring the world back to life quickly?"

Yin Yu'er stared at Su Hang. Obviously, Su Hang's words did not satisfy her.

However, seeing that Su Hang didn't want to say more, Yin Yuer was too lazy to ask and put his doubts in his heart, and said immediately, "Although I don't know where the Nuwa's body is, I know that Nuwa The clan has always been kind and generous. Whenever there is a big disaster in the world, they will always have their people in the world to save the people. This big disaster is probably no exception. Ask your apprentices, maybe there will be gains."


Su Hang's heart was originally silent, but after hearing Yin Yuer's words, hope rekindled in an instant.

Suddenly, Su Hang took a bottle out of the storage ring.

A small jade bottle, which looks translucent, seems to contain something inside.

"What?" Yin Yuer asked.

Su Hangdao, "In the early years, there was a little bit of congenital abundance, but not many, but it should be able to make the Tiandu Mountain a thing."

"Innate breath?" Yin Yu'er was a little surprised, but that is the source of all the earth, and it is a rare thing in heaven. "Where did you get it?"

Su Hangdao, "I had some friendship with Nuwa's family at first, and there are a few innate birthrights. It should be nothing."

It makes a lot of sense, but Yin Yuer always feels that Su Hang, the guy, never seems to tell her the truth.

For such a precious thing in Xiyang, will Nuwa give it away casually?

Obviously not. The few grains of Suhang were obtained from the Laomu clan in later generations. They were not very popular. Later, they were used a little bit more and more, so there are only a few grains left, but even if they are just A few tablets are absolutely extraordinary.

Without saying anything, Su Hang directly opened the bottle cap and poured it gently, and the few grains of soil in the bottle popped out.

Falling from the cliff to the bottom of the mountain, the breathing soil has just touched the ground, just like a lump of pure sodium fell into the water, only a moment, the ground immediately boiled, the breathing soil changed into ten, ten hundred, hundred Thousands of dollars turned over a large piece of reddish brown earth.

The mud is like a sea wave, surging and surging, from the near to the far, like the seawater that breaks the dike, and quickly spreads to the distance.

The huge vitality instantly flooded the whole world.


A large area of ​​land turned up, extending infinitely around Tiandu Mountain, as if countless earth dragons were walking on the ground They went back and forth, but when they saw the scene under the mountain, they were completely shocked.

The land that was originally destroyed in the war was quickly filled up. From near to far, the ground was surging, the mountains rose up, and I did not know where it extended.

Sure enough, the ancestors are better than others.

The paving earthy atmosphere, mixed with endless vitality, made everyone on the mountain unable to bear a deep breath, and could not remember how many years have not smelled so fresh.

It took a long time for Xiyang to seem to have reacted with the earth, and from the Tiandu Mountain to the surroundings, countless large and small mountains were created out of thin air.

At this time, Yin Yuer stood up, "I can't help but want to show my hand."

Speaking, I don't know where to find a cloth bag.

"What?" Su Hang turned to Yin Yu'er and looked over.

Yin Yuer smiled, opened the cloth bag, grabbed a handful of things from it, and threw it into the air.

The green flowers, like pollen, float into the air and fall into the earth soon.

Immediately afterwards, a jaw-dropping scene appeared, and from the foot of the Tiandu Mountain, a verdant green quickly appeared.

Flowers and trees suddenly rose from the ground, and a series of trees quickly rose, then quickly spread to the distance, just like the movements just brought by the soil, just like a colorful river, flowing quickly in all directions.

At this moment, Su Hang actually feels a little bit of creation. I am afraid that the master of the Dadao realm creates the world. I am afraid this is the general picture?

Su Hang's face was full of surprises, not to mention those disciples and doormen, one by one has already been dumbfounded.

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