Super Study God

Chapter 2453: Boundless fire!

?Is this really just a five-point force? He wanted to cope with it with all his strength, and he could not cope with it.

You know, what you hold in your hand is Heavenly Sin, and you never lose to Daxian stick!

Su Hang floated up and looked directly at Lin Xuan, "Xiao Xuan, it seems that you have really grown a lot over the years, and can withstand my five points of strength. Looking at the entire Wanjie Conference, you are the only one!"

Lin Xuan heard that his face twitched slightly. Su Hang's words were more about boasting Lin Xuan than boasting himself.

Moreover, Lin Xuan did not hear the meaning of praise, he only felt sarcasm and disdain.

How can he not be angry, he has already lost 10% of that year, and today he loses again, it is absolutely unbearable for him!

"Borderless fire!"

Lin Xuan's body of war increased sharply, and the heavenly sins pushed aside, Ma Bu leaned forward, and his hands flicked on the ring.


In the ringing drama, a large black flame rose quickly, and quickly headed towards the oncoming Su Hang.

The industry fire, the boundless industry fire, Lin Xuan's best tricks.

The horrible flame instantly annihilated Su Hang, and the entire ring seemed to become an ink scroll in a flash, most of which was soaked with black ink, and it was impossible to see what kind of scene was in the black area.

Burn him, and above the stands, many people are secretly praying, hoping that Su Hang will quickly lose to Lin Xuan's hand, lest Lin Xuan take the Heavenly Sin to dry up, make people panic and worry.

Lin Xuan looked closely at the flames in front of him. You know, he absorbed the karma of the entire Heavenly Sin Pool. The karma and magical powers have entered the peak. In the previous battle, although he also used karma, he also used karma. At most, it is only a five-point force. Nowadays, in the face of Su Hang, he has no reservation at all.

The boundless industry fire was urged to its peak, and even the chaos was melted and burned, and the ring was slowly scorching and sinking. I can imagine how terrible this flame was.

Without entering the realm of the realm of the realm, the flesh can't bear the burning of this kind of industry fire, and Su Hang can never enter the realm of the realm of the realm!

Lin Xuan was even dreaming of Su Hang being entangled in the industry and unable to escape, begging him for mercy.

If Su Hang begged him for mercy, he could consider spared Su Hang's life.

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly had a not-so-good hunch.

If you look closely, there seems to be a dark shadow moving in the horrible black fire, slowly coming out of the sea of ​​fire.

When the figure came out of the sea of ​​fire, Lin Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, who wasn't Su Hang?

I saw that Su Hang was coming in, the horrible black flames were all around, but these flames didn't seem to hurt him. After he walked out of the sea of ​​flames, the flames gradually became smaller, and after a while, they completely extinguished and turned into a ray of light. Black gas, it seems to be absorbed by Su Hang!

How can it be? Lin Xuan could not accept this reality, and his face was completely unbelievable.

"I have been in the Promise World for a few months, and I don't want to be filthy. For you, this industry fire is like nothing to me!" Su Hang looked at Lin Xuan and said lightly, "Don't waste your energy, admit defeat. , This frame, there is no need to continue!"

Lin Xuan stared at Su Hang for a long time, and his right hand was above the sin of heaven. "You are too happy. I have lost it once. This time, in any case, it is impossible to lose to your hand!"

Su Hang shook his head, "Really win or lose is so important? Xiaoxuan, you are too extreme, let go of God's sins, calm down, you want to win, I can let you win!"


Lin Xuan heard the words and suddenly laughed, "Winning or losing is not important? That is because you have been winning, so you will think that winning or losing is not important. If you keep losing, will you say this sentence frankly?"

Su Hang heard the words and was silent for a while, "I thought that when I was on the earth, in order to take a college exam, I took three years of tuition, a senior year, and I read it four times, so why not lose? But have I ever complained? If you can’t pass the exam, you can take the second exam. Is it necessary to fight for your life? You live by yourself, why do you want to compare with others?”

"Humph!" Lin Xuan snorted coldly, "Do you know what I hate you the most? What I hate the most is that you use this fake face to tell me the false reason of being shitless!"

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "I was riding a donkey when someone was riding a horse, and bowed my head to sigh that I might as well. I stopped and looked back, and there were still shoulder pickers..."

"So, in your eyes, am I riding a donkey, or picking up a shoulder?" Lin Xuan asked.

"It's not important!" Su Hang shook his head. "I just want to say that in your status, many things don't need to compete at all. Compared with you, I'm just a tiny native of the Xuanhuang Realm. mesa……"

"However, Grandpa is your fancy!" Lin Xuan interrupted Su Hang directly.

Speaking of which, Lin Xuan's eyes glared, as if poking his heart.

Su Hang frowned gently.

Lin Xuandao, "Originally, at the last Wanjie Conference, Grandpa deliberately passed on me, but, because of you, Grandpa gave up that idea and only gave me Xuanhuang Realm, let me wait for so many years, until When you show up, I don’t understand, what’s special about you, why did your grandfather look at you? Until now, I don’t understand, what is wrong with me..."

Listening to Lin Xuan's breath seemed like a madness, as if to vent all the dissatisfaction that was suppressed in my heart.

Su Hang didn't speak for a while, and said after a long time, "Last night, I saw your grandfather, whether you believe it or not, your grandfather told me that his successor, which he likes, is neither you nor me..."

"Hehe!" Lin Xuan chuckled, obviously did not believe it.

"I You have been complaining to me for a long time. It is impossible to make you believe. However, I still want to say that I am not interested in the seat of the patriarch. I will stand here today. The opposite of you on the top is completely forced by the situation. I don’t even bother to disregard what kind of **** sect!" Su Hang said directly.

At this moment, Su Hang may be a little clear. The reason why Lin Xuan has always been hostile to himself may be because of the intentional and unintentional actions of real people.

Imagine that the heir of a large family originally thought that he could inherit the power, but the old man in the family would donate his property or give it to a roadside beggar. Who can bear it on this?

After years of grievances, mental energy is not normal?

"Oh!" Lin Xuan sneered, "You disdain, but others are fighting for blood, who do you think you are? I just want to compete with you today..."


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