Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1058: Extreme ice forest, amazing changes!

Three days later, deep in the snowy area, there was a very ice forest.

The figures of Luo Chen, Zhang Qingshi and Jin Yu appeared on the periphery of the Extreme Ice Forest. Looking at the ice crystals in front of him, Luo Chen couldn't help but smile a little more.

Because the sword ancestor Jianjing in his heart suddenly became active a lot, obviously, the inheritance of the sword ancestor is indeed located in the extremely ice forest!

"This is the Extreme Ice Forest?" Zhang Qingshi looked at the scene in front of her with a little surprise in her eyes.

Although she is the top genius of the Sword Realm and the proud girl of the Sword Sect, she has far more knowledge than her peers, but she has never been to the Snow Realm before and does not know much about the Snow Realm. Originally, she thought the Extreme Ice Forest was It was deserted, but the sight before her surprised her.

Hearing Zhang Qingshi's words, Luo Chen laughed, but he learned a lot about Extreme Ice Forest from the classics of Beast God Sect.

The so-called polar ice forest is actually not a piece of ice and snow, but because it is located in the depths of the snow, it has such a name.

Although the climate inside the polar ice forest is still lower than that of other places in the Universe Continent, it is already a rare warm place compared to other places in the snowy area.

It is precisely because of the climate of the extremely ice forest that many creatures have been bred in it. Among them, the intelligent creatures gathered together to become the snow race today, and the depths of the extreme ice forest are regarded by the snow race. In Ancestral Land, if someone trespasses into the depths of the extreme ice forest, it is bound to attract the thunder anger of the Snow Race!

"Let's go in and take a look," Luo Chen said to Zhang Qingshi, looking at the extremely ice forest in front of him: "The Snow Clan does not prohibit other creatures from entering the periphery of the extremely ice forest, as long as they don't go deep into the extremely ice forest.

According to Zhimowen's intelligence, the inheritance of Senior Sword Ancestor is located outside the extreme ice forest, relying on the sword crystal left by Senior Sword Ancestor, it should not waste too much time. "

Zhang Qingshi nodded and said with a cold voice: "In addition to the inheritance of the Patriarch, if you can find the beast possessed by the evil spirit, you can also kill it easily. After all, the Snow Soul Curse is an unstable factor. It is better to get rid of it earlier. ."

Luo Chen naturally had no objection. They had encountered a fierce beast possessed by a demon on their way here, and was easily beheaded by them, taking away the core of the demon and the blood of that beast.

However, the blood of the fierce beast and the core level of the evil spirit were too low, only to wipe out part of the Xuehun curse on Zhang Qingshi, but this proved that Zhimowen's intelligence did not go wrong, as long as they killed enough For the many fierce beasts possessed by evil spirits, it is only a matter of time to release the Snow Soul Curse.

"Jin Yu, you stay outside," Luo Chen turned to Jin Yu and said, "The situation in the extremely ice forest is unknown, plus you are about to successfully transform into the Nine Nether Demon Peng, with the breath of six reincarnations. Entering the extreme ice forest, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not cause misunderstandings, you just sit outside, ready to support us at any time."

"Yes, Master!" Jin Yu nodded, and showed his true body directly, flying towards the sky.

Upon seeing this, Luo Chen turned to look at Zhang Qingshi and smiled: "Senior Sister, let's go."

Zhang Qingshi drew out the Shuangshen Sword and followed Luo Chen. The two figures quickly disappeared outside the extreme ice forest.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a place in the snowy area," Zhang Qingshi looked at the surrounding scenes in the extremely ice forest, and couldn't help but sigh.

Although she had discovered some clues when she was outside the polar ice forest, Zhang Qingshi discovered that the polar ice forest was more prosperous than she had imagined after she actually entered this place.

She was surrounded by towering old trees all around, only the outer part was covered by frost and became a crystal clear ice sculpture, but the other old trees were a lush scene.

Even Zhang Qingshi discovered that many plants that are not suitable for growing in ice and snow are growing tenaciously in this extremely ice forest.

"Perhaps the extremes of things must be reversed," Luo Chen said with a smile: "The extreme north where the snowy area is located has always been a barren, and the snowy area is already a difficult and prosperous area on this barren land.

But even so, the snowy environment is worse than other parts of the mainland. In this case, it is not surprising that the core of the snowy area is different.

After all, this extremely ice forest gathers the essence of the snowy region. Perhaps it is precisely to feed this extremely ice forest that the snowy environment may be so bad. "

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Zhang Qingshi nodded, and soon absorbed his mind, and said to Luo Chen: "Go to the place where the Patriarch's inheritance is."

Before Zhang Qingshi's words fell, a white shadow suddenly threw out from the dense forest not far away, and rushed towards Zhang Qingshi with a fishy wind!

"Senior Sister, be careful!" Luo Chen quickly reminded that the sword embryo behind him appeared in his hand at some point, and he slashed out with a single sword.

Hearing Luo Chen's voice, Zhang Qingshi felt awe-inspiring, and she directly stretched her body skills and swept a distance to the side, just to avoid the white shadow's pounce.

In the next moment, the sword energy that Luo Chen had cut out collided with the white shadow, and a blood mist exploded in the air. The white shadow was split into two, and the corpse fell on the ground, so he couldn't die again.

After the Bai Ying's corpse fell, Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi could see exactly what the Bai Ying was.

"Ice ape?" Zhang Qingshi looked at the corpse on the ground and couldn't help but wondered: "How could it be such a thing?"

Luo Chen smiled when he heard Zhang Qingshi's words, but his eyes were also a little more solemn.

The name of this beast, Luo Chen, is no stranger to Ice Ape, because it is a very docile beast in the snowy area. Because of its cute appearance, it is often domesticated as pets by the big ladies of the human race.

But the ice ape in front of me is completely inconsistent with cuteness, and its features are completely hideous, especially the bleak green light on its paws, which shows that this ice ape is not like other ice apes. Generally harmless to humans and animals.

"It should be because of the evil spirit possessed by the hungry ghost," Luo Chen looked at the corpse of the ice ape, and said solemnly: "The evil beast we encountered before was possessed by evil spirits, although its strength has improved. However, the changes are not significant. The changes in the ice ape in front of us are quite astonishing. Perhaps the danger encountered by the Snow Clan this time is more serious than we thought!"

While speaking, Luo Chen remembered the tragic situation of the ancient beast **** sect. Such a prosperous sect was destroyed overnight. Although the Snow Clan was tyrannical, it was not much better than the ancient beast **** sect. Ghost Road, Snow Race may not be able to resist.

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. We will obtain the inheritance left by the Sword Ancestor as soon as possible, and then we will try our best to lift the Snow Soul Curse and leave the snowy area as soon as possible!"

Luo Chen looked at Zhang Qingshi, the smile on his face slowly converged, and said with a serious face.

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