Super Study God

Chapter 1838: Race bag!

It was still a piece of wasteland just now, but now it is covered with high mountains and trees, and it is like a fairyland that seems to have experienced countless years in the sea.

Yin Yu'er collected the bag and smiled at Su Hang. He raised the bag in his hand. "My bag is called a land-growing bag, and it contains countless species of earth plants. As long as it is grown in soil, it can be found. "

"Oh? It's so magical?" Su Hang looked at Yin Yu'er, who was a little humiliating.

Yin Yu'er smiled proudly, and said, "Of course it is magical. This bag comes from the hand of the powerful celestial celestial being in the realm of heaven. There are a total of three. Out of countless gods and soldiers, the middle one is the seed bag in my place. Everything that can grow in the soil is in a small bag in my universe. The next one is the seed bag. The bag contains countless people. , Grab it out..."


Listening to Yin Yu'er's continuous talk, Su Hang hurriedly listened, and looked at Yin Yuer with a twitching face. "I know all kinds of bags, and what kind of bag does it sound weird."

"Weird? Weird there?" Yin Yuer looked at Su Hang with surprise.

Su Hang smiled, "We sell in our hometown, two dollars each, just a one-time, nothing unusual."

"Huh?" Yin Yuer looked at Su Hang weirdly. What kind of vernacular is this guy talking about, how can he not understand?

Ethnic bags, what kind of artifacts, where can you buy anywhere in your hometown?

Su Hang looked at her with a dumb face, and was too lazy to tease her. He talked to a primitive man who was too ancient, and it was different from playing a piano with a cow.

At this time, I was still interested in talking about meat, and Suhang could be regarded as having fun.



After a day of repair, with the efforts of the gods in the palace, the destroyed place in the Panhuang Palace has been cleaned up, and finally it has a place to live.

Above the Pangu Hall, Su Hang called all the disciples above Tianzunjing.

More than a hundred people have experienced such a catastrophe, and can still retain such strength. Su Hang can be regarded as a little comfort.

But what can these more than 100 people do?

Looking away, among the second generation of disciples, only Yao Meng, Di Jiang, and Huai Sheng collected three people, but they did not see Tianwu, Shebi, and others.

Suffering from a shuddering heart, Su Hang did not dare to ask. He stayed in the valley for only a moment, but he had been outside for more than three thousand years, but he did not know how many disciples died.

Dijiang seemed to know what Su Hang wanted to ask, and quickly said, "Master, rest assured, the three brothers of Tianwu, Qiangliang, and Shebi are all stationed in their respective locations. I have contacted them two days ago, and it will be fine. "

After Suhang heard this, where could he rest assured, "Can Zhu Jiuyin and Panzi?"


The three listened and looked at each other, the expressions on their faces seemed a bit lonely and awkward.

Seeing this, Su Hang did not know where the big things were going wrong, so there was no need to ask.

Yao Meng said, "When I return to Master, the two brothers, they have been robbed 1,400 years ago and died in the hands of Beast Master Ghost Mother and Fire Crow."

Su Hang heard this and frowned slightly. Although it was clear that he was already mentally prepared, when he heard Yao Meng say this, he still felt as if he had been pierced by something.

Su Hang couldn't help closing his eyes and took a long breath. The disciples in the hall also knew that Su Hang must be in a bad mood, and they all buried their heads and dared not say much.

Finally, Su Hang calmed down, opened his eyes, and said, "In those days, dozens of your brothers and sisters were able to enter my door, but now, only a few of you are left. I'm sorry for you."

At that time, Su Hang received Dijiang and they started, but there were 60 or 70 people. However, there were fewer people if they didn't see it once. Until now, if they don't count Yaomeng and Yaoyue, who have just started, they will live to the present. There are only five people.

Even if Xuan Ming is trapped in the earth mansion, there are only six people.

Every time at this time, Su Hang had an urge to cry, but he was only in his twenties, but it seemed that he had experienced several white-haired people sending black hair.

Heartache, pain can hardly be compounded, beyond description.

"The disciple waits for fear."

The disciples heard the words and quickly fell to their knees.

He replied, "Master is the biological father and mother of disciples, so why don't you say sorry to disciples, etc. Master should never say that again, otherwise disciples and others will be hard to be humans."

After that, all the disciples prostrated their heads together at Su Hang.

Su Hang waved his hand, "Get up, don't kneel, now all the living tribes in the Xuanhuang domain have suffered a great deal of annihilation, and the human race is almost genocide. ."

Emperor Jiang quickly said, "Master rest assured that this world-wide catastrophe is serious, but most of the human races and tribes have temporarily avoided the infinite state. Since the millennium disaster, human races, demon races and Many other races have not broken the lineage."

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Dijiang. He was a little curious about this infinite state.

Emperor Jiang Dao said, "The Promise Realm is the small world that Hongjun Daozu appeared in the beginning of the Great Tribulation. The people of all ethnic groups can enter the Promise Realm asylum at the moment of crisis. This is the Promise Realm for our people. Save the fire."


Su Hang heard the words, his face changed slightly, and this conspiracy, fearing that the world is not messy, still has some conscience.

However, the number of robbery has evolved to such a point, and he did not see him to stop it, which made Su Hang feel a little unhappy.

It is said that if it were not for itself to appear in time today, Pangu's fear that the inheritance had been broken, could he really just sit back and ignore it?

"Who told me, why did this big disaster happen?" Su Hang didn't talk about Hongjun, but directly diverted the topic.

Emperor Jiang Dao said, "If you return to Master, this big disaster is caused by the two younger brothers of the demon Lin Yulinqiu. At the same time, 800 years after the master left, Lin Yulinqiu used the secret method of Taihuang Mountain to report his revenge. , Breaking through time and space, attracting extraterrestrial creatures to come, and want to compete against me."

"However, what I didn't expect is that the two's summoning skills are not pure, they can't be received, they can't be collected, and a large number of extraterrestrial creatures are coming..."

Su Hang heard, black face, "It really is these two guys."

When Su Hang left, he had already anticipated this situation. The two were first defeated by Qintai Mountain, and then humiliated by Hong Jun. They must have revenge. If they retaliated against Hong Jun, they would probably turn to anger in the region.

However, when Su Hang calculates the time, the invasion of extraterritorial creatures should be around this time, so it is easy to connect them together.

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