Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1258: Song of Life?

?? That jade bottle is only the size of a snuff bottle!


   Long Tengfei had no doubt about him, took the bottle directly, opened the cap, fanned the wind, and sniffed into the nose!


   It was really fragrant, Dragon Soaring Feel only a trance, the real element in the body was surging, and Xiu Wei was actually growing!


   is extraordinary!


   "What kind of fragrance is this?"


  Longtengfei quickly closed the bottle and tasted the scent carefully. This scent is completely different from the scent he used before!


   He asked himself to know countless incense, most of the world's incense he dabbled, at this time, the incense in this bottle, so that he had no clue!


   Gouyang said, "According to the patriarch of the Blue Whale family, this incense is called the Song of Life, but it came from the Zu Kun family, and it can be called a gem!"


   "His blue whale family, originally descended from the Kun family, this incense was uploaded by their ancestors, only this money, in order to get this incense, I have also used some very special means!"


   "Song of Life?"


   Long Tengfei listened to this name and fell into contemplation. He didn't even hear this name at all, but it didn't mean that it didn't exist. The fairy is so big, and it's nothing strange. How can he know everything?


  Furthermore, it was handed down from the Zu Kun family again. You know, that Zu Kun family is one of the most mysterious races of fairy spirits!


   "I believe that the brother just smelled it, this incense has a wonderful effect on promoting the skill, and the effect of burning is better!"


   "Such a good thing, you are willing to give it to me?" Long Tengfei looked at Gouyang a little weirdly, it seemed that he did not believe in Gouyang's generosity!


Gou Yang waved his hand, "Brother Brother came to help me so far, and also sent God Domain Pill for me. I really don’t know what to do, I just talk about my heart, and then, if someone knows that Brother Brother came here from afar, the result Go back empty-handed, my brother is also dull!"


  Long Tengfei smiled faintly. Gouyang's remarks were justified. In the future, this man wanted to get confused in Zongmen, and he had to go back and give him a good word!


   "So fragrant, with your broken incense burner, it would be a shame!"


   looked at the maid next to him and brought the incense burner, wanting to get some incense to burn, and now took out from the sleeve, took out a small white jade lotus incense burner!


This incense burner is exactly the incense burner used by Long Tengfei. This person is very particular. His incense burner may not be the best, but it is definitely the most suitable for him. No matter what kind of spice, you have to use your own incense burner, otherwise I feel something less.


   "Senior brother, this fragrance is quite precious, only this money, it will be gone after running out, take some less..." Gou Yang's face with a painful expression!


Long Tengfei smiled, "Senior brother, I have been in a small place for a long time, but I have become a little kid, but how long can I use a spice, the so-called alone music is not as good as the public music, since the younger brother gave it to me, is it not , Can't I dispose of it yet?"


   "When, of course!"


   Gouyang smiled awkwardly, watching Long Tengfei poured almost half of the scent into the incense burner. This generous degree made him happy.


   This is completely death, no wonder others!


  Pour the incense into the incense burner, cover the incense burner lid, ignite the incense with real fire, Long Tengfei gently put the incense burner on the table in front of you!


  The curled white smoke quickly overflowed through the gap of the furnace cover, and soon spread like white mist, spreading out in the whole hall!


   The fragrance overflowed, and everyone could not help but stretch their noses and took a long breath!


so comfy!


   Gouyang felt comfortable all over, and couldn't help shivering. That kind of feeling was really great!


   "Brother, you are too wasteful!"


   Gouyang looked at the incense burner, his face hurt!


   "No problem, no problem!"


   Long Tengfei waved his hand, apparently wanting to show his generosity, but when he smelled a few burned fragrances, he said that he didn’t hurt, it was totally a joke!


   This incense is really good. After smelling a few sips, he can clearly feel that his qi and blood are boiling, and he hasn't refined the skill for a long time, but it is obviously growing.


   Obviously it is the merit of this incense, the secret of the Kun nationality? Song of Life?


   originally had some reservations about Long Tengfei, but now, he has determined that although he has not heard of this fragrance, this fragrance is definitely not lost to any fragrance he has used before.


   However, the matter has come to this point, he can never swallow the words he spit out again, it is a joke.


   The only thing that can recover the loss is to **** two more!


   Fortunately, he was the first to get the moon near the water platform, and the incense burner was placed in front of him. He naturally absorbed the most.


All of a sudden, the temple was very quiet, all breathing sounds. Everyone drank Kunlu in advance. I was immune to the side effects of this fragrance. Su Hang told them that apart from being a fan, The increase in skill is very beneficial, so, given this opportunity, everyone is definitely not willing to let it go.


   Including Su Hang sitting at the very end, this time is also a crazy suck, although I don't know who sucked the exhaust gas, but it still has an effect!


   The lowest level of Suhang, just entered the first-level state of the founding state, at this time smelling this excellent Kunxiang, you can also feel the obvious progress in skill!


   Anyway, I also got a lot of money, this opportunity, of course, I have to let myself enjoy it.


   The best-in-class Kunxiang is worthy of the top-ranked fragrant incense. Like Su Hang, some of them have low strength, and their skills have grown up. They can’t help but get into the hall!


   "These subordinates, I have never seen such good things, but it is to make you a joke!" Gouyang said Anyway! "


  Longtengfei waved his hands with pain, and a smile appeared on his face, but in that smile, it seemed to bring a bit of sleepiness!


   "Senior brother, don't care about them, you will try my hand-made jade liquid syrup, but I have treasured this for a long time, and I have been reluctant to take it out..."


   Gou Yang laughed and filled Long Tengfei with a cup of agar.


   "Brother Tengfei, welcome you!" Gouyang raised his cup and smiled at Longtengfei.


   Dragon took off the cup, but soon frowned, his eyes fell on the white slurry in the cup!


   Gou Yang's heart tightened. What expression did Long Tengfei realize?


   "Brother Tengfei, what's wrong with it?" Gouyang asked anxiously, if Long Tengfei was found to be clueless, he would have to lift the table immediately!


   "Your agar is a blend of geocentric rock milk and deep sea medulla? How do I look different?" Long Tengfei frowned slightly, and that tiredness was even worse!




   Gou Yang gave a laugh, "I'm not afraid of my brother's joke, the earth core rock milk is really precious and rare, so, my little brother mixed some water in it!"


   "Mixed with water?"


  Longtengfei's two eyebrows came together, "I'm afraid it's not as simple as mixing water?"

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