Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3083: Where is the fairy?

"Fifth-level dominance, growing very fast!"

Under the moonlight, Meng Nan was lying on a rocking chair in a courtyard, looking up at the three moons in the sky.

The moonlight is quiet, everything is in silver, and there are occasional screams from outside the courtyard, which adds a bit of silence to the atmosphere!

Su Hang sat next to him, shook his head and sighed, "I went to the void world this time, and I have seen the outside world, the fifth-order dominance is really nothing, and someone stronger than me , Everywhere, alas, it's still too slow!"

Meng Nan closed his eyes and said, "People are content in contentment, and contented people are always happy. If one day, you can really let go of everything. Like me, you will truly discover life after living a normal life. Good, what's the use of cultivation? Cultivation for thousands of years is not as fulfilling as a mortal day!"

Or, this is the perception of the strong, you are already in that state, naturally qualified to say such a thing, and Su Hang still has a responsibility on his body, where dare to sit down and rest?

"I don't know if Brother Meng Nan knows that someone in the void world has touched the threshold of the founding state. I believe that the existence of the founding state will be born soon!" Su Hang turned to Meng Nan.

"Oh, is it? What's the matter to me?" Meng Nan said lightly, without even lifting his eyelids.

He didn't care. The birth of one or two founding states was not a matter for him at all, and he didn't even care about it.

Su Hang was really curious about what realm Meng Nan had reached. Quietly, Su Hang tuned out the Xueshen system and scanned Meng Nan.

Although he knew the result, Su Hang still scanned it. Sure enough, there was no gain at all, and the Xueshen system could not scan Meng Nan's slightest information at all.

Perhaps it was something that felt, Meng Nan opened his eyes, looked at Su Hang, said nothing, just looked at him like that.

Su Hang was kind of peeped and found out. He immediately smiled awkwardly and quickly changed the subject, "Brother Meng Nan, when I was in the Holy Ghost House, I heard Ming Gu talked about fairy spirits, and he said that the breakthrough was initiated After the realm, he will leave the void world and go to a place called the fairy. I remember Brother Meng Nan also said that you are also from the fairy. Where is the fairy?"

A light smile appeared on Meng Nan's face, and he closed his eyes again, lying down comfortably, "You are only a fifth-order master, just ask what you do. When you know, even if you don't want to know, it will happen naturally. know!"

"It's just curious!" Su Hang said with a smile. "In my current state, I believe that it is not difficult to break through the dominant state and reach the founding state, so if you inquire early, you may have a yearning!"

Meng Nan shook his head, "The yearning is often beautiful, but I am afraid that is not the case. It is just a settlement of the stronger. It gathers a part of the higher-order life that can create a great deal. You can think of it as a chaotic world. It can also be regarded as a void world, the only difference is that the first floor is moved to the second floor, and the lower floors are moved to the upper floors!"

This analogy is somewhat appropriate.

"Then, I don't know Brother Meng Nan, how many floors do I live in now?" Su Hang asked, but he was testing Meng Nan's bottom.

Meng Nan opened his eyes and glanced at Su Hang, then smiled, "I don't live in the building now, there are too many people in the community, I still like to find a clean country and build such a villa!"


Su Hang heard this and was speechless for a while, and felt that Meng Nan was unfathomable.

If the fairy is a community, Meng Nan has come out from inside and lived in a villa, and Su Hang himself can now rent a house outside the community.

However, Su Hang believes that he should be able to enter the community soon, and then climb up from the first floor to the first floor. Finally, like Meng Nan, he owns his own villa, wherever he wants to live.

"I wonder when Brother Meng Nan plans to return to the fairy?" Su Hang asked.

Meng Nan gave him a weird look, "Are you asking yourself, or is anyone asking you to ask?"

Meng Nanlai has also been in the Promise Palace for a long time, and I don’t know how he and Panyu have progressed. However, when he wants to come to Meng Nan, he feels that he has been staying for a long time. Will the people in this palace not wait to see him?

Some people who know that Meng Nan is a super strong are better. However, some people who are unclear will inevitably talk about gossip. In fact, in the view of Su Hang, Meng Nan is always so dependent on Wuji Palace. appropriate.

Su Hang shook his head. "Of course I asked myself. Brother Meng Nan don't think about it. I just thought that if Brother Meng Nan returns to the fairy, he can carry me. I also want to see the founding state before I can enter. Where is the fairy!"

Meng Nan waved his hand and said, "Sometimes I will come out and hide for a while. I haven't thought about going back in a while. Moreover, Brother Su, the path of spiritual practice is still a good step by step. Don't go too far!"

"I am purely curious!" Su Hangdao, with the strength of Meng Nan, should not make Pan Yu awaken to hide knowledge, but it is not too simple. However, Meng Nan has not done that, but it is natural. Therefore, Meng Nan Mostly, he was trying to find a reason for himself to stay in the chaotic world. In a short time, I was afraid that he did not want to return to the fairy!

Meng Nan said, "There is still that leisurely curiosity, let's take a good look at your current situation. The threat from the void, do you think it's gone? You still have a long way to go, there are still things to do. Many, half a year later, the forces of the void can come and go freely. What will be the general situation at that time, I can only see you, can you live in the town!"

After hearing Meng Nan talk about this matter, Su Hang took a deep breath. This was indeed a stone pressed in his heart. During this trip to the void, he gained a lot and also gained the goodwill of several forces~ However, Su Air is very clear that this is not enough, far from enough.

There are so many forces in the void, even if those few can restrain the doormen, then, what about other forces?

The existence of chaos really threatens the void, and the expansion of chaos squeezes the space of the void. Although it is not obvious now, there are many existences that can be seen. There must be a lot of existences that want to eradicate the chaotic world. of.

Including the Void Temple of the Temporary Alliance, Su Hang does not expect Gros to truly keep the contract. Now they may be able to bear it, but when it is really impossible to bear it, I am afraid that I will not be able to fight and join!

Su Hang took out something, "Brother Meng Nan, can I use this thing now?"

That was a key. The key that entered Meng Nan's treasure chest in the god's machine box was given to him by the system of learning the god. At this time, Su Hang directly took it out.

Because Su Hang knows, Meng Nan must know that he has the **** of learning system, otherwise, how could it happen that there will be an upgraded scroll of the **** of learning system in the treasure trove?

Meng Nan glanced at it, and didn't care, "Use it if you want to use it, ask me what I do?"

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