Super Study God

Chapter 2454: All sins are mortal!

? "Compare a game, and then? Even if you win, what can you prove?" Su Hang asked.

Lin Xuan gritted his teeth, "At least prove that I am not worse than you, grandpa he misread you!"

Su Hang shook his head and said, "You and I are also brothers anyway. I never thought you were worse than me. Xiaoxuan, there is no **** enmity between you and me. If you can let go of prejudice, I will still treat you as your brother!"

Lin Xuan stared at Su Hang for a long time, "Impossible, this battle between you and me cannot end here..."

Su Hangdao, "To be honest, your current strength cannot win me. If you lose this time, there will be another time. I really don't want to see such an ending..."

Lin Xuan said faintly, "This is the last time. If you can win me, I promise that I won't be entangled in the future. I just want to fight one day today!"

Su Hang waved his hand, "Why!"


Lin Xuan snorted, flew back into the air directly, the sky sin in his hand flew into the air, only to see Lin Xuan tilted his neck, just heaven sin fell.


In the exclamation of everyone, I saw Lin Xuan's mouth, and even swallowed the **** stick directly into his mouth.

He, wouldn’t he think about it?

Everyone was stunned, thinking that Lin Xuan could not beat Su Hang, so he moved on.

However, Su Hang's brow furrowed tightly, this guy, shouldn't he...


Lin Xuan swallowed the sin of heaven into his belly, and immediately, his body was shocked, a circle of black ripples bloomed from him, and spread to all directions.

"Boom, boom..."

The terrifying heartbeat affects everyone's heartbeat. Many of the powerful people in Dadao Realm are now with a pale green face, as if there is a certain resonance with Lin Xuan on the field.

"This guy... what are you doing?"

There is a bad hunch in everyone's heart!

Even Zun Zun et al. stood up and stared closely at the ring below.

"It's crazy, is it such a fate?" Hong Jun shook his head.

Zun Zun said angrily, "It's just nonsense, actually trying to devour the sins of heaven to improve his skill. Is this kid's head kicked by a donkey?"

Chaos shook his head, "There are countless original sins trapped in the sin of heaven. This boy is really brave enough, but he is not yet capable of surrendering to the devil in the stick. I am afraid that he has signed some kind of contract with those original sins. Borrow the power of these original sins!"

Yang Mei smiled bitterly, "The original sin that is trapped in the sin of heaven is not only tens of thousands, even if it is just a contract, one person has the power of one world, there are tens of thousands of worlds. !"

"This child has already fallen into demon, Dao friends, ready to clean up the mess!"

Chaos sighed, and then the four of them drifted down, fell into the field, and sat down in the seats in front of the ring, each occupying one side.

It boiled, and even surprised the four big brothers, this thing is obviously big!

Pan Yu and Nan Yusheng were also very shocked. Chaos and other big guys suddenly appeared in the field. Obviously the situation on the ring was beyond control. They had to be prepared to intervene at any time.


"Lin Xuan, you are crazy!"

I saw that Lin Xuan was filled with black energy, and the momentum rose rapidly. Su Hang was shocked and shouted.

He couldn't see what Lin Xuan wanted to do?

Using his own flesh to carry countless original sins and borrowing the power of countless original sins in the heavenly sins, he wanted to use this method to achieve a sudden increase in power and suppress the goal of the Soviet airlines.

What kind of adventure is it to borrow the flesh to the original sin, thinking of a Styx, it almost took over Su Hang's flesh and made Su Hang dead!

There is more than one Styx among the sins of heaven, which seals the original sins of the powerful men of countless avenues in the heavens and the heavens of this heaven. Lin Xuan is good at opening seals and signing contracts with countless original sins. The power will eventually be swallowed by the Ten Thousand Demons, falling into the abyss.

Su Hang immediately took the Daxian stick and flew up, in any case, to stop him, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.


Immediately came to Lin Xuan, Su Hang did not say a word, directly hit the stick and hit, hit the head with a stick towards Lin Xuan.

With this stick, Suhang did not have the slightest reservation and used all its strength.



In the stands, Yin Yu'er and others were shocked and couldn't help but squeeze a handful of cold sweat. The expression on Xiao Yang's face next to him was very solemn. Originally, he believed that no one would be Su Hang's opponent in this scene, but at this moment, when Lin Xuan Devouring heavenly sins, he has begun to doubt the ending!

Recalling that day at his residence, gave Suhang the power to test the world, 98,000 world!

Such a terrifying figure directly defeated his proud heart, nearly 100,000 realms, such a force, looking at the entire Wanjie Conference, can you find an enemy?

It can only be said that Su Hang really hides too deeply. In the competition with him, he hides a lot of strength. This guy is not honest at all.

Until just now, he thought that it was not difficult for Su Hang to win Lin Xuan, but he never thought that Lin Xuan would be so crazy.

Although there is the **** of heavenly sin, the original sin can not give him much power, but even if each original sin gives him the power of a world, there are at least tens of thousands of powers. If it can give the ten worlds, it is tens of hundreds. What a horror is the world?

Although Xiao Yang did not understand those forces, I am afraid that even if they are powerful people such as Chaos and Devourer, they will not have the power of more than one million circles?

Such strength is enough to crush Suhang!

However, in this game, even if Lin Xuan won, I'm afraid that all the demons will die.

This is destined to a two-harmful ending.


Amidst the horrible black air, Lin Xuan suddenly opened a pair of pure black eyes and looked up at Su Hang who had hit his stick.

No white eyes, black hair!

Along with a cold hum, Lin Xuan directly punched and hit the big fairy stick.

How hard is it to have confidence in the body?


Su Hang puts its best efforts at With the blessing of the big fairy stick, it definitely exceeds the strength of 100,000 circles!

However, at this moment, such a terrifying force seems to become insignificant.

An even greater force came from Lin Xuan's fist, and the force of the anti-shock directly flew Su Hang out.

The entire ring space is like a crack, and the shield is immediately covered with cracks. The chaos under the stage and other people are frightened, and quickly get up and take their positions to bless the shield!

The crack-covered shield, blessed by the enchantment of the four people, quickly cracked.

Everyone on the stands was wiped with cold sweat, but the ring was reinforced by Di Zun, and the space was so stable. Now it is actually asking four big shots. The fight between the two of them on the stage, I don’t know how fierce it was. A big shot, I am afraid that most of the people on the field will not be able to run away.


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