Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1259: What are you doing?



   Gouyang's heart was instantly together, did he really find out?


At this time, Long Tengfei sighed, "Brother, I know your person is alive, and likes to open up new ways to do anything. Just like cultivation, you don't learn the ancestral skills of the teacher, you have to create some inexplicable skills yourself. , Made it as it is now..."


  Longtengfei was actually a lesson. Gouyang listened, but he was not uncomfortable. He only cared about whether Longtengfei discovered that the agar was wrong.


  You must know that Su Hang added a lot of super-sense anesthetics. Although super-sense anesthetics are colorless and odorless, like water, it is hard to guarantee that Long Tengfei is very knowledgeable.


   "Senior brother learned the lesson!" Gouyang nodded again and again, only to promise!


Long Tengfei glanced at him and said, "If I am not mistaken, you have added a lot of other accessories in the agar slurry. Neptune is one of them. I know that you must think that there is not enough amount of geocentric rock milk. , It is replaced with Neptune milk, after all, Neptune milk is not high in value, you can still find some with your ability..."


   Hearing this, Gou Yang was relieved. It turned out to be this, and it scared me!


"Brother-in-chief is like a torch. This is indeed the addition of this sea king milk. Although the sea king milk is not as good as the earth's core rock milk, it is also a rare spiritual treasure in the deep sea. So I added some to it, which is considered to be good. Brother, is there anything wrong?" Gouyang asked.


"It's not just wrong?" Long Tengfei snorted. "Fortunately, you are not in the sect, otherwise if you let the teacher ancestor know that you are doing such a stupid thing, I am afraid that you will be shaved by two ears. Don't you know that the drug power of Neptune It belongs to Yin, and the core of the rock belongs to Yang. The two are put in one place, and the powers are mutually opposed, and they neutralize each other. In your cup of agar, there is still a bit of power in the deep sea stone pith!"


   When speaking, Long Tengfei had a little contempt on his face. This existence, which was once regarded as an opponent, now makes such a low-level mistake. It seems that Gou Yang really has no threat to himself!


  Longtengfei is quite superior, just like a primary school student who gave a lecture to the scum. At the end, he lifted the cup subconsciously and swallowed the slurry in the cup!


  Although the medicinal effect was rushed, there was still some points left, anyway, and the state of Long Tengfei didn't care about the medicinal effect, just taste it.


   Gouyang looked at him in amazement, so I drank it so simply?




   "Master, Master!"


   A voice to wake up Su Hang from entering the center!


   The really good Kunxiang is really powerful. Just for a while, Su Hang felt that his skills have improved a lot, so at the crucial moment, he couldn't help but settle in!


"How's it going?"


   Fortunately, he had not forgotten the business, the first thing to wake up, Su Hang asked.


   Gou Yang pointed to the side. Su Hang looked over and saw that Long Tengfei was already lying on the table case, and was sleeping soundly!


   "Down?" Su Hang walked over.


   "Poured!" Gouyang nodded, and still had some palpitations, "Almost found out by him, but the master's anesthetics and Kunxiang are fierce enough, under the double control, let him instantly sleep..."


Su Hang nodded slightly and watched Dragon Soaring Sleeping on the Table. This is a strong seventh-order peak, but he didn't dare to take it lightly and quickly moved the incense burner to Long Soongfei's nose, let him Breathe more, it's better not to wake up!


  To say that this dragon takes off, when we get tired, we should find that it is wrong. Unfortunately, this man believes too much in Gouyang, and he is unprepared at all. When he truly realizes that it is wrong, it is too late!


   "Master, let's do it quickly, lest there will be more nights and dreams!" Gouyang said.


   Su Hang nodded and let everyone quit the hall first!


  Everyone saw that the general situation had been settled, and they all left with peace of mind. They had just smoked a lot of Kunxiang and benefited a lot. At this time, the show was over and it was time to leave. Each time, each of the residences went to meditate!




   There are Su Hang and Gouyang left in the hall. Su Hang took out the slave bond contract that had been prepared long ago and started work!


  The existence of the seventh-order pinnacle of slavery is much more difficult than Su Hang thought!


   is not difficult at all, but it is very time-consuming, and it also consumes the mind. After all, the realm gap between the two is really too large, and the slavery across six or seven realms is not an easy task.


   Fortunately, Gouyang was there to protect the law, otherwise, Su Hang could not really devote himself to it!


   The time passed by one minute and one second, and after that, there were three full days, and the progress of slavery finally came to an end!


   "Brother Tengfei? What are you doing?"


  Just as Su Hang's slavery to Long Tengfei was about to be completed, a woman's delicate voice suddenly sounded from outside the temple!


   Su Hang was surprised, and squinted, a strange girl in a pale yellow dress appeared at the entrance of the hall.


   The woman was shocked when she saw the scene in the temple!


   frowned, who ran into trouble at this time?


   Su Hang did not have any mood to look at the beauty at this moment. The slavery had reached a critical juncture, and he was not allowed to be distracted. Once he was distracted, he would be defeated. If Long Tengfei woke up again, it would be in trouble!


   At this time, Gou Yang was also looking at the woman in front of him. When he saw the girl's face clearly, there was a hint of shock on his face!


   "Are you, Sister Lian'er?"


   Seeing the girl pounce, Gou Yang reached out and stopped asked.


  The girl heard the words and paused. Then she looked up at Gouyang as if she realized something, "Are you?"


Between Gouyang and Yuyu, there was a bit of indifference, "Sister and sister are really forgotten things, even I don't know Gouyang, but they are also right. How can you get your eyes like Sister and sister like me? "


   said, Gou Yang reached out and touched his face, only to see that his slightly old face quickly became immature, and in a moment, he became a charming young man with beautiful eyes!


   "Gou, are you Brother Gouyang?"


   Seeing this face, the girl was obviously a little flustered, and even looked like she was trying to escape.


   "Sister, is Goumou so terrible? Since he came, why not go again?"


   When the girl saw what she shouldn’t see, would Gouyang rest assured that she would let her go, and directly stopped in front of the girl, blocking her way!


   The girl was obviously flustered, but wanted to go but had nowhere to go. Gouyang stood in front of her, neither she fled nor stayed.


  Looked at the dragon that was lying on the table, the girl only recovered, "Gou, Brother Gouyang, you, what are you doing, what do you want to do, Brother Brother Takeoff?"


Gouyang glanced back, Su Hang was sitting in front of Long Tengfei, sweating heavily, and Long Tengfei was lying on the table, the incense burner in front of his nose was still burning, the scene was indeed strange and doubtful !

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