Super Study God

Chapter 1938: Uncle Bilian!

"Sister, you are saying something!"

A young man stood up, "Isn't it just hindering the interests of Buddhism? Tiandu Mountain is acting in such a way, it is really unfair. Everyone knows that the Master is a person, so many seniors are pleading for the Master, but you can say How does Tiandu Mountain respond? Whoever wants to plead with the Master, go to heaven and ask for pleading face to face, which is simply deceiving!"

"Yes, it's really deceiving..."

"Master is good all his life, when did he do something harmful and harmless, he was treated as such?"

"The sky doesn't mean that who wants to plead with the Master, then go to heaven to plead face to face? Let's just go up the mountain together!"

"Kill the heaven together, save Master!"

"Kill heaven, save Master!"


The hall was even more agitated and excited with emotions, one by one like the blood of chickens, and in the end it even started clamoring to kill heaven!

"Silence!" At this time, Master Miaoshan, who had not spoken, suddenly spoke.

The sound instantly spread throughout the noisy hall, and the hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Miaoshan.

The black-faced big man's eyes gleamed with golden light, "Sister Sister, you also agreed to kill Heavenly Capital and save Master Zun? What are you waiting for? Let's hurry up and call for people..."

Everyone has to act, but sees Miao Shan coldly said, "It's just nonsense!"

"Sister, you..." The black-faced big man was stagnant and looked at Miaoshan with some disbelief.

Not only the black-faced man, but almost everyone in the hall looked at her in amazement. Everyone was thinking of ways to save Master. How could it be you, who seemed not nervous at all?

"Huh, Senior Zhong, it seems that Senior Sister didn't even want to save our Master!"

"Yeah, after all, Sister Miaoshan is now the master of our supreme good Taoist sect. If Master returns, she can't sit still!"


In the crowd, two older elders who looked slightly older, you two said one word, after I said, everyone gathered their contemptuous eyes on Miao Shan, obviously many people think that the two elders said fact.

It took a long time before Miaoshan spoke slowly, and said, "Do you all think that I don't want to save the Master? In fact, I want to save the Master, a seat of the Sovereign, than any of you, where can I compare the teachings of the Master?" ?"

Everyone stayed for a while, and the dark-faced big man said, "Since that is the case, then go to heaven with us and save the teacher to go down the mountain!"

"Yes, let's go to heaven together..."

Excited by the emotions, he almost lifted his sleeves and shouted!

"Shut up!" Miaoshan drank and looked at the group of people in a rather helpless way, "Kill the heavens? It's easy to say, why? Just rely on the few of us?"

Everyone stayed for a while, apparently calmed down by Miaoshan's words, and for a moment had nothing to say.

At this time, Miaoshan's tone slowed down a little bit, and said, "I know that everyone wants to save the Master, but, because of this, we should not lose our minds. Even if we all kill Tiandu Mountain together, we might not even see Tiandu Mountain. Has been wiped out!"

These words are too straightforward and too shocking, but everyone has to admit that Miaoshan said it is indeed the fact that even their master, Miaoshan, has to admit their obedience, not to mention these people. ?

"Master Zun has a wide network of people and good connections on weekdays. Let's call on the seniors who were previously co-sponsored to kill Heaven and save Master Zun!" Blackfaced Dahan said.

"Kill kill, Brother Zhong, what else do you know besides killing?" Miaoshan was anxious. "Master teaches us to be kind to others, but you have committed the ring of killing!"

The black-faced big man's face was darker, but he was so suffocated that he could only grunt and sulked.

At this time, Miaoshan turned to everyone and said, "These predecessors, willing to sign on the list, have already given Master the greatest face. How can we let them fall into murder again?"

When saying this, Miaoshan sighed in his heart. Although these people have a bit of affection with the Master, they are not fatal friendships after all. You can ask them to ask for help, but let them help to kill God. Are you ridiculous?

"God is unfair, in order to target me only to the most good Taoist sect, but his Buddhist door can do nothing!"

"I don't believe it, Tiandu Mountain can cover the sky with only one hand!"


Everyone began to vent angrily again. That kind of anger, I was afraid that it would burn the whole hall for a while.

"Sister, how do we do it now?" asked a young monk.

"Yes, Sister, please give me advice, it's so plain and flattered, not our style of the Taoist Sect, no matter what, we must save the Master." Elder Dao, another old woman dressed up.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Miao Shan, this will not work, that will not work, then you have to give it to him!

Miaoshan hesitated for a moment and said, "Master seems to have expected the ending long ago and once asked me!"

"Entrust? What entrust!" Everyone stared at Miaoshan, listening to the meaning of Zi Miaoshan, wouldn't it be the arrangement of the Supreme Master?

Miao Shan said, "Master Zun once told me that if the sect was in great trouble in the future, and her old man was away, let me go to Bu Yaoshan to find Uncle Bilian!"

"Uncle Bilian? Who is Uncle Bilian?" The crowd watched from side to side. You look at me, I look at you. It seems that you have never heard of this name, and finally you can only focus your eyes on Miaoshan, When will there be another teacher?

"I haven't seen this teacher yet, but the words came from the mouth of the master. I think it should be old with the master, it should be for the unbelievable characters!" Miao Shan said.

"What are you waiting for, now is the moment of crisis, hurry up!" The black-faced man is an impatient ~ ~ shouted immediately, more excited than anyone.

"Yeah, yeah, go to Buyaoshan, saying, where is Buyaoshan?"

"Bu Yaoshan, never heard of it!"

Everyone was agitated, and they were all stunned. What step Yaoshan had never heard of.

At this time, Miaoshan once again stopped everyone and said, "I will do the thing to find Uncle Bilian, but I am afraid that it will take some time. Before leaving, the deity still has something to order!"

At this time, everyone was in order, "please show your lord!"

Miao Shan said, "After I leave, I will wait for nothing and don't clash with Tiandu Mountain. If you kill Tiandu, don't say it again. You only need, so, so and so..."

"Sister, this..." All the disciples heard this and suddenly froze for a moment, as if they could not believe their ears.

Miao Shan said, "I only need to do it, I have to wait for me to come back, whether I can save the Master, it depends on this time..."

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