Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1057: Intelligence organization, two intelligence!

"Unexpectedly, I can see Zhimowen here!" Luo Chen said with a smile looking at the plaque not far away.

Zhimowen is a super intelligence organization established by a legendary powerhouse in the human race. Its power spans hundreds of races. Even among the ghost race and bone race that are hostile to the human race, there are shops for Zhimowen.

Except for the human race and the races that have good relations with the human race, Zhimowen does not have many shops in other races, most of which are located in the core area of ​​those races, and the city in front of you looks extremely remote, Luo Chen is the most At first, I never thought that Zhimowen would open a branch in such a place.

Therefore, after seeing Zhi Mowen's plaque, Luo Chen couldn't help feeling a little more happy.

"Go in and take a look," Zhang Qingshi also knew Zhimowen, and without any hesitation, she walked directly towards Zhimowen, pushed open the hidden door and walked in.

Luo Chen smiled when he saw it, and walked into Zhimowen with Jin Yu.

The store that Zhi Mowen occupies is not large, perhaps because of its remote location. The Zhimowen in this ice city is not as prosperous as the Zhimowen that Luo Chen has seen in other places.

An old man in a green shirt was lying on the counter, holding a puff fan in his hand, waving it constantly, fanning away the dust on the counter.

Seeing the figures of Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi, the old man in the green shirt was shocked, stopped his movements, greeted him, and said in surprise: "I can't expect to see fellow humans in this ghost place! I wonder what the two would like to consult. , I must know everything below!"

When Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi heard the old man’s words, the expressions on their faces did not fluctuate in the slightest. Every member of Zhimo asked, from the shopkeeper to the ordinary servant, is the most savvy businessman. In addition to the information inquired, Just listen to other words casually, if you really take it seriously, you will have to be cheated!

"Treasurer, what has happened to the Xue Clan recently?" Luo Chen took out a bottle of Purple Spirit Pill from Qiankun Ring, put it on the counter, and said lightly.

Zhimowen’s rules are that every time you ask for information, you need equivalent things or information in exchange, and the secrets in the Snow Clan’s changes are not accessible to ordinary people at all, so Luo Chen directly chose to use the Purple Spirit Pill As a transaction.

Luo Chen was not worried that Zhimowen would cheat him on the price, because although Zhimowen’s information was notoriously expensive, it was still worth the money. No one had ever gotten the same price in Zhimowen. Intelligence, this is why Zhimowen can span hundreds of races, even in the territories of the deadly enemies of the ghost race and the bone race, they can open branches!

The old man in green shirt saw the purple spirit pill Luo Chen had placed on the counter, and he did not pretend to be pretentious, so he pulled out the cork of the bottle and looked at the purple spirit pill, with a little smile on his face.

"The guest officer is really big," the old man in Qingshan looked at Luo Chen and said with a smile: "Five purple spirit pills are indeed enough to exchange information about the Xue Clan's incident. In addition, I know if I can ask the guest. Officially a way to crack the Snow Soul Curse."

With that said, the old man in the green shirt put the purple spirit pill away and activated a sound-proof enchantment. Then he said: "First answer the guest officer's first question. This time the snowy area has changed, and even the Snow Clan will not hesitate. The Xuehun curse was used because the ancestral land of the Xuezu was eroded by the road of hungry ghosts among the six reincarnations. The Xuezu wanted to use the curse to drive away the evil spirits in the road of hungry ghosts."

Hearing the words of the old man in Qingshan, Luo Chen's eyes condensed, and he said solemnly: "Six ways of reincarnation?"

The words of the old man in Qingshan reminded him of the ancient beast divine sect, the top sect that was jealous and tyrannical in the ancient times and ranked the top sect in the Universe Continent, because it was corroded by the Asura evil spirit in the Asura Dao, and it was destroyed overnight!

Now that the changes of the Xue Clan are also related to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, how does this make Luo Chen careless?

"Yes, it is indeed the six reincarnations," the old man in Qingshan nodded, and said: "The look of the guest officer should have heard of similar things. If I expected it to be true, the guest officer should know that the ancient beast **** sect was destroyed. Is the reason?"

"The shopkeeper's eye," Luo Chen didn't hide anything, and said calmly: "I once went deep into the relics of the Beast God Sect, knowing that the death of the Beast God Sect was due to the erosion of the evil spirits of the Shura Dao among the six reincarnations. Going crazy and wantonly killing the disciples of the Divine Beast Sect, this led to the destruction of this sect overnight."

Luo Chen didn't think that with Zhimowen's intelligence ability, he would not know the reason for the demise of the Beast God Sect, and the old man in the green shirt had already mentioned the reason for the destruction of the Ancient Beast God Sect!

"Since the guest official knows the reason for the demise of the Beast God Sect, it is easy to explain it," the old man in Qingshan nodded, and said: "The changes in the Snow Region and the reason for the destruction of the Beast God Sect are similar. The only difference is that the Beast God Sect was killed by Asura. Corroded, this led to an overnight destruction, but the Xue Clan faced the endless evil spirits in the Hungry Ghost Road."

Speaking of this, the old man in Qingshan paused, and then continued: "Now that we talk about the bonus information, there are many ways to crack the Snow Soul Curse. With the cultivation base of the two guest officers, the easiest way is to kill the Snow Territory. The fierce beast possessed by the evil ghost of the hungry ghost road can refining the Xuehun curse by using the heart of the evil spirit and the blood of the fierce beast as a guide."

"Thank you for the shopkeeper," Luo Chen said with a smile on his face.

With a way to crack the Snow Soul Curse, he and Zhang Qingshi will undoubtedly be able to crack the Snow Soul Curse earlier. Although Luo Chen does not think that the Snow Soul Curse will have any impact on him and Zhang Qingshi, it is also the same if it can be broken as soon as possible. A good thing.

"The guest officer doesn't have to thank me," the old man in Qingshan shook his head, and said lightly: "It's just a deal that you like. I don't have to pay for it. The old man can't afford this thank you."

Luo Chen didn't entangle on this issue either. He took out a bottle of Purple Spirit Pill again and put it on the counter, and said: "The second question, I want Jian Ancestor to stay in the Snow Territory inheritance related information."

"This information is not important news, just one purple spirit pill," the old man in Qingshan poured out a purple spirit pill from the jade bottle and returned the remaining purple spirit pill to Luo Chen before speaking. : "Sword Ancestor has only one inheritance in the Snow Region, the extremely ice forest outside the Snow Clan's ancestral land, but the method of opening the Jian Ancestral inheritance is temporarily unclear."

"Extremely Bing Forest?" Luo Chen nodded, with a little more smile on his face, the old man in the green shirt smiled: "Thank you for the shopkeeper."

After speaking, Luo Chen left Zhimowen with Zhang Qingshi and Jin Yu directly, without stopping at all, and hurried towards the extremely ice forest...

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