Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3084: The true use of Destiny Handbook!

There was no surprise at all because Suhang had this thing, as if nothing could raise Meng Nan's interest at all.

At this time, Su Hangdao said, "Brother Meng Nan has nothing to tell me?"

Meng Nan glanced at Su Hang, "What do you want to know?"

Su Hang took a deep breath, "That treasure house belongs to Meng Nan..."

"You want to know, where is the most valuable thing?" Meng Nan asked.

Su Hang did not feel embarrassed, and nodded directly, "If Brother Meng Nan can give instructions, Su will be grateful!"

"Hahahaha, Brother Su, you are also real enough!" Meng Nan laughed when he heard this, "In other words, there is nothing valuable in the treasure house for me!"

"Uh..." Su Hang heard the words, shaking his face slightly, "Nothing is valuable, Brother Meng, can you not hit people like this?"

It's really enough to hit people. For Su Hang and their gangs, every treasure in the treasure house is very precious. However, in Meng Nan's eyes, there is no one at all.

That's right, if Meng Nan's eyes can be seen, how can Meng Nan let people go in and choose casually?

Su Hang thought about it and said, "Anyway, should there be a value?"

"Let me think about it!" Meng Nan squeezed for a moment, and after a while, said, "It seems there is really such a thing!"

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Meng Nan in question.

Meng Nan said, "I remember, the ancestral chapter of the ancestral scripture is inside!"

Khan, Yu Ming articles? Su Hang listened, shook his head, "Yu Ming Pian, already!"

"Oh? Really?" Meng Nan gave Su Hang a strange look, and then smiled. "Then nothing will happen!"

Halo, Su Hang rolled his eyes silently, this Meng Nan, amuse yourself?

Meng Nan smiled, "Don't be so disappointed. For you, there are still a lot of good things in that treasure house, but everything pays attention to a fate. If I tell you all, isn't it boring?"

Su Hang thought about it, it was also the same reason, nodded immediately, "Brother Meng Nan, last time, I was trapped in the magical machine box for many days, must Brother Meng Nan give me a little compensation?"

"Oh!" Meng Nan laughed after hearing this, "Compensation? I said Brother Su, that box, I didn't ask you to go in. If everyone came to me like you to compensate, I can compensate." What? Anyway, you guys came out of it, which one didn’t take my stuff?"

Su Hang's forehead is covered with black lines, "Brother Meng Nan, your box, but it has hurt a lot of people. Fortunately, other people, trapped for countless years, can it be compensated by a baby What about it?"

Meng Nan shrugged. "It's better than nothing?"

This attitude is really no one, Su Hang shook his head, "I don't know, Brother Meng Nan engaged in that magic box, what was the original intention?"

"Where is the original intention?" Meng Nan waved his hand. "If you were not greedy, how could you be trapped?"

Speaking of which, Meng Nan leaned over and stretched his hand towards Suhang, as if to ask Suhang for something.

"Brother Meng Nan, this is..." Su Hang asked.

Meng Nan said, "Fate of Destiny, it's time to give me back!"

"What?" Su Hang froze for a moment. "Brother Meng Nan, aren't you kidding me? I haven't used that handful of times for that handbook. Will you take it back?"

Meng Nan nodded slightly, "I thought for a while, this thing is for you, it's really not safe, some things, once changed by you, I'm afraid even I can't grasp the future trends..."

"Future?" Su Hang frowned slightly.

"Yes, the future!" Meng Nan sighed. "You should also be able to see that what was recorded in the handbook is the future. I originally thought that it might be helpful to you, so take it I gave it to you, but then think about it carefully. For you, this thing will do more harm than good, because you can't control the future at all..."

Su Hangdao, "But, I don't think that this handbook has any disadvantages for me. On the contrary, it has saved me several times!"

Meng Nan glared, "Why are you so so stupid? I said he has a disadvantage for you, that's a disadvantage, come out!"

Meng Nan didn't seem to be joking, Su Hang smiled bitterly, could not afford to provoke him, so he could only take out the Destiny Shou Zha and gave it to Meng Nan.

Meng Nan took the paper and looked at it, with a satisfied smile on his face, and glanced up at Su Hang. "Fortunately, you don't know the true usage of this hand of destiny, otherwise, if you..."

"True usage?" Su Hang froze for a moment, then looked up at Meng Nan, his face puzzled.

Meng Nan smiled and said, "This destiny is just a draft of the future. Everyone can see his own future from above. However, it is in your hands, and you can only see the future through it. However, you never thought about changing the content on the paper?"

"Huh? Changed?" Su Hang froze for a moment, looking at Meng Nan strangely.

Meng Nan said, "You can completely change your page of the future. Unfortunately, you never thought of this layer, but okay, if you do that, there will be many more variables in the future..."

Su Hang stayed for a moment. What is the fate of this fate? According to Meng Nan, when you were trapped in the magical machine box at that time, you could completely modify the future on Destiny's hand, and escape from birth by modifying the plot?

The fate of the fate of this day, is it too much against the sky? With this thing in hand, is it still invincible? Even if you meet an even stronger opponent, you only need to modify the plot and give the opponent a plot to kill. Who can be your opponent?

His eyes fell on the white paper in Meng Nan's Su Hang felt he missed the whole world.

However, Meng Nan has already put away the white paper and cut off Su Hang’s thoughts, “Although this handbook is against the sky, but to modify the future, you also have to pay a price, and you don’t have to feel sorry. Wonderful skills are always not the right way to become stronger!


As long as I knew, Su Hang didn't ask Meng Nan to talk about it for a while. The benefits were not obtained. Instead, he asked him to take the destiny hand back!

The two men talked for a long time, and Su Hang didn't leave until the sky was bright. During this period, he asked Meng Nan some difficulties in practice. Meng Nan's realm was so deep that she could always make a lot of money for Su Hang!

Such opportunities are rare. If Meng Nan is not impatient, Suhang is not prepared to let him go.

Back at the residence, Yin Yuer found Su Hang and talked to Su Hang about one thing, saying that she was Pan Xin's mother.

Yesterday, after the dinner, Su Hang went to Meng Nan, but Yin Yuer went to Panlong Palace and saw Panxin's seven aunts and eight aunts!

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