Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1075: Return to the snowy area, anxious heart!

"But you don't want to rely on this ability to dominate space to explore some Jedi, and do not want to use the ability to dominate space to let you escape from danger."

As if seeing through Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi’s thoughts, Zhen Wu said with a calm expression: “Since the great changes in the universe of the Universe Continent, the dominating space has become a tool for dominating and screening inheritors. Before completely taking control of the dominating space, the dominating space transmits at will Will be blocked.

You can only open the passage of the dominating space anywhere to enter the dominating space, and after going out, the place where you are will still be where you were when you entered the dominating space, and there will be no slight change.

And after you completely dominate the space, there are probably not many strong people on the Universe Continent that can pose a threat to you, and those strong should all know the existence of the dominator. For you at that time, dominating the space is just A more convenient teleportation array. "

Hearing Zhen Wu's words, Luo Chen couldn't help being a little disappointed. Those masters were thoughtful and didn't give them a chance to take advantage of the loopholes!

"Other than that, there is nothing special about dominating the space," Zhen Wu smiled and said with a calm face: "If the little master and this young hero have no other problems, let's say goodbye."

Luo Chen subconsciously clicked, and Zhang Qingshi didn't have the slightest doubt. In fact, she was still a little dizzy now, and she couldn't think of any questions to ask for a while, plus she is now the master of this space dominating the space. , If there are any problems at that time, it can also refer to the choice of consulting Tsing Yi or Zhen Wu, so Zhang Qingshi did not ask any questions.

When Zhenwu saw this, he stopped talking, and disappeared in place.

"This **** runs fast," Hei Tan curled his lips when he saw it, and said to Luo Chen: "The role of dominating space is similar to that of the bastard. The rest is because the inheritance of each master is different, just like my master. The remaining ancient dwellings of Enlightenment are the same, but those things need to pass relevant tests before they can be unlocked. Even if I tell you now, it's useless."

Luo Chen just nodded, then let go of Hei Tan, and said to Zhang Qingshi: "Senior Sister, do you want to stay here for a while to understand the other functions of this place dominating the space?"

"No need," Zhang Qingshi shook his head and smiled when he heard the words; "I only temporarily have the qualifications to control this space, but if I want to open other functions, I need to pass other tests.

It was extremely difficult for me to pass the first three levels, and I am afraid that it is impossible to pass the remaining levels. For me, the most important thing at present is probably to hit the realm of Martial Saint as soon as possible. "

Zhang Qingshi can still remember that Tsing Yi said before that she wants to pass other tests in this space, at least at the Martial Saint realm, so she is not in a hurry to challenge the test in that space in a short time.

Luo Chen didn't say much when he heard this. He also heard what Qing Yi said before. Although Luo Chen didn't know much about Qing Yi, he also knew that Qing Yi would not deceive Zhang Qingshi on such matters.

"Then we will leave here when Senior Sister adjusts our breath," Luo Chen nodded to Zhang Qingshi and said.

Zhang Qingshi swallowed the purple spirit pill and the ultimate spirit gathering pill he refined and the pill he refined with a variety of heavenly materials and earth treasures that could stabilize the foundation. Although it was over-consumed before, it was only a matter of time to recover.

"Junior Brother Luo don't worry, I'm almost recovered," Zhang Qingshi opened a space channel casually, and said to Luo Chen: "Let's leave here first, after all, we have delayed some time here, even if the time flow here is more The outside world is faster, and there is no guarantee that nothing will happen to the outside world."

She is now the master of this space, and opening a space channel is naturally not a problem, but the place that this space channel leads to is where they came from.

Luo Chen nodded and left the dominating space directly with Zhang Qingshi through that space channel. As for Heitan, after Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi left, they also directly opened a space channel and left this space...


Snowy, extremely ice forest.

A dark spatial vortex emerged out of thin air, and then Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi walked out of the spatial vortex.

"Senior Sister, be careful, there are changes nearby," Luo Chen just walked out of the whirlpool, his eyes swept from all around subconsciously, and then he said with a solemn expression.

The place where they are now is the place where the space passage opens when they enter the Domination Space left by the Lord of Swords. It's just different from before they entered the Domination Space. The corpses of the fierce beasts that were killed by Yan Mo are actually missing. And fly!

If it were not for the existence of some broken scales and feathers, Luo Chen couldn't even believe that before this, a large number of beasts had been beheaded here!

Zhang Qingshi nodded, holding the Yin Shuang Sword in his hand, carefully watching the surroundings.

She also noticed the changes in the surroundings. She didn't know what happened around the time she and Luo Chen were away, but now it is the time when the Snow Region is changing, so she naturally wouldn't care about it.

"Leave the snowy area first," Luo Chen looked around and found nothing unusual, and immediately said to Zhang Qingshi.

The changes in the Snow Region involve six reincarnations, and Luo Chen doesn't want to be involved in it.

Zhang Qingshi naturally does not have any objections. As the legendary second Jedi in the mainland, the dangers of the Six Paths of Reincarnation can be imagined. Zhang Qingshi does not think that it will be easy to get out of this kind of thing by virtue of his own strength.

After that, Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi didn't stay in the slightest, and went straight to the outside of the extreme ice forest. At the same time, Luo Chen also used the soul contract to summon Jin Yu over, making Jin Yu wait for them outside the extreme ice forest.

The speed of the two was not slow, and they did not encounter any obstacles during the period, but they easily walked out of the extremely ice forest and saw Jin Yu who was waiting outside.

"Master, you can count as coming back!" The moment he saw Luo Chen, Jin Yu hurried up and said eagerly: "We have to leave the snowy area as soon as possible."

"How long have I been away?" Luo Chen asked Jin Yu so eagerly, "Could it be that what happened in the Snow Region?"

"Master, let's leave here first. I will tell the master about the matter slowly on the way," Jin Yu didn't answer immediately. Instead, he directly showed his true body and asked Luo Chen to leave this Qing poem quickly.

Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi knew that the matter was urgent when they saw it, and they landed directly on Jin Yu's back without any delay. The next moment, Jin Yu directly shook his wings and flew towards the outside of the snowy area...

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