Super Study God

Chapter 1939: Heavenly visitors!

"Okay, I don't believe him dare to risk the world!"

"I just wait for the order, sister Sister go back quickly!"



I don't know what kind of Taoist Sect was thinking, but it was too naive to try to save people from the hands of Su Hang.

The words were divided into two ends, but it was said that Su Hang was meditating in the Dragon Palace at this time, trying to control the black hole seed in Dantian.

It's just that, as Jie Moxin said, this thing is not as easy to be surrendered as imagined. Su Hang couldn't even touch the fire door and made a lot of fools, but instead made the black hole seeds grow a lot.

"Don't worry too much about everything, the fate hasn't come yet." At this time, Jie Moxin said beside him.

Su Hang listened, and had something to complain about. Suddenly, his heart froze, and the expression on his face became abnormally dignified, and the whole person disappeared from the room out of thin air.


Tiandu Mountain is behind the mountain, and it is on the Zen platform.

At that time, Su Hang was here to conquer the world. It can be said that the scenery is infinite, but unfortunately the times have changed. There were few people who participated in the Feng Zen.

After all, it was 100,000 years ago, and Feng Chantai was still there. It was the same as it was 100,000 years ago.

Su Hang came here, but he didn't come to remember the past. At this moment, on the Fengchen Terrace, a man in Tsing Yi stood hand in hand, looking far into the distance, the mountain breeze blew his clothes and hunted, and the black hair danced wildly, saying A feeling that cannot be found.

"I don't know who your Excellency is?" Although this person turned his back to himself, Su Hang could clearly feel his powerful aura, and could not help being secretly a little guarded.

"You are Su Hang?" The man didn't turn around, his hands were behind him, and he didn't even move.

Listening to the voice is not young, it should look like a 30 or 40 year old, but with such a strong aura, this person will definitely not be 30 or 40 years old.

"Yes, I am Su Hang, who is your Excellency?" Su Hang had to ask again.

"You don't know me." At this time, the man finally turned around and looked at Su Hang with a pair of deep eyes. "There is no need to know me because a dead person does not need to know who I am."

As soon as these words came out, Su Hang's eyebrows twisted up, and listened to the popularity of the population, it was quite rushing, what does it mean? Want to kill yourself?

"Oh? Is that so?" Su Hang said with a smile. "Even if it is a dead person, you have to know how you died? Otherwise, where is the King of Kings, it is a confused ghost."

A closer look at this man, the man in his thirties, has a burly figure, a personable manner, and a good appearance, that is, that pair of single eyelids paired with that pair of faces looks a bit weird. At first impression, I don't feel like a good person.

The man listened to Su Hang's words, but smiled a little, adding a bit of ecstasy and madness. "Then you don't have to worry anymore. If you die on your hands, you can't even make a ghost."

Su Hang's face is black, is he a late stage two disease guy?

"If I remember correctly, we really don't know. Listening to your tone, it's asking me for trouble. I said, buddy, wouldn't you go the wrong way and admit the wrong door?" Su Hangdao.

The man stared at Su Hang in this way, his eyes were a little hairy, and it took a while to say, "Boy, before I start, you can choose to break yourself. In that case, you may be able to fall into a whole body."

It's almost helpless. Su Hang is quite speechless at this time. Are these so-called masters so arrogant?

Su Hang took two steps forward, gazing up and down at the person in front of him, "Let me guess, you should be from outside the domain. If you guessed right, should you come from heaven?"

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "I can have this kind of eyesight, and I have some patience."

Su Hang smiled and said, "It's not that I have good eyesight, but because, all of you from Heaven Realm are all eyes above the top, think you are superior, I have seen many people from Heaven Realm, you should be One of the most arrogant."

"I can understand it, are you praising me?" The humane.

Su Hang smiled, "Whatever you understand, you shouldn't be considered a decent person in heaven. It should be the benefit of some forces. I ran to get rid of this scourge, but I don't know if I guess. Right?"

"Fart." The man immediately took a sip, "Xu Fan, Deacon of the Wu Nai Avenue Sect Discipline Palace, you are just a little ants, dare to slam words and defame me?"


Su Hang chuckled, not so crazy just now, wouldn't even say his name? Isn't this the obedient initiative to sign up?

"Xu Fan?" Su Hang shook his head very simply, "I haven't heard of it."

"Humph." The man snorted coldly, "Xuanhuang ants, naturally ignorant, since you already know the identity of the deity, then you should know the origin of the deity. From now on, your life is not yours."

"I have long heard that many people in Heaven Realm want to kill me, but they don't want to run into one so quickly. However, generally speaking, the first ones to play are just some little ones. The real master should be the finale, you are The first one, presumably..." Su Hang smiled softly, with a strong sense of sarcasm between words.

Xu Fan was furious, and this guy was suggesting that he was a little babble?

"Boy, your mouth is very annoying, let the deity come to help you tear him up." Xu Fan snorted, his figure disappeared instantly, and when he appeared again, he was already standing in front of Su Hang, his hands directly facing Su Hang's mouth ripped away.


Where is Suhang willing to sit down? Just hit a punch like that person smashed into the past, Xu Fan was about to tear to Suhang, suddenly felt dangerous, and quickly reached out to block.


The fists intersect, and the two retreat one after another.

Xu Fan shook his right hand with some numbness and looked at Su Hang with some surprise. "Actually, I can take a trick. If it spreads out, you will be enough to be famous among the heavens and the world."

It's really a matter of saying nothing, but obviously, Xu Fan didn't expect that Su Hang would have such a great strength that it was enough to compete with himself.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, and his eyes were also splashed with warfare. "Whether you are Xu Xian or Xu Fan, whoever is dead will probably not be known."

Xu Fan's face was black, "The boy with the surname Su, the deity now officially informs you as a deacon of the Daozong Discipline Palace, you have committed a heinous crime, and today's lifespan has reached the end."

"Monstrous sin? What monstrous sin?" Su Hang froze for a moment. When did he commit any monstrous sin? Why didn't he laugh with himself?

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